The city wall of Wangping County is built with rammed earth.

According to the township soldiers, the surrounding city walls were only built ten years ago, and they used to only block the fences on the official roads.At present, the northern part of the city wall has foundation trenches, slope protection and city gate openings, and only the north city gate is made of wood, while the other three city gates are still gates made of branches.

Wang Ge knew before he came that only the city walls of Xiangping County in Pingzhou were built with rammed earth, and then reinforced with bricks inside and outside.Gaoxian County, where she will go, is about to become the second place where the city wall is built with bricks, so even in the severe winter and snow, craftsmen will gather here.

When she got down from the city wall, she looked back and knew that she still hadn't integrated into this era, because every time she saw the earthen city wall, she would feel a sense of vicissitudes.How should I put this feeling, it's like being in a history book, thinking is always the narration.

The township soldiers then led the crowd to Beicheng.

There are so many Xianbei people on the street, almost one in ten people.The Wangping County Office strictly controls the Xianbei towns that enter the city, and it can be distinguished from the skin color. Most of them are "Baibu Xianbei" ruled by the Murong family.

The village soldiers led the way and said: "People of foreign races who are willing to settle in Wangping households will pay three and seven for all the grain cultivated in the field. If they have cattle, they will keep another ten percent."

Wang Ge hurriedly asked: "What about the people of the Han family?"

"the same."

That is to say, after a bumper harvest per mu of land, [-]% of the rent will be paid based on the total amount of the harvest. Farmers who do not stipulate the output according to the year with good weather and rain, and who have fed the cattle will pay less rent, and they can keep [-]% for themselves!

Oh my God, Wang Ge was very moved. If Tuyi County had this kind of rent payment method, it is estimated that all those who took the test of craftsmen for rent reduction would have given up!I won't go hungry all the time, at least I can eat [-]% full, right?But with Damu's stinginess, it's hard to say, she must be more motivated to save money to buy cattle.

Liu Qing approached and said in a low voice: "The current leader of Murong Yiluo is Murong Xin, who pays great attention to farming. More than ten years ago, the Yiluo under his command collected [-]% of the land rent, and Emperor Huan ordered the villages bordering Eastern Xianbei Townships or counties will reduce the rent by [-]%. Murongxin followed suit. Oh, hope that after his imitation, the rent will be reduced to [-]%. In the third year of Jiansheng, Murong Yiluo has annexed Yuwen Yiluo. Land, in order to consolidate the population, once again imitated the Jin government, but in less than two months, the border areas of Wangping reduced the grain by [-]%, and encouraged farmers to feed cattle."

Wang Ge suddenly realized that this kind of rent payment law is not a long-term government order at all. It can be said that it is another kind of confrontation in war, and the people are fighting for it!
The village soldier who led the way looked embarrassed, the voice could have been lowered, and he could not refute it even if he heard it all.

Mrs. Zou exchanged glances with Mrs. Nan, why didn't she find Liu Qing so annoying before!The county office did everything possible to keep Wang Ge in Liaodong, but there was a retard in the guards!
Wang Tian is a different kind among the flail soldiers. Fortunately, the armor is heavy, and he cannot jump up and down. He came to the other side of Wang Ge, but Nan Niangzi refused to let him, so he walked in front of Wang Ge, walked backwards, and asked her: "Ge Sister, do you still have the handful of soil given by Magistrate Huan?"

Wang Ge was startled: "Keep it." Feeling ashamed, I kept it, but because of the animal skins, felts, shells and other things that I kept saving home, the cloth bag filled with local soil may have been pressed at the bottom of the basket.

Whether the soil is there or not is secondary, as long as you remember the expectations of County Magistrate Huan.Wang Tian didn't say much, and pulled Liu Qing away.

Next, listen to the local soldiers explaining the various customs of Wangping, and Wang Ge will treat him as a tour guide.

"Age, do you want to take a rest?" Mrs. Zou was concerned about her health, what kind of little girl who had just had her period walked so many ways.

Wang Ge replied softly: "It's okay, I need to pay a lot."

Is this a matter of overfilling and underfilling?
After walking for a while, Wang Ge looked back at the craftsmen and apprentices, and saw the old pavilion official and You Mian riding a horse, they were looking around, talking and laughing, she was relieved.

The reason why the old pavilion official was nicknamed "Falcon" is because he runs fast and because of his extraordinary eyesight.After Yu Guang noticed Wang Ge's concern, he felt more at ease about the future of the ten apprentices and You Mian.

Arrived at the North City Gate.

Come here not to see the city wall, but to see the car.There is a fence around the bottom of the wall on the east side of the city gate, inside which are two Jiri carts supported by clay bricks, which are used to suspend the wheels.The shape of the chariot in the record is a single shaft, double-layer, which can be hit at one or ten miles.

The wooden fenders on one side of the two vehicles were removed, and the soldiers explained that there was something wrong with them, and they were waiting for a carpenter skilled in mechanics to repair them.

A rare opportunity!Wang Ge didn't care about his posture, so he squatted in front of the car and put his head as close to the cabinet as possible to see how the wheels drive the gears and how the gears mesh together.There are six wooden gears in the cabinet, counting as facing the front of the car, the left wheel plays the role of transmission in the first step, and the right wheel is a simple wheel.

Alas, she was so short, with baffles on three sides, that she couldn't stretch her neck to count the teeth on each gear.

The village soldiers who stayed behind ran over: "The mechanic is heading this way."

Wang Ge came out of the fence regretfully.The county office didn't want to offend her, nor did it want to offend the mechanical carpenter, so it's enough to take a sneak peek.

At night, she tossed and turned, and kept recalling the words of County Magistrate Huan in her mind. sentence.

He turned back and stared at the dark roof.She has never had the chance to meet Xun Taishou, but Mrs. Duan is definitely Xun Taishou's confidant.Wang Shuzuo's rank is not high, but he has a prominent background, and he will rise up sooner or later.After her talents were appreciated by Gong Cao Shi and Wang Shuzuo, the reputation of the talented craftsman gradually spread from Xiangping until the county office added her guards. Redeem rewards as she wishes.

Then she changed.

Everything made her gradually blinded by the desire for profit, forgetting that Bole in difficult times is the most cherished good teacher and helpful friend.Thinking about it carefully, if the County Magistrate Jiang was in power in Duyi County, she would have been caught in jail and tortured if she was a little careless.

Thinking about it again, County Magistrate Huan is in his early twenties, isn't he the time when he is ambitious and eager to accumulate political achievements?But County Magistrate Huan released her so far away, didn't he want to keep a good craftsman in Duyi County?

I would rather love a pinch of soil in my hometown than ten thousand taels of gold in another country... It turns out that the expectation between the lines is full of helplessness and passivity, and it is more enlightened and tolerant!

"I'm not a white-eyed wolf." She muttered and fell asleep.

In the morning of the next day, Wang Ge didn't feel any pain in his stomach at all. In the afternoon, he left by Dongcheng Gate and went to Gaoxian County.As for Koguryo County, the county seat, we will go there on our return journey.

This is the case in the Liaodong region. After winter, there will be snow after snow.On the road, when the number of people in difficulty was small, Mrs. Zou asked the guards to give warm water or wheat cakes, but if there were too many people, she had to turn a blind eye.

There is no shortage of villains in the world!

The caravan selling slaves threw the dying people to the side of the road. These alien slaves were illiterate and could not figure out what kind of caravan was throwing them away, let alone which city the caravan was going to.

The snow was getting heavier and heavier. If Wang Ge's team didn't care about these people, they would all freeze to death in a short while.

Murong (wěi): the father of the former Yan monarch Murong Hu (huàng).

Baibu Xianbei: It is said that it got its name from "Baishan", and it is said that it got its name because its skin color is whiter than that of other Xianbei people.Don't worry about it in the novel.

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