Chapter 303 Game
"Brother Huan has changed, he doesn't like to listen to the truth anymore." Wang Tian smiled.

Huan Zhen looked at the other party, the brat had grown capable, and for a moment he couldn't tell whether he was talking seriously or joking.He countered: "I will be a scout in the future, and you will be a knight. If you are tricked by me, it will naturally be true. Why do you like it or not? But you don't want to hear me tell the truth."

Wang Tian gritted his teeth: "It's not decided yet, I still have a chance!" The military officer said that tomorrow is the last selection of scout soldiers, and those who fail will enter the knight training camp.It is a training camp, not directly becoming a knight means going through a period of training and assessment.If you lose the election again, you will enter the training camp for soldiers.

Huan Zhen gave an angry and encouraging look: "Well, dozens of people are competing for a spot, so you should work hard."

Wang Tian gritted his teeth: "Eh... Brother Huan, you have changed, you have changed!" No longer let him, coax him.

Huan Zhen raised his jaw in the direction of the flying car, and Wang Tian looked over.Huan Zhen said: "I asked the military officer for you. If the infantry training camp can't stay still, you can directly become a heavy soldier. Go ahead and push the flying car in advance, don't be short of strength."

Wang Tian pouted aggrievedly: "Brother, are you going to part with me, are you afraid that I will not give up? Why use this method." Dozens of reserve soldiers, only two scouts Huan Zhen and Pei Jian were selected, the last one tomorrow With the competition, the assessment process must be stricter.Besides, even if he is selected, he may not be with Huan Zhen to perform the mission. "I know we won't be able to meet each other easily in the future. Can you tell me when we will leave?"

"A Tian, ​​is there a custom of giving porridge in mid-autumn in Shanyin County?"

"Yes." Wang Tian's heart sank, which meant to leave this month at any time.

"There are also in the capital city." Huan Zhen's eyes were always bright, looking at the other party this time was a real encouragement. "I look forward to meeting Brother Tian in the capital."

"Well! Then you and I will play chess."

Huan Zhen smiled wryly, in the chess game, Ah Tian seemed to know it from birth, and he had no opponent in the military camp.

Despite his reluctance, despite his premonition, Wang Tian still did not expect that Huan Zhen and Pei Jian would leave the knight camp overnight.

three days later.Xiangping County.

From the beginning of autumn to the period when the case households are compared with the people, all government offices and capital pavilions will give grain and Gebu to the elderly over 60 years old, and add a bundle of silk and peach wood sticks to the elderly over 70 years old. meaning.

Of course, this move is also a preparation for the upcoming household registration.

Wang Ge was tired from making wood. He stood by the courtyard wall and looked up, as if he could turn his sight around and see the bustling market. "This courtyard is really close to the outer wall."

Mrs. Zou is also a restless person. She is trimming Bai Rong's horse's hooves, and she replied without distraction: "Yes, it's noisy. We can hear the noise in the store if it's too loud."

"If you live in the back, maybe Qin Ji won't be able to find me?"

Mrs. Zou made a move.

Wang Ge: "The artisans I work with have told me before that from mid-autumn to the twelfth lunar month, Xiangping County holds a Jiao-Dai Opera every month. It must be very lively."


"When is Zhongqiu's role play?"


"Then I'll wait for my sister to come back tomorrow and tell me well, okay?"

"Age." Mrs. Zou came over, "You guessed that I would leave the county office tomorrow? What else did you guess?"

"Guess I'm the bait."

Mrs. Zou was shocked, and hurriedly denied: "No!"

"The statement is wrong. My fame is the bait. Then replace me with a special little lady, and she will become the real bait. As for my sister, I am determined to be the bait, for fear of pretending not to be the same. You are all so great, protect the strong with the weak, I am a beneficiary, so I have no right to question your intentions."


"Sister's heart finally calmed down last night, so I knew you had accepted the new mission and were ready to die, right? No guilt, sister is sure to be at ease. Tomorrow, the little lady will pretend to be me, and you will protect me." Let's go to the street to watch corner plays, right? True or false, no matter whether it is false or true, for those lurking spies, there is no longer any delay. If you don't kill me, they will be killed. If the master questions loyalty, they will fight among themselves!"

"Come here." Mrs. Zou couldn't help but Wang Ge refused, and pulled her to come to Bai Rong. The two squatted beside the horse's belly. Mrs. Zou's voice could not be lowered: "I can't help you, sometimes I really look forward to it." It’s good for you to be stupid. Gongcao Shicai told me yesterday that Dongyi Mansion had earlier intercepted a piece of information about the Zhu tribe, and that as long as there is a carpenter at the level of a master craftsman in this county, the assassination mission will be automatically triggered, codenamed 'wood'."

Wang Ge's gloominess turned cautious: "Zong Jiangshi... came for the Northern Expedition?"

Mrs. Zou nodded: "What happened later was indeed as we inferred. The appearance of Qu Yuanli disrupted the deployment of the spies. However, we are not strong enough, and the same is true for the gangsters. When they hesitated, you made another The bellows, coupled with the great reputation of "Liaodong Master", Dongyi Mansion has to take precautions, fearing that you will be added to the assassination list by those thieves."

"Is there more than one Qin Ji?"

Lady Zou nodded again. "Age, you have to understand that if you want to catch a spy, you have to have evidence and at least several times the force. Now who dares to say that there is a perfect plan? Who dares to bet that the gangsters will assassinate you all? Become one, kill only one? In this operation, both sides are desperate, and the most hateful thing is that this level of game and assassination was only the beginning during the Northern Expedition."

"So, Age," she held Wang Ge's hand, comforting with tenderness: "Not only are we the bait, but all the participants in this game are. Let's obey the arrangement and do what we should do, It is the greatest support for our side. I promise you, I will protect Ah Bo well, and she and I will go and come back alive."

Wang Ge held back his crying: "I made two hand-held weapons, which are not very useful. Sister, don't refuse. What if I can help you and the little lady? Actually, I actually hope that you don't need them. This weapon, sister, I, I am still not capable enough, I am too anxious to make the weapon well..."

It was the first time that Mrs. Zou interrupted the other party: "I don't refuse. Ah Ge will teach me now."

August eighteenth.

The streets of Xiangping are crowded with people and noisy everywhere.Many people took up seats before dawn, just to witness this year's first role play up close.

Jiaodi Opera was called "Hundreds of Operas" in the early years. In addition to Jiaodi, common performances include carp dancing, rope walking, barefoot wading, tree hunting, and illusion.

It was just dawn, and the game of hunting began first. A dwarf man with sticky hair pretending to be a mountain monkey yelled, "Sure enough!"

Before he stopped shouting, he threw his long pole, and the moment the far end of the pole hit the ground, he chased after him, and with a scream, the pole stood up!

Surprised all around, the short man circled half a circle in the air. When he stood still, the pole was already on top of his head. He raised his arms slightly and tilted his head slightly to keep the pole upright.

The shouts reached the peak with the three men and one woman rushing from all directions. These four people also pretended to be monkeys, stepping on short men to climb up the thick bamboo pole one after another. The direction of each person on the pole was the same as the direction they were running from.The four of them raised their feet and arms at the same time, and then climbed higher.

One person has reached the top and is still climbing!

"Ah!" He suddenly missed and fell.

The crowd was terrified like a storm!



Some children cried in fright.

call!But the person at the bottom of the pole swung his arm to catch the falling person.This strength made the dwarf man on top of the pole three inches shorter, his face red and ribbed.He howled angrily: "Sure enough, I don't accept it!"

The man who almost fell shouted: "Look around from the height!" He climbed back to the top of the pole again.

"Get up!" During this process, the short man's legs straightened again.

Only then did people realize that the "fall" just now was a performance.

 A bundle of silk: five horses make a bundle.

  貊: sound mò.Origin tribe of Goguryeo.The content of this tribe in the novel is purely made up by me, so don't pay attention.

  Looking for a pole (tóng): a form of performance in which one person lifts the pole and several people climb.

  Sure enough: Sure enough, another name for monkeys in ancient books.

(End of this chapter)

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