Chapter 334
Entering the sundry room, they each wiped the rainwater off their faces. Examiner Lei pulled over the wooden basket and the tool basket. Instead of directly answering Tan Jiangshi's question, Yu Jiangshi first analyzed Wang Ge's junior boatman: "According to the order of the craftsman. Wang Ge has to complete the two types of shipbuilding improvements that benefit the country before he can be exchanged for a junior shipbuilder. From what I know about the prefect of Kuaiji County, this official is very cautious. Wang Ge has to complete... Hehe." He held up three fingers.

Examiner Lei was also startled, stopped his movements and blurted out: "Three types?"


Mr. Yu Jiang didn't know Wang Taishou well enough. At that time, there were actually four kinds of improvements that reached the standard of benefiting the country: opening the rudder, stabilizing the keel, raising and lowering the balance rudder, and clapping the pole.

Examiner Lei smiled wryly: "I have to admit that people are different. Before Wang Ge, I had forgotten that there was such a regulation in the Craftsman Order, because no one can achieve the improvement standard of benefiting the country. None of them is possible!"

The master fisherman stroked his beard and said: "So if I want to follow the previous example and be promoted to an intermediate shipbuilder, it's not a question of whether I want to write a memorial for her, but that she still has to complete the improvement of the three national benefit standards. It also has to be more than elementary."

This is too difficult, Carpenter Tan shook his head, no longer expecting.

Master Fishsmith: "Let's make the mold first. If it is feasible to drive Mengchong with a water wheel, I will get her other rewards first." It must not be just giving her the county first place in the water reel assessment.

The next day, Tian Yongfu took Wang Ge's bamboo card to the county office to see the list, and registered for the Qiaojue County competition on September 22.

Wang Ge is the first and Xiang Heng is the second.

There are many craftsmen who look at the list at the county office. Tian Yongfu learned the lesson from the last time and dared not publicize Wang Ge's achievements. He also pretended not to hear any comments about envy or jealousy.

When Tian Yongfu rushed to the riding and shooting range, he informed Wang Ge that half a day had passed, and the first stage of Huolei's experiment was all over.

"That's great, I won the first place in the county 35 times." Mrs. Zou couldn't help being delighted for Wang Ge.

Joy comes one after another!

On September 21, Duan Gong and Cao Shi returned to the county office.

On September 25th, Wang Ge won the first place again in the Qiaojue skill county competition that he declared.

On the same day, the rewards for the three improvements of the overturned car and the improvement of the Mengchong small ship were all cashed out.The wind turned and overturned car arrived at the first place in the county [-] times; the water turned and overturned car arrived ten times; the cow turned and overturned car arrived ten times;

A total of fifty times!
So far, Wang Ge is only [-] times away from the top spot in Baichang County!

September 26.

Wang Ge followed Duan Gong Cao Shi and Ming Bing Cao Shi to Dongyi Mansion Bing Cao Training Ground, and the new fire equipment "Black Water" finally arrived.

The officials of Dongyi Mansion present were different, the chief bookkeeper, the recorder, the soldier Cao Yu, and Wu Meng were engaged.

Just by smelling the floating smell, she knew it was indeed oil, but it was transported back by some unknown method and in what quantity.

The original wooden spraying cabinet was improved through the cooperation of goldsmiths and glue masters to become a copper spraying cabinet with better airtightness.There are ten pieces in total, all placed in the wide training ground.Five pieces are on the stone platform, and a high felt wall is erected around each stone platform, which is to measure the distance of the fire in calm weather.The other five pieces are on a specially-made chariot, used to measure the distance of spraying fire in open areas and under various degrees of wind.

This is the first time that Wang Ge met the rubber craftsman.

Glue, as early as in the "Kao Gong Ji" records: deer glue blue and white, horse glue red and white, beef glue fire red, rat glue black, fish glue bait, rhinoceros glue yellow.

Each kind of glue is not only troublesome to make, but also consumes rare and expensive materials, so this craftsmanship is all handed down from generation to generation.Also because of this, the selection method of rubber craftsmen is special. From the first step of craftsman, it is recommended. At the step of junior craftsman, it has to be recommended by the county magistrate and approved by the prefect.Tianzhi craftsmen, ink makers, and paper makers who make wooden kites are also assessed by recommendation.

Closer to home.

The prepared black water, which is most suitable for burning, has been poured into each copper cabinet.

Dongyi Mansion's role in letting Wang Ge come here is more of a witness, after all, the principle of this firearm was created by her.

For the sake of safety, after the black water in the first copper cabinet is pumped to the horizontal spray tube, the remaining black water in the cabinet is released.

The position of the ignition stake is exactly one foot away from the fire eye.

Cao Cao, the soldier, stepped forward, and he personally pushed the spray canister on the first stone platform.This is a historic moment to be recorded in the military revolution, and Wu Meng is engaged in waving the flag and shouting: "Push!"

Everyone held their breath.

Huh... the black water came out of the copper hole, and without even a blink of an eye, it rushed over the torch, forming a terrifying pillar of fireworks.

Wang Ge reported the farthest firepower: "Two feet, five feet and five inches!" After shouting, she took a step back and stood next to Duan Gong and Cao Shi.

It's really annoying, I'm so excited, she didn't play well, it's so obvious that she shouted broken sounds!When he returned to the official residence in the afternoon, Wang Ge was still entangled.Well, maybe that's why there are so many state-level officials at first sight.After she found a reason for herself, she immediately devoted herself to carving ghost balls.

On September 27, Ji Qiuyue's corner play was noisy in Xiangping City.In order not to trouble the guards, Wang Ge didn't go to see it.

October new day.

The second skill test she applied for was still being held at the Autumn Equinox Craftsmanship.

Post the list the next day and win the first place again.

It's still thirteen times away, and she is very close to the intermediate craftsman!
October [-]th.

Wang Ge made the defensive weapon "Ju Er Shu".

She didn't know that this weapon was exactly the same as the "Wooden City" recorded in the "Wu Bei Zhi" of the Ming Dynasty.

The inspiration for making this weapon came by coincidence.

Now Wang Ge is busy with three things during the day: refining the carving skills of ghost balls; subdividing lines within the subdivision; continuing to make city templates.

After assembling the city walls, she asked Mrs. Zou, "When you attack the city and set up the ladders, do you always go up from the crenel?"

"Yes. The less climbing distance, the less danger of falling. What's more, when climbing the city, you can use your hands to hold on to the protruding walls on both sides. In fact, the normal siege is fine, and the defenders will increase their troops to defend the crenels. , I am afraid that the enemy will attack at night."

Ever since he asked this question, Wang Ge was wondering what kind of weapons could help the defenders guard the crenels at night when they were prone to negligence and sleepiness?

Until the season when the curly ears matured, Bai Rong got two backs on his tail.Mrs. Zou took it off and showed it to Wang Ge: "It's pretty tight. Does Kuaiji County have curly ears?"

Juan Er is cocklebur, which is also called "Er Pang" and "Sheep Bear" in this era.

Wang Ge stretched out his hand to take it, but because he was afraid of getting stuck, he loosened his hand, and one fell on the crenel of the city wall mold.

When she picked it, the ears rolled.

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed, and the weapons guarding the crenel took shape in her mind.With her right hand, she signaled Mrs. Zou not to disturb her, and with her left hand, she drew two vertical pillars on the ground. First, she drew the shape of the curled ears horizontally on the top of the two pillars according to the way she just thought.

The "roll ears" are made of wood, with wedges and spikes all over the body. It can be said that it is a reduced version of Yasha.It must be able to roll and rotate, one is not enough, you can put two to three "roll ears" according to the height of the crenel.

Now that the shrunken version of Yasha is out, the real Yasha will naturally be presented together.

(End of this chapter)

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