Of course, his dual crafting skills are all middle-level.

The ranking method of double craftsman skills is not arbitrary. For example, if Wang Ge is admitted as an intermediate craftsman in wood making, her resume can only be recorded as "first wood making, second ship making", because her ship making ability is still in its infancy. grade.

Examiner Lei warned Mrs. Nan: get out of the way.He couldn't wait, and wanted to see Meng Chongtu urgently.

There are paintings on the front and back of each piece of wood. There is no way. Wang Ge's thinking is getting more and more diffuse. Since it is a competition, of course all the ideas are presented, just like doing reading comprehension spelling. There is no credit but hard work. Which idea is right for the examiner's mind?

The clock beats.

It's over, she drooped her shoulders depressed, and she didn't finish the painting.

Examiner Lei copied his hands and instructed: "Clean up quickly and hand over the map." Controlling his excitement, he knew that he not only had to witness the revolution of the boat, but also experience the revolution of shipbuilding!Hmph, I heard that there are several ships sailing from Dongnai County. There are holes in the rudder and what kind of "shooting poles" are erected on the deck?I am very disdainful of the sea-going ships in Liaodong County.In the future, I will let those people see and see Mengchong who can sail without oars!
After handing in in an orderly manner, all candidates stood outside the line drawn in the examiner's area according to the guidance of the inspectors, waiting for their names to be called.The number on the wooden tablet was called, which corresponded to each person's number plate. It was not a good thing to be called, it proved to be eliminated by the first batch.

Half an hour later, the deputy examiner reported in the order of reading: "Candidate eleven, candidate seven, candidate twenty-three, candidate one, candidate twenty..."

Wang Ge's number plate is 21, and his heart beats up, just falls, and picks up again. There are quite a few candidates in each production area, but after the first batch of elimination numbers are read, there will definitely be half of the candidates here.

"The eliminated ones leave the field quickly." The patrolman repeated three times.

Those who often participate in the county competitions are used to it, and they leave without nostalgia, but there are always those who are not convinced. A candidate is the most hesitant. He observed Wang Ge and found that the little craftsman had no intention of leaving. Arm: "I have doubts."

Examiner Lei was looking at the drawing made by Wang Ge when he heard the shouting and raised his head.

As long as the rules allow, inspect the craftsmen and officials and decide: "Talk."

The candidate pointed to Wang Ge: "Is she a special candidate? When the timing drum sounded, I saw that she hadn't finished drawing the model at all. I want to ask, is she among the people eliminated this time?"

The two assistant examiners looked at examiner Lei. The identities of the special candidates were sensitive, and they really couldn't answer this question because Wang Ge's model was sealed.Being sealed only means one thing, that is, there has been an extremely outstanding improvement, and the extent to which a secret contract may be signed in the future, one more person who reads it means one more risk of leaking out.

There are also sealing rules: three examiners should make a joint decision, and only the assistant examiner has no right to seal up. If the chief examiner seals up after reading it alone, the chief examiner will be responsible if the examinee's grades are not that good after the official evaluation.

Examiner Lei was not displeased with the normal appeal, and simply replied: "There is no her. She has improved more than one type of water reel, and not all of them have been completed. It does not violate the rules of this county examination."

I see.Candidates bowed to the examiner respectively, then bowed to Wang Ge, and left.

The two servants formed a group, pushing a wheelbarrow to distribute lunch, those who were eliminated just now didn't care about food, it's really hard for the government to calculate the time so well.

The three examiners didn't have to rest, they discussed the pros and cons together, and proceeded to the second round of elimination.Candidates are tasteless, will they be eliminated by half?
Those who were eliminated from the rest of the production area passed by here one after another, some alone, and some in twos and threes.A Jiang Lang who looked 30 years old said to his companion, "That man is Xiang Junzhi."

Junzhi is Xiang Heng's word.

Ercong was guarded by the double axe, and he looked at him fiercely, and the two craftsmen left with unhappy faces.

At three o'clock in the noon, the examiner Lei announced the candidates for the afternoon session. This time, only three people stayed after reading the number!
All kinds of unwilling voices arose: "There are only three people in the afternoon session?"

"I was also eliminated? What is the basis for the elimination?"

"I heard that many of the examiners this time are at the level of middle craftsmen. Are they really capable of distinguishing the advantages and disadvantages of improving water reels?"

"Dangdang" sounded twice, the examiner beat the dipper with a wooden stick, and shouted: "If you have any doubts, you can appeal! Those who refuse to accept the examiner can appeal to the government office after leaving the venue. If you don't abide by the rules, it will be regarded as disturbing the examination room!"

Candidate Shi from Weijun stood up and asked, "I'm new to Liaodong, but I don't know if I can appeal this kind of thing to the county office? Or Dongyi mansion?"

This is ready to tell the examiner.

The craftsman replied: "Look for Cao, the official of the county office, for three days, not counting today."

"I'll go right away!" He likes mechanical ingenuity, and he has long thought about the improvement of the water reel, but it is a humiliation to his painstaking efforts to be eliminated in the morning round!
A candidate raised his arm, and the candidate stopped, wanting to hear what the other party appealed.


"I came from Guangping County, Sizhou, and I heard the name of Master Wang Ge. In Guangping County, there are many special examinees like her, but I have never seen the standard of sealing up to the standard of sealing with only a model, and even the other two examiners. I can't read the precedents. I don't suspect that the examiner is biased towards special candidates, but that Wang Ge was in a hurry from beginning to end when drawing the drawing. It was hard for me not to observe her. Master Wang, heh..." He shook his head and smiled, "Carpenter Wang Ge The teacher seems to be unprepared for this competition, so, what kind of talent and craftsman can make an unprepared person modify the mechanical reel more cleverly and more profitably than I have been preparing for a long time man of?"

Just as examiner Lei was about to answer, Wang Ge raised his arm.

Inspecting craftsmen: "Speak."

Wang Ge asked: "This examinee..."

"My surname is Bu."

"Candidate Bu said that he has little knowledge, which is too self-deprecating. Let me test you with a question, and see how far our talents are from you?"

Who is less self-effacing?Clothmaker Lang suppressed his anger and forced a smile: "Let's come up with a question."

"Use the things on the case of the master and the three examiners, so that the paper cannot be burned by the fire."

"Paper..." Cloth Carpenter squeezed the rest of his words between his teeth, he was not stupid, she must have a way to ask this question.He quickly scanned the three cases, the utensils on them were almost the same, except for the pen, ink and paper, there were a few pieces of wooden tablets, two pottery bowls, one for rice, one for water, wooden rulers, and copper rules.

hateful!Damn it!The method must have something to do with the water. If the servant girl only talked about the case of an examiner, then he would have to try first and pour the water in the pottery bowl. No matter what she tried, it would not work, but she was on guard against him. After using this trick, it is clear that he temporarily changed his words into three book cases!
The little Wang Ge in Wang Ge's heart rolled his eyes, and splashed all three examiners' water if he had the ability.

"Forget it, I can't do it, my talent is not as good as Master Wang's." This person was decisive, did not let the matter continue, bowed to Wang Ge, then solemnly bowed to the examiner, and left the venue quickly.

That's all?It's from Sizhou, trash!Shi Jianglang cursed secretly, making him ashamed to stay in vain.

Except for Wang Ge, the three candidates who were retained were none other than Xiang Heng and another craftsman who improved the mortar.Examiner Lei: "Wang Ge stepped forward."


"I guarantee that you will win the first place in the afternoon with the craftsman of Shuangzhong, and you don't need to make molds." There is no way, the drawings she made are too sloppy, if you make molds according to the drawings, the model ship will sink.

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