Chapter 293 Liu Qing's Transformation

Today is the beginning of autumn.

On the streets of Xiangping, the green leaves of the trees detached from the branches without any warning, and drifted obliquely in the wind.Fu Jun was tall, and he stretched out his hand to hold it. Behind him, he glanced at his friend's actions, and then looked at the goods under the thatch again.

There are a lot of harnesses for sale, including those made of gold, silver, copper, shellfish, and woodcut.They just came from Changli County. In comparison, Liaodong County is too prosperous.It's a pity that it's not as cheap as I thought before I came to Pingzhou. The price of finely polished harness is almost the same as the selling price of the horse market in Kuaiji County.

Fu Jun walked back, and took the silver chest that Bian Dan was looking at, and every piece of "Ke" decoration that fell on it was made of copper.The pieces of silver are crystal clear, shaped like ginkgo leaves, and inlaid on square pieces of leather; the brass is heavy, and the pattern of Ke is double-sided. The front is a vigorous tree crown, and the back is a combination of auspicious clouds and tassels. "Well, it's really good."

Bian Dan grinned widely.

Fu Jun glared at his friend, there was nothing he could do, the two pooled together the rest of the money, put on two pairs of leather boots, and finally bought this set of chest climbing.

Keep going, there are more pig and poultry sellers on both sides of the street, and the smell is not bad because of the frequent sweeping of manure.What made the two teenagers curious was that the chickens in Liaodong County were extremely ugly, with sparse feathers, especially the roosters, each of them seemed to be insane, pecking at anyone approaching.

Immediately afterwards, Fu Jun found out the reason.Every poultry stall has baskets for feathers. He asked the merchant, "Can chicken feathers be sold alone?"

"Of course. Don't blame me for not reminding you, prepare more, and the price will increase tomorrow."

"Who buys chicken...feather?" Bian Yan hurriedly covered his mouth, he didn't mean to curse anyone. "Ah, Jun, I saw Liu Qing."

Holding the medicine box, Liu Qing heard the voice calling him so familiar, looking back, he was pleasantly surprised! "Ajun, Adan, why did you come to Xiangping? When did you come?"

The three went to a secluded place to talk.

Bian Dan: "It was my father who sent me a message that the officials allowed brave men from various counties to come to Bian County and win the spot of the young guards by virtue of their military exploits, so that they don't have to go through the steps of the quasi-guards."

Fu Jun further explained: "If the credit is high enough, you can go directly to the Sizhou Guard Barracks!"

Liu Qing smiled bitterly: "Military merit is not so easy to earn."

Fu Jun: "That's right. If it's easy to make money, wouldn't those quasi-guards who passed the assessment become a joke. Ah Qing, how long have you been here? Did you come here by yourself?"

"I've been in Xiangping for a month. I came with Sima Tao, I knew the court would encourage me to wait, so why bother to find a master craftsman?"

Both of them saw that Liu Qing's face was not right, Bian Yan asked: "Where is Sima Tao...?"

"Not far from here, in the prison." Liu Qing briefly described how the other party had a grudge with Wang Ge, and then said: "Master Wang didn't target him, but he didn't have the time to target him. My five senses promised me to see Sima every five days Tao once."

Bian Tan patted Liu Qing on the shoulder, not knowing what to say.

On the other hand, Fu Jun has never been used to Sima Tao, and said bluntly: "Hmph, he deserves it for himself! Ah Qing, you should stop staying in Xiangping for this kind of person. Think more for yourself. By the way, do you know the Order of Merit?"

"En." Liu Qing raised four fingers.

Bian Tan corrected: "It's not four years, the total number of meritorious service will be counted after five years."

Liu Qing smiled brightly: "I mean, I already have four meritorious deeds."

Fu Jun and the two were dumbfounded, even more shocked than hearing Sima Tao go to jail. "How did you earn it? Tell me!"

"Haha, it's almost noon, let's go, follow me to the official residence, let's talk as we walk."

There are two ways for rural soldiers to earn merit points.

One is the feat of killing the enemy.In addition to the number of kills, the status of the killed in the enemy also determines the number of meritorious service.Liu Qing's first number of meritorious service was to kill a scout soldier, which is equivalent to an ordinary spy. If he is alive, he can exchange for two points, and for the head, he can exchange for one point.

The second is to protect meritorious deeds.Dispatched by the government to protect meritorious men, blocking assassinations and warding off disasters can be converted into meritorious deeds.If the protected person makes meritorious deeds, Liu Qing can receive the corresponding number of meritorious deeds according to the number of meritorious deeds.

Fu Jun frowned, and said in disbelief, "So, you are the carpenter Wang Ge's guard now?"


"The chickens on the street are all bald, and the price of feathers has increased because the bellows she made are being promoted, and the bellows need to be sealed with rooster feathers? Liaodong County reports the bellows to the court, no matter how much merit it can be converted, but your little bit The number of meritorious service can definitely be counted?"

Liu Qing nodded one after another: "Yes. After she won the title of 'Liaodong Master' in the county-level competition, she took part in a competition for improving agricultural machinery and won the first place again. The modification was a spraying cabinet, and the county office again Report this farm equipment to the capital. It was also after this competition that I discovered a spy following her. I was afraid that there were other spies hiding around, so I reported it to the patrol without recklessly confronting her."

Bian Tan sighed: "This is not faster than going to the front to kill the enemy and earn merit!"

"The first time I protected her was when she had a dispute with Sima Tao that day, and I realized that there were hidden spies among the people. Gong Cao and Bing Cao felt that I was cautious, and allowed me this task. I really did not expect to earn three dollars in a few days." A number of meritorious service, plus Bingcao gave me back the credit for killing the enemy before, so it is four meritorious figures. Haha."

Crazy!Both Fu Jun and Fu Jun beat him hard.

The more Liu Qing felt grateful to Wang Ge, the more ashamed he felt.He said solemnly: "In terms of crafting skills, Master Wang often has fantastic ideas. In terms of dealing with people, she has a clear distinction between grievances and grievances, and her openness is far better than ordinary children. Sima Tao has hurt her several times, but luckily he didn't succeed!" At the end , more disgusted with the old friendship.He is no longer staying in Xiangping for Sima Tao, but wants to see what kind of strange things Wang Ge can make again and again.

Fu Jun enviously said: "You two are so nice. Your elder father used to be the captain of Sili, and your father is now the captain of Sili. You are the best at dealing with spies. What are you hugging? so tight?"

Liu Qing: "The medicine box contains sulfur."

Bian Dan: "Sulphur can be used when the wound is a malignant sore. Ah Qing, you..." He looked up and down the other party as he spoke, and it didn't look like he was ill at first glance.

When they arrived at the county office, the three of them stopped chatting for a while. Liu Qing took the two of them to the official office, where the official registered and changed their permanent resident status. For the Buxianshan Defense Camp, the registration time is one day, and the departure will start the next day.

The words are divided into two parts.

At the beginning of noon, the Awakening of Insects Carpenter's House.

Wang Ge cut two piles of wooden strips, the wood is fir and pine.

In her previous life, when she was learning how to make fire zhezi, she consulted the "Qingyilu" written by Tao Gu in the Northern Song Dynasty, which mentioned a kind of firearm called "Yinhuonu", which was later also called "Huocuntiao".The preparation method is to cut fir into thin strips and dye it with sulfur. It will burn when it encounters sparks, and it is used when there is an emergency at night.

In the later period, Tao Zongyi's "Stop Farming Record" in the late Yuan and early Ming Dynasties recorded a kind of fire-taking device called "fazhu". top.

These two kinds of fire starters cannot be blown at any time like fire pockets, but they are several times more flammable than ordinary igniters. It can be said that they are equivalent to the predecessor of matches.

Huozhe is difficult to control, and even the commanders of the army cannot equip them, let alone ordinary soldiers.But Wang Ge wanted to make fire-inch strips, not only to promote them in the army and ordinary people's homes, but she felt that it was a pity that sulfur was only used for medicine and was used for alchemy by Taoists.

The flammable properties of this material should also be promoted.

 Panchest: Same as "Ke", they are all horse accessories.

(End of this chapter)

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