Chapter 291 Liu Qing Knows Current Affairs
"Oh, I dare not. Grandmothers, gentlemen, and ladies, you have worked hard today to testify for me." Following his yin and yang shouts, the people gathered.

Wang Ge grabbed Mrs. Zou's wrist: "Sister, don't worry, he won't be rude if he dares to show off."

Sima Tao looked around in satisfaction, and cupped his hands to briefly describe what happened: "A few days ago, eight town soldiers made mistakes and paraded through the streets, and I was the chief envoy. I did something wrong in a moment of confusion, and I admit it. The county office sentenced me to this girl I was wrong, because I had an old grievance with her, so I asked everyone to prove it, lest she deny it later."

Some people remembered: "Yes, yes, he was the one who walked in the front. He killed the enemy and brought the dead head back to Xiangping to receive the meritorious service. On the way, he used the dead head to scare the little girl who was on the way."

"Is that wrong?"

"It's really nothing to meet a bold person, but how old is his little girl."

Amid the divergent opinions, Sima Tao looked at Wang Ge and apologized: "Miss Wang, I was wrong." After speaking, he bowed solemnly and raised his head.

Wang Ge returned the salute, and then asked: "Mr. Sima Lang, can I go?"

"Can I be exempted from labor punishment?"

"Lang Jun is confused again, the punishment order was issued by the soldiers. There are so many witnesses, it has proved that I accept the apology, and the rest is out of my control."

" pretend to be ignorant!" After bickering back and forth, did the people on the street become her witnesses?
"Sister Zou, let's go."

Sima Tao walked on the other side of Wang Ge, suppressing his anger, and said quickly: "Miss Wang, Master Wang, you can see that there are so many soldiers from the city today, I can't keep up with this group of marchers, one step too late, one step ahead Buwan, I'm really anxious. I admit that I deliberately troubled you twice, and I was beaten once. This time, I admit everything I should admit, and I am ashamed. Isn't that what you want to seek justice for? What’s more, a dead head belongs to an enemy soldier, so how about hating it enough to ruin my future?”

The people in Bianjun really love to watch the excitement, the gathered circle is always moving and following each other, and they are afraid to miss it, the upper body is all slanted during the process of following.

Madam Zou blushed.

Wang Ge smiled and nodded: "What Mr. Sima Lang said is that the grievances between you and me should be settled."

"Where is the soldier?"

"Bing Cao? What's wrong?"

"Punishment for building the city wall."

"I forgot that Mr. Sima Lang is still going to repair the city wall, so I bid farewell."

"What are you saying goodbye to! Wang Ge, that's the enemy's head. It's a big mistake for you to take a look at it? Then what are the brave men waiting for me to fight the enemy soldiers on the front line? Are we not afraid? Who are we looking for?" To complain, who to ask for reasoning?"

Someone praised: "Well said!"

Wang Ge raised his voice: "Indeed, you are right. But do we ordinary people have nothing to do? Did you let you starve and kill the enemy? Did you let you fight the enemy empty-handed? The food you eat and the weapons you use , Did you run to the battlefield with your own long legs?"

An old woman raised her arm: "Well said!"

Both of them had knives in their eyes, and they clashed in the air instantly.

Sima Tao didn't follow any more, and when the spectators thought there was nothing more to watch, he shouted: "I remembered how I offended Mr. Wang, you are a shipwright, but you can't even distinguish the position of a river boat at night. I don’t know. At that time, I questioned you, and you felt ashamed, so if you caught me making a mistake, you would not let me go.”

Ah... Surprised sounds all around.

Looking back, Wang Ge must not bring up the matter of Jingjipo at this time. Since it will offend all the brave men from Kuaiji County, if it gets to the ears of the Kuaiji County magistrate, what will he think of her? "Mr. Lang is dissatisfied with my craftsman level, you can go to Dongyi Mansion and the county office to beat drums and appeal."

Sima Tao's eyes narrowed slightly, this maid didn't mention Jingjipo's record, she was really shrewd! "Hmph, what does fairness or injustice have to do with me about the craftsman's matter? Everyone understand, Master Wang admits that I have a grudge with her in this way. She can't swallow that breath, so I will treat it in front of everyone in the city." It's not enough to admit my mistakes to her, she hopes that I will be fined by the soldiers for three months of hard labor, she knows my ambition is to go to the battlefield to kill the enemy to earn merit! So... Master Wang, are you really afraid of that human head? Are you angry at me for exposing you as unworthy to be a shipbuilder, or are you angry with me for a long time, thinking that the enemy soldiers should not die in my hands?"

The surrounding people paid attention to Wang Ge, and some people showed anger.

Mrs. Zou was so angry that she was panting heavily, but Wang Ge held her hand tightly and tapped a finger on her wrist all the time, she couldn't bear it.

Wang Ge: "According to Mr. Sima Lang, you questioned my shipwright's ability at that time, not because you felt unfair for other shipwrights, but... because you were angry about the dead Yangzhou rebels and the smashed enemy ships. ?”


"By the Fuchun River, Sima Daoji, who was in charge of the history of Sili, made me a culprit. You deserve to slander me? Why, you want to ask me what I have done in front of so many people? You know that the rebels have remnants I have established a secret contract with the Kuaiji County Office..."

"How do I know what kind of secret agreement you have made?"

"So you admit that you know there are remnants of the rebels!"

"Sima Tao, I testify, you know." Liu Qing squeezed into the crowd, stood side by side with Wang Ge, and first explained his background: "Everyone, the Liaodong County I came with him is an old acquaintance. I'm in it too. Sima Tao, if you lie again, let's go to the county office to confront it now. Master Wang, what happened two days ago was my ignorance, and I admit my mistake to you."

He took a step forward and warned in a low voice: "Don't mention the secret agreement here. There will inevitably be spies among the common people. Punishing Sima Tao will be bad for you... mainly because it's not worth it."

"Liu Langjun is very good at talking."

"It's all about knowing the times."

Wang Ge tilted his head, and Liu Qing quickly stepped aside.She smiled at him, she did have eyesight. "Mr. Sima Lang, can I go this time?"

It took only a few breaths from Liu Qing's appearance, Sima Tao's eyes were red, and the veins on his forehead were throbbing with anger. "Carpenter Wang, are you really afraid of that human head?"

It's over!Liu Qing knew that nothing could stop him.His elder father used to be the captain of Sili. When Sima Tao stopped Wang Ge, he hid in the crowd and observed Wang Ge. He was defeated by her twice, how dare he despise Wang Ge again.Then, he noticed the movement of her touching the sleeve, there seemed to be a rectangular outline in the sleeve, what kind of utensil did she grope for when arguing with Sima Tao?
Liu Qing analyzed Wang Ge's words again. She the Fuchun River, Sima Daoji set her up... Does this mean that Sima Daoji met her by the Fuchun River?Sima Daoji and other outstanding talents never act according to the routine. If he is appreciated by him, Liu Qing suspects that Wang Ge may have another identity. She is a Si Li Tu Bing!
So thinking of the many years of friendship, he didn't want Sima Tao to be imprisoned, but unfortunately, it was too late.

It is indeed late.

Wang Ge's eyes became serious.

Sima Tao gritted his teeth, and changed the question to a few words: "You are angry at me because you can't bear the death of the enemy soldiers, right?"

What? !The people who heard this clearly glared at Wang Ge to see how she would respond.Those who are kind to the enemy soldiers will be punished!
(End of this chapter)

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