Chapter 299 Who's Qin Ji?
After teaching craftsmanship and signing a secret contract?Mrs. Zou understood, and didn't ask Wang Ge what he said.She relayed all the conversations with Liu Qing, and then said: "I separated from Liu Langjun and went to the official office to find the bamboo slips recorded by the two Liaodong master craftsmen. One was surnamed Chen, and was seriously injured in the market and the population corner seven years ago. One person, surnamed Yuan, was trampled by a mad bull rushing up the road when passing by the outskirts of the county. Unfortunately, there are too few words, so it is difficult to find out where the offender is now?"

"Crazy bull stampede?" Wang Ge remembered, "Jiangshi Yuan used to be the chief craftsman of the Jingzhe Carpenter's Factory. After he injured his head, he passed away in less than half a year. The title of craftsman, when I chatted with the craftsman who was with me, he said that Yuan craftsman had mentioned to others before he was injured that there is still room for improvement in the light crossbow."

Mrs. Zou punched her left palm with her right hand: "It's such a pity! It's been too long. If the offender can be found and re-examined, maybe we can get some clues."

Wang Ge entered the utility room, and the two of them carried tools and wood outside together. Wang Ge said: "According to my sister and Liu Langjun's speculation, there is a way to try. Although I am a layman, I feel that cultivating spies is not only To cultivate people, you must also cultivate the environment. As long as a certain place of permanent residence is not exposed, you will not give up easily, old spies leave, new spies come, and even the neighbors may be spies, right?"

"I know what you mean. The road that Master Yuan rushed to the Jingzhe Carpenter's House back then is also the road you are passing by now. If the influence of Master Shangyuan is not eliminated, then they will continue to live nearby. At the beginning of the promotion of Quyuan Plow, not many people know that you made the new plow. After you passed the bellows to be admitted as a Liaodong master craftsman, someone will guess it. No, it’s okay to guess wrong! The Liaodong master craftsman who can make bellows is still so young , must be an unrivaled craftsman, far superior to ordinary talented craftsmen!"

"Sister, you really want to take this opportunity to praise me at this time."

Lady Zou pursed her lips and smiled: "I'm proud of you."

Wang Ge said back to the topic: "Today, I signed a secret agreement on the content of teaching craftsman skills, but I can't hide the teaching. My idea is to invite you in advance for the next holiday. Every two days, Liu Langjun Go with Duan Yongfu instead of elder sister to patrol the fields to see if any farmers have heard about you."

"Yes. Ways go hand in hand. If I deliberately show up in the market, I may gain something else. Age is busy. We have to tell Wang Shuzuo about this method first."

As soon as Mrs. Zou left, Wang Ge began to carve wooden blocks.Due to weak tenon and tenon joint skills, she still promotes a concept.These wooden blocks will be based on sand, which can not only be assembled into cities, fixed sites for garrison pavilions, but also simulate detailed terrain in wars.

The most important thing is to use the wooden map to demonstrate how to use the various weapons she improved in the future, or complement each other, or restrain each other.Such as "wooden city", such as "pheasant tail torch" and so on.

Thorn... stab... the sound of wood chipping.

Duk duk... The sound of tenon knocking was crisp and sometimes heavy, attracting a black bird with red beak and yellow legs to stop in front of her. It also had two smears of yellow on its neck, and its little head was tilted curiously, making it even more clever.

Wang Ge heard the flapping of the wings, paused his movements, and laughed at the little guy's traitor-like split head, and asked it, "Aren't you afraid?"

Blackbird tilted his head to the other side, as if trying to figure out what she was talking about.

Wang Getong's heart arose, and he gesticulated a knife at it viciously: "Are you an interpreter? Whoosh, I'll kill you."

"Countless." It turned around and flew up ten feet high, repeating the sentence "Countless" and flew away.

Wang Ge was dumbfounded, what's going on?This bird is "Qin Ji"?It was not until the Ming Dynasty that it was called "Liao Ge".

She was scolded by a bird, who raised her!
In the afternoon, when the lady came back, she drank cold water, wiped the water stains around her mouth, and sat down to watch Wang Ge carve wood.

The lady is pungent and thinks that looking at carved wood can calm her mind.Usually at this time, she encountered troubles, Wang Ge was used to it, and the two of them did not bother each other like this.

An infantry module has been carved, with five human figures as a model, and the soles of the feet are all extended, so that the base of the entire wooden block is connected vertically and horizontally.The back of the base is a tenon, which can be directly inserted into the sand when used.

A little bit of sawdust is like time.

Two days later, Liu Qing and Duan Yongfu came to the farmland in the outskirts of the county.

In Liaodong County, there are three kinds of officials responsible for patrolling the fields and persuading farmers: follow the small history, scattered officials, and tour officials in various townships.In fact, the division of labor of many low-level officials is not fixed. When the farming is slack, the responsibilities of these three types of officials will gradually shift to local governance and chaos, assisting in food collection and disaster relief.

No gossip.

Duan Yongfu has a typical appearance of a foreign race, and Liu Qing is young. When a farmer of a foreign race sees the two men in official clothes, he will soon take the initiative to ask: "In the future, will you take care of this area?"

Liu Qing: "Temporary supervision for a few days."

Someone asked again: "Where is Zou Sanli? She promised to add a well to us, is it still counting?"

"We don't know about this, we will ask her later."

Liu Qing and Duan Yongfu exchanged looks, but the people who asked about Zou Sanli went away without any intention of continuing to inquire.

"Those low houses are where Zou Langjun got into trouble." Liu Qing gestured with his jaw raised.

Duan Yongfu understood: "Let's go."

"Yesterday, I found two old craftsmen who were frightened. They couldn't tell the exact location of Yuan Jiangshi's accident. I circled three places, and this is one of them."

"Troublesome. Who is suspicious, can't you arrest him first and try again?"

"The law is the way, the past is suffering but the long-term benefit."

"Haha, I understand this sentence, Gongcao Shi taught me."

Two wheelbarrows appeared in front of the two of them, and their wheels twisted around looking for a good place to go.The first pusher was a gentleman who was nearly forty years old, and the girl behind was only sixteen or seventeen years old.

Liu Qingxian shouted: "Has no outsider been here recently?"

The girl froze, the gentleman stopped, and the girl followed suit.Mr. Lang replied: "No. What's the matter? What do you want to check?"

"There are a lot of people in other counties this year, so let's investigate the case first." Liu Qing said in an unhappy tone.

"Hmph." Duan Yongfu was clumsy, but he had good eyesight, and made an expression that was more annoying than the other party.

"Okay, it's fine if you haven't lived with an outsider." Liu Qing turned around and walked away, and whispered after walking a long way, "Don't look back." He stretched his waist, shook his neck a few times, and walked towards the official road more briskly.

Duan Yongfu was puzzled: "Go back now?"

"Yes." Liu Qing didn't tell the truth, and explained: "I saw the portrait of the family where Mr. Zou Lang stayed. They are the father and daughter just now. The two of them have never been close to Zou Sanli, but they know that Zou Sanli is Zou Sanli. Langjun's sister. I haven't come to patrol the fields for two days. Today it was us. The father and daughter didn't ask a single word. They were too cautious. They went to the county office twice in a row to make a big fuss. Where are you two?"

"Ah... makes sense!" Duan Yongfu praised, and patted Liu Qing on the shoulder. After returning to the city, half of Liu Qing's shoulder still hurt.

The official residence area of ​​the county office.

With the flapping of its wings, the fragrant Qin Ji landed on the courtyard again, and called to Wang Gelian: "Speak well, don't scare me. Do you hear me? Talk well."

Wang Ge asked Mrs. Zou that many wealthy households in Xiangping liked to domesticate Qin Ji. Occasionally, when they ran away, the common people never hurt them.This kind of bird is born with a broken mouth and is quick to learn to speak. She has no time to quarrel with it, and continues to carve the wood in her hands.

"Speak well, talk well, talk well." It started pacing back and forth, getting bolder.

(End of this chapter)

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