Chapter 336
Another scout nearby also looked over, his face turned red instantly, because he had a wound on his chest, it was unbearable not to smile, and it hurt when he laughed.

Where is it ridiculous?The young Pei Jian was standing next to Huan Zhen, looking at Huan Zhen carefully, there was nothing wrong!

Shi Chang's surname is Lu Mingji, and he said "Okay, okay", sat across from Huan Zhen and asked, "Who gave you this cloth note?"

"Pfft!" The two scouts at the back heard the "cloth note", one beat the ground with "Aiya, aiya", while the other kept gasping and wiping tears.

Huan Zhen put on a more bewildered look, and replied: "It was given to me by Mr. Zhong Lang, the governor of Kuaiji County, and he was using it at the time." That's right, this is not a false accusation of Ah Tian, ​​it is the brat who went there first. Blindfolded.That's right!
The son of the prefect?Lu Ji bared his teeth, and the lines on his facial features were more distorted than the bare branches in the woods.

Huan Zhen recalled again "seriously" and said: "Not long after, I saw the second gentleman who used this cloth. He was a member of the royal family and lived in Yangzhou. At that time, he said that he could not sleep during the day, so he used this Blindfolded with goggles." That's right, when A Tian and Sima rushed to cover their eyes, there was a time interval, two breaths apart, right?So "soon", yes!

The two scolding soldiers in the back stopped laughing and mentioned the prefect and the royal family, they must not be lying.

"Hey, let me take a closer look." Lu Ji wanted to pass this "eye protection cloth", looked it up and down twice, scratched his head in annoyance, and gave it back to Huan Zhen: "Maybe, maybe the customs are different everywhere. I heard about Yangzhou...I heard about Yangzhou, ah, you are young, and you are there!" He took Pei Jian by the way, "You have to get used to sleeping with your eyes closed, what kind of cloth do we Liaodong sons use if we don't like it... the eye protection strip is blind Eyes. Especially back to the barracks! Either keep it tight, or throw it away, in short, don’t take it out!”

So what are the strips for?It seems that except for Pei Jian, all the scouts know about it.Huan Zhen took a nap with suspicion, thinking and dreaming.

This was the first time he dreamed of his daughter, and he dreamed that he and Wang Ge were sitting face to face, holding cloth strips in their hands, she smiled and blindfolded her eyes, and he also blindfolded.Then she said: "It's not used like this, I'll help you... Huan Langjun..."

Huan Zhen opened his eyes suddenly, it was the chief who was calling, and every scout immediately eliminated the traces of lying or sitting, and followed Lu Ji like a leopard.

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There is an ordinary rectangular vertical stone on the side of the road, which is covered with slush. Only those who often pass this road know that this stone is the boundary between Xuantu and Liaodong counties.

If it was Wang Nanxing in his previous life, he would definitely have to take a photo with Jieshi, but now he has to hurry up and listen to Mrs. Zou's story on horseback.

What Wang Ge knew was that Xiangping was bordered by Xuantu in the north. This county had three counties in the early Jin Dynasty, namely Gaogouli County, Wangping County and Gaoxian County.In the time of Emperor Huan (the emperor after Chengdi), Fuyu County was added, and Xigaima County in the Han Dynasty was restored at the same time.

Gao Xian's city wall was under construction, and there were county competitions for weapon improvement almost every day, so Wang Ge was very grateful to Duan Gong and Cao Shi for letting her go out at this time.

Just like scholars and warriors, a craftsman must have a background.Traveling is the best way to broaden your background!The food, clothing, housing and transportation on the road and in a foreign land are definitely different from those at home; the farming, living habits, and dialect of the conversation in a foreign land are different from what you see and hear; what’s more, mountains, water, roads, buildings, Wild trees.

Closer to home.In the past, the boundary stone went straight north to Wangping County. The team rested in Wangping for one or two days before going to Gaoxian County.

Towards evening, the snow finally stopped, and the sound of kites was heard, which proved that the station was not far away.

When you arrive at the "Snow Pavilion".

What a beautiful pavilion name.

A few crows landed on the eaves of the pavilion and croaked hoarsely.In this era, crows are regarded as auspicious birds. In daily life, people call them "black birds", and in articles, they praise them as "filial birds", "auspicious birds" or "red crows".

There is a pass bamboo card issued by the county office, and the team does not dismount, but goes directly to the dormitory area with the pavilion officials on the approach road.

Wang Ge was so cold that he got off his horse and poked him from the waist down, but he didn't feel like he was poking himself.Mrs. Nan hurriedly stood behind her and gave Mrs. Zou a wink. The latter immediately asked the pavilion officials to guide the guards to their respective courtyards. Except for Mrs. Zhuan, only the five little craftsmen among the apprentices remained.

"What's wrong?" the lady asked.

Nan Niangzi: "Age's menstruation."

ah?Wang Ge hurriedly went to look at the saddle, and Mrs. Zou was amused and angry, and drove her into the house: "I still care about this." She turned around and assigned the work of the little craftsmen: "Hurry up, Aman, Achu, you two go pick the saddle." Water, Ah Xin came in to clean, first sweep the inner room, and spread out the bedding. Ah Lou, Ah Lu, take off all the harness first, and take them to the stables."

Wang Ge didn't feel sick to his stomach until he recovered.I don’t know if the Northeast in ancient times was colder than it will be more than a thousand years later. Wearing rabbit leather gloves doesn’t help. Fortunately, she has a strong body, drank hot ginger soup, and slowly moved her hands and feet freely.

Mrs. Zou was careful, she had already prepared a menstrual belt for Wang Ge, and she took it with her every time she went out for a short distance. This time, she packed a separate package and wrapped it in several layers. The wrapping cloths inside were all boiled . "It's great that we Age have grown up."

Wang Ge said embarrassingly: "It's just that the cold clothes are completely dirty." It's not that he feels sorry for the fabric, the cold clothes are official clothes, and they can't be thrown away.

"The craftsmen who come out of the nursery school have to do this. You can relax, otherwise the little ladies will be afraid." They are afraid of going back to the nursery school, and they are even more afraid of being considered lazy.

Wang Ge responded softly.According to Duan Gong and Cao Shi, ten craftsmen and apprentices will follow her all the time, and after returning to Kuaiji County, the Kuaiji County Office will take over.This is an official form of sending labor from Pingzhou to other counties.

The next day they traveled as usual, Wang Ge didn't ride a horse, but lay in the carriage and slept under a thick quilt.From Xiangping County to Wangping County, if you take the official road, the distance is nearly [-] miles, and the snow is even more difficult. After passing the "Canal Pavilion", people in cold clothes and rags appear one after another on the side of the official road.

The carriage slowed down several times, and Wang Ge was woken up by the guard's questioning.She opened the curtain, and Mrs. Zou was beside her. "Sister, what's the matter?"

Mrs. Zou got closer, bent down and lowered her voice: "It's the people around the garrison camp in Puyu County. To prevent war, let them move to Changli County. They went the wrong way. They should turn west. I let them follow. Let's take the back of the car and take them to the branch road."

Wang Ge himself was suffering from physical discomfort, and judged others by himself. He wanted to ask if there would be room for the luggage cart at the back, so that the weak among these refugees could get on the cart, but she put back the curtain, forget it.Mrs. Zou is in charge of the itinerary, so she shouldn't be too smart to intervene.

At noon, the team went down the official road, shoveled away the slush in an open space, and set up a ceramic stove to cook porridge and soup.As soon as Wang Ge got off the carriage, he saw Wang Tian pretending to climb Liu Qing's shoulder, and pressed a snowball into Liu Qing's neck.

"Wang Tian." Just as Wang Tian turned his head, Bai Ying slammed towards him with the wind. He turned his head to hide, but was straightened by Liu Qing, and his face was smashed with snow.

It was a flail soldier in the same army who threw him.

Soon the snowballs flew around, Wang Ge hid in the car, at this moment a few unkempt soldiers ran from the official road, and the first one ran straight to Wang Tian.

(End of this chapter)

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