Wang Ge has figured it out thoroughly. When she lacks knowledge and ability, don't think too much into the complexity. It can also be seen from the previous improvement assessment that after the examination, the government office did not directly use her equipment, and the subsequent follow-up requires intermediate-level or above craftsmen. The teacher will further improve the equipment.Such as pumps, fire pockets, and most recently rockets.

She first drew the vertical water wheel and the transmission belt on the ground, with a step between them.

The water wheel is the first step of water power, and the transmission belt is the final shape, or function, she wants to achieve.

You have to find a way to connect the two.

She draws a thick axis horizontally at the center of the water wheel, and the direction of the axis is perpendicular to the section of the wheel.The shaft components are clearly drawn on the model diagram given by Wang Shuzuo. The vertical water wheel is rotated by the force of the water flow, and the thick horizontal axis moves with the water wheel.

After this step, the train of thought of Lian Jidu had to be cut off.

The principle of the machine-connected pestle is to install short wooden boards at intervals on the horizontal axis, and when the shaft rotates, the short wooden boards will naturally flip up, so that the ends of the pestle rods on both sides for pounding rice are moved to make the pestle rise and fall.

The principle of the water mill is the same, except that the vertical water wheel is changed to a horizontal type, lying on the rapids, the thick shaft in the center of the wheel is straight upward, and connected to the upper fan of the top grinding plate.

While pondering, Wang Ge drew a large gear slowly. The gear fits on the other end of the horizontal axis, parallel to the water wheel. At first glance, it seems that one axis passes through two large wheels.

Regardless of whether it looks like it or not, she tapped the position of the gear twice with a stone, and when she got closer to the transmission belt, she marked an arrow in the space between the upper and lower lines of the transmission belt, indicating which direction to move.In his previous life, Wang Nanxing devoted himself to learning sculpture and did not understand gear transmission at all, so he could only push it step by step in a clumsy way.After the prototype comes out, the size of the standard molder and the actual size to be achieved are required.

The courtyard door was knocked, and Mrs. Zou went out.

After Wang Ge conceived a rough idea, Mrs. Zou told her that Liu Zhili, the official of Cao, had been here.

Not long after Liu Zhili was promoted from Xiao Shi to this position, he was in charge of the state and county competitions. Jiang Langjun, who was originally in charge of this matter, has been promoted to Li Cao Zhishi.Mr. Jiang Lang was able to be promoted, so to speak, he was somewhat honored by Wang Ge. When she applied for the stove improvement competition, the other party ranked her at the top out of dozens of applications.

So doing good to others is also doing good to yourself.

Official Liu told two things.One is that Wang Ge's official position is still at the Jingzhe Craftsmanship, and she has not used the application for the county competition in September, so don't waste it; and from the end of this month, Dongyi Mansion will increase the skill competition.

The increase in the number of ordinary events would not make Li Cao specially send someone over. A new official like Liu Langjun must follow the orders of the officials.It can be seen that at least the assessment pattern of craftsmen in Liaodong County needs to be changed!

Mrs. Zou bowed to the sky, and she was very pleased: "The Emperor Wa is looking forward to it. Finally, I am looking forward to it. Age, to be honest, seeing you working so hard all day, I am happy that you have the ability, but I am also worried that the ingenious skills will not stand up to you." Let's put it on hold."

"Yes." Wang Ge looked at his hands, and suddenly found that they didn't look like hers.The microcosm of things between the hammer and chisel is different from the open and closed boats and pillars, the cocoons and textures imprinted on the palms, so there is a distinction between ingenious and natural skills.Only when you reach a certain level can you perceive this.

If the brilliance of the literati is in the brush and ink, and the brilliance of the warrior is in the battlefield, then the brilliance of the craftsman is in the palm prints.

Mrs. Zou reminded: "Liu Zhili's meaning is that he hopes you will apply for the Qiaojue assessment this month."

"I understand." Joy showed Wang Ge's face.She knew that Mrs. Zou was really worried about her, so accepting the other party's kind reminder was more reassuring than saying anything else.In fact, after Wang Ge discovered the change in the texture of his palm, his ingenuity improved again.How could she be unfamiliar with the carving of small wooden utensils? After all, she has a foundation of more than [-] years in her previous life.Now, she has begun to integrate Tiangong skills, vaguely, she understands the meaning of the addition of military craftsmen by the government, and realizes that she has finally stepped into the threshold of military craftsmen.

In the afternoon, Mrs. Zou handed over Wang Ge's application for the Jiuyue County Competition to Li Cao. After she came back, Wang Ge had already started to carve water hammers.Shen Zhengshi took out the ghost ball that hadn't been touched recently, and started again.From today onwards, she adjusted her homework, used an hour in the evening to resume ball carving, and added another hour of practice after the county assessment was over.

After dark, Wang Ge had dinner again. After the meal, she still practiced the basic skills blindly. After Zichu lay down, she held the ghost ball on her stomach, and used a self-made curved chisel to continuously explore the holes of the ball.

Gently probe one by one, replace eyesight with heart power, perceive various distances between the outer ball and the inner ball, until you can't stand the drowsiness.

Hard work will pay off.

In the distant Qinghe Village, it was approaching the time of Zizheng. In the courtyard of the jingshe, only Wang Yun's hut was lit with candlelight.Outside the house, the boy servant Zhu Zheng is wrapped in a quilt and leaning against the wall to doze off.

Sometimes the slow, sometimes high-pitched voice of reciting books leaks through the doors and windows.

"Chu Kuang took the public song and passed Confucius saying, Feng Xi Feng Xi, He De's decline, those who go can't be persuaded, those who come can still be chased..."

"Master's note..."

"Zi Zhang said, a scholar sees danger to death..."

"Master's note..."

Because the case households are more than the people, no matter whether it is a university or a primary school, the school test must be taken the day after tomorrow, and then there will be a half-month vacation period.This time Wang Yun is confident that he will surpass Xu Xun to win the first place in primary school.

Master Yuan said that the annotations he made could not just be memorized, but he had to add his own understanding.The test is divided into written test and debate, and each student must use his own understanding to argue with his opponent.Strong against strong, weak against weak, Wang Yun's opponent is Xu Xun.

The way he relieves the astringency of his eyes is to close his eyes and think about it, and put himself into the scene of the chapter.When he was dethroned three times, he was Liu Xiahui; when the madman sang, he was Jieyu; when he met his father-in-law, he was Zilu...

Oops, almost fell asleep!Next to it is a basin of cold water. Soak a towel and wipe your face. When you wake up, you must recite the last chapter.Work hard, Wang Yun!After the case was compiled, he was seven years old, and his sister was thirteen.People say that time is like running water, if you don't cherish it, time will be more untraceable than running water.

No longer distracted, he thumped his shoulder with his backhand, tired, how could he not be tired?But he must not be afraid of being tired, and must work harder than his sister, otherwise, how could he protect the family from the wind and rain earlier.

Time does never stop, but seeing the clouds passing the moon in the middle of the sky, the morning light breaks through the clouds again, and the full autumn moon is bright again.

It was the fourteenth of September.

Wang Ge came to the examination site ahead of time, Nandangqu.As the name suggests, this canal is located in the south of Xiangping City, with a wide surface of water. Before the canal was dug, there was a large field, so the canal went around the fields and through the countryside.Listening to the turbulence in the dark, it's like a thousand zithers singing together, looking for silence while moving, you can hear the clear and crisp bouncing of water droplets.She slung her back and stood on the shore like this, letting her heart drift with the current, so happy.

Five braziers were lit at the rear, and because the examination room was remote, Li Cao added ten more guards for her, and some of them came during the day to occupy a good position.Tomorrow morning at [-] o'clock, line up to enter the venue, which is very close to the entrance channel.

Even though the ladies are used to Xiangping having a lot of craftsmen, the special lady can't help sighing: "This is an ant's nest? There are so many candidates, I am nervous."

Xiaoshi: A kind of petty official.

Zhishigan: "gan" is a kind of official, whose duty is to handle documents, and those who have specific affairs are called "zhishigan", and their status is under the secretary.

During the Jin Dynasty, ordinary people calculated their age, and some of them increased according to the annual case household ratio.Maybe the nobles are different, I can't find any more specific information.

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