Chapter 310 County Competition

Zhou Yi didn't just ask casually, it was related to whether the improvement of the aiming device could only be credited.

Besides, Wang Ge, after coming out of Gongcao, met Mrs. Zou, who said in a low voice: "Did you hear the thunder just now? I saw that the soldiers Cao Shi and Wang Shuzuo walked in a hurry, one after the other, but there was no surprise. See It looks like they both know what's going on."

Wang Ge nodded: "I heard it, I think the nearby market can hear it all." She actually had suspicions. Last time she mentioned to Mrs. Duan about putting sulfur and nitrate together to help burn firewood. In terms of the times, it is 100% related to the experiment. "Sister, help me find some bamboo tubes when I have free time. The period for cutting bamboo should be short, and the bamboo stalks should be short."

There is no time to lament that she is getting farther and farther away from small wooden carvings. Wang Ge believes that after she has enough skills and credits, she will be eligible to return to her own artisanship.

This time when she returned to the official residence, she devoted all her attention to basic skills training. In addition, she chiseled three calipers every day.

Immersed in one thing for several days, Wang Ge's crafting skills have finally improved to the next level, so that he can accurately draw lines at the position of one-half of the separation distance (1.21 mm) each time.

How can you determine the standard of the line segment you draw?There is no basis for verbal claims, there must be evidence.Wang Ge regards subdividing the length unit as a very important thing. Since there are conditions for writing, he has to record it, and strive to verify the results of each step.

First draw a standard spacing (2.42 mm) on a flat wooden board, then circle it with a piece of hair, dip it in saliva to make a magnifying glass.All three of Mrs. Zou have good eyesight. She asked the three elder sisters to look through the magnifying glass. All three of them confirmed that the vertical lines at both ends of the distance on the wood chip are straight with the vertical lines at both ends of the distance on the ruler. Prove that the width is equal, and this step is passed.

Then cut the paper, make it straight, use a self-made charcoal pen to draw a "half distance" along the edge of the paper, match the "half distance" of the left paper and the right paper, compare with a magnifying glass, the combination of the half distances on the two papers The total width can be the same as the width of the integral distance on the wood chip, and it is recorded as "painting right" once.Whenever there is a hairline error, it will be recorded as a "drawing error".

How many pictures were drawn in one day, how many of them were correct and how many were wrong, and the totals were recorded on the bamboo slips.

Then why not directly compare with the standard wooden ruler every time, but one more step, engraving a section of the standard interval on the wooden board?Because the wooden ruler was given by the magistrate of Huan County, it will be used as a prison system. It is best to use it sparingly to reduce wear and tear. Wang Ge cherishes it very much at ordinary times and wraps it tightly with cloth.

Time passed by like this, and it entered September.

The location of this county competition is at the County Duting. The first assessment was entered at the beginning of the day, and Shen Zheng was over.Three days after the first exam.

Before dawn, Wang Ge was escorted out of the city by a team of 20 people.The three ladies in the same official house, Liu Qing and others who often follow Wang Ge are naturally among them.

After arriving at the capital pavilion, Wang Ge did not enter through the main entrance. The old pavilion official "Falcon" he knew before greeted the group, walked along the specially reserved route, and entered the examination area in advance.

The guards had to stay outside the special passage. Wang Ge had known these procedures in advance, and knew that she was not the only candidate being taken care of.This is Bian County, where there are as many ordinary craftsmen as a cow's hair, and there are also many talented craftsmen.

She entered the arena with the old pavilion official at ease, and sure enough, someone came in earlier than her.

The old pavilion official: "Craftsman Wang, don't worry, I will be the patrolman for the first and second scenes. I don't care about other things, and I am only responsible for your safety."

"There is Lao Aon."

"This time there are many craftsmen, the examination room is divided into three places, and the other two examination rooms are two passages, which are used for entering and exiting. Only this examination room has an extra door that you just entered. Wait for this door It will be sealed with a thin felt mat, and if it is not sealed tightly, no matter what happens, you will follow me."

"Yes. I understand."

At this time the entrance drum sounded.Wang Ge got the number plate early and found the corresponding production division. Here, a large cloth is hung high, with two gears painted on it, and the actual size is written under each gear.

Standing in the front row, Wang Ge memorized the appearance of the gears first, and then memorized the dimensions.Although there is no limit to the number of times candidates can view pictures, who would run back and forth while making wood?

The first gear has eighteen teeth, one inch thick, one foot nine inches in diameter, five feet nine inches six and a half in circumference, and a pitch of three inches one minute and a half.

The second gear has ten teeth, one inch thick, four inches five minutes and a half in diameter, one foot three inches seven and a half in circumference, and one inch nine minutes apart.

Wang Ge never thought highly of himself, and he had to memorize it by rote for a while before he went to the material area to pick up the mulberry wood and the tool basket.At this time, the front seat of the production area where she was located was already full, so she put the baskets in place, took out the tool stool, tried to test the stability of the stool legs, and immediately took the materials and started making tools.

The sawdust fell, and the sound of hammering and chisel filled the surroundings. Soon, the candidates put on the face scarves to block the sawdust one after another, and Wang Ge did the same.

Outside the examination room, the companions of the special candidates consciously waited at a distance.Counting Wangge's guards were many, which attracted many people's attention.

Chen time passed.

It's too late.


Mrs. Zou told the guards: "Craftsman Wang is likely to leave the venue early, so cheer up." Everyone set off with wheat cakes, and when she finished speaking, they quickly ate them all.

At the second quarter of the first day, the temporarily sealed special passage was torn open, and the old pavilion official brought Wang Ge out. Her face scarf and exposed forehead were all covered with dust, and her head scarf was almost dirty into another color. Only her eyes were shining.

Liu Qing's heart skipped a beat, and his expression was as stern as usual.

The old pavilion official bowed to everyone: "I still have to patrol the examination room, so I can't see you off."

Mrs. Zou: "Thank you."

The 21 people left the examination area in a hurry, and no one said a word. They walked, and the women like Mrs. Zou covered their faces with scarves. This kind of dress is not uncommon in Bian County, because the dust along the way is too choking.

The autumn wind is fierce, and the horseshoes are galloping.

On the official road, Mrs. Zou is the leader, Duan Yongfu is at the tail, and Liu Qing is very skilled in riding. Sometimes he is ahead and sometimes slow. Obviously, he is most concerned about the only thin woman in the team who is riding a white horse.

Unexpectedly, but also unexpectedly, three duck drivers crossed the official road, and on the other side of the road sat a few strong men dressed in ordinary clothes, either with hoes or sickles in their hands.

"Be careful...don't step on my duck." All the duck drivers raised their arms and shouted.

"Stop!" Mrs. Zou carefully reined in her horse ahead of time, and the team followed her to stop.

At this time, instead of urging the ducks to go fast, the duck drivers rudely waved their whips, causing the ducks to scatter in fright.Don't underestimate the clumsy and swaying look of this bird, but it actually runs quite fast.

The brawny men on the other side of the road laughed, and got up alone, and shouted to the official road: "You are stupid, how can you drive ducks, I think you are deliberately extorting money, and you are going to drive under the horse's hooves?"

The tallest duck chaser said angrily: "What are you barking at? If you keep barking at me, I will slap you!"

All the strong men lowered their faces and surrounded their companions on the official road. "Who to draw? Say it again!"

The shortest duck driver was the furthest away from the strong men, and he jumped up and shouted: "Smack you! Help..." After shouting, he ran towards the horse team.

Mrs. Zou shouted: "Be alert!" As soon as the words fell, sure enough, the group of strong men rushed the other two duck drivers towards the horse team.For a while, the sound of "help" and "stop" were noisy and mixed.

"Those who are closer to two feet, kill!" Mrs. Zou waved the postal flag she had prepared earlier to the left and right, which means that the knight team is performing official duties and can kill those who stand in the way without seeing weapons.

The duck driver at the front hesitated for a moment. Now that he had reached this point, he didn't need to cover up anymore. He saw that his right hand was about to be raised to his mouth, and his cheeks puffed up first.

This action is...

 Don’t worry about the size data of the wooden gears in this chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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