"Yes. This examinee changed the shield into a house style. There is only a frame at the bottom of the shield house for soldiers to move around and push the ladder truck forward. The oblique ladder behind the shield house is a 'fixed ladder' for soldiers to climb up from the ground." Movable ladder'. Stabilize the middle of the crossbar at the bottom of the fixed ladder, and erect a standing wood to support the movable ladder. Normally, the movable ladder can be placed horizontally and horizontally, without pressing the fixed ladder below and causing it to deform. During roof repairing and other climbing work, the movable ladder is used as a high platform. When the siege is critical, just pull the hemp rope..."

Carpenter Liu said this, he grabbed a few hemp ropes at the front of the car body, and tucked them into the window on the front wall of the shield house. , under the control of strength, the erected ladder continued to fall in the opposite direction.

The range of candlelight was obviously compressed by the forward leaning of the surrounding figures.

Loosen the hemp rope, and the activity ladder returns to its original position.

Craftsman Liu: "Everyone should understand that the connection between the top of the fixed ladder, the bottom of the movable ladder, and the two uprights above the shield house is through a shaft, but the frames on both sides of the bottom of the movable ladder protrude from the shaft. Cut it, and add a hemp rope to hang from the crossbar. Therefore, the improvement adopts the same boom principle as the trebuchet, and the soldiers can pull the hemp rope together in the shield house to erect the ladder!"

Bing Cao Shi first glanced at the county magistrate, and asked Master Liu: "How many people saw this mold in the examination room?"

"I found out when the examination system was less than halfway through. As soon as the assessment was over, I went to her to collect the model. Only me and another deputy examiner had seen it."

For all short-term transition assessments, there is at most one master, one deputy, two examiners, and two inspectors. For some minor improvements, there is only one examiner and one inspector.

Ouyang Rui: "You all know this candidate, King Ge of Kuaiji County."

"is her?"

"Didn't she just come?"

Chief Du Tingting: "Hmph, I heard that Carpenter Wang was going to come to Gaoxian, but he was forcibly detained in Xiangping County!"

Nonsense!The county magistrate gave warning eyes.He knew that Wang Ge originally came to Xuantu County, but did not specify that he came to Gaoxian County.

Craftsman Liu: "I have already designated Wang Ge as the first place in this assessment, and there will be no ladder improvement assessment in the short term."

"Okay." The county magistrate ordered his disciples: "Do a good job of Wang Ge's paperwork and records." The content includes what competitions he has participated in, the results of each game, rewards and punishments, etc.There are so many craftsmen coming and going in the Jin Dynasty, and there will be recording errors in every county every year, but Wang Ge can't make mistakes here.

Ouyang Rui said again: "Master Liu has drawn the model, and sent it to the county office together with the memorial and the model in the morning. I hope you can prepare early. Don't make a mistake when the county office orders the construction of the ladder car!"

When all the officials left the hut, they couldn't feel the warmth in the house, but as soon as they stood outside, they knew the benefits of cow dung bricks.

At this time, footsteps came from far and near.

At the same time, Qinghe Village in Tuyi County.

Wang Qiulin's elementary school closed the door at night, the door slave thought there was something wrong with his ears, why did he hear the sound of hooves on the ground?

Silhouettes appeared in the darkness, and the two rode over on Erox.The thinner and shorter one jumped off the back of the bull first, and it was Wang Qiulin, the old steward, who told the door slave: "Open the door, my lord is Master Yuan's family, he has traveled a long way, and he has to leave tomorrow morning."

The old steward sent Uncle Yuan Yan to the dormitory where the master lived. Hearing the sound of reciting books, he beamed with joy.Alas, the master used him a lot, and tried to transfer him to other places to take care of things several times, but he refused, just to hear the sound of reading from time to time. "Hehe, sir, do you still remember which room?"


"Just remember, let's go."

Uncle Yuan Yan saluted, and when he couldn't see the figure of the old steward, he looked towards the door, one step was calm, the next was urgent, and five steps came to the door.

"Father." First whispered, knocked lightly on the door.

"Come in, what's going on tonight..." Yuan Shanfu raised his eyes, the master's usual reservedness turned into shock, then anger! "Traitor!"

Bang, Uncle Yuan Yan knelt down: "Father, I have to leave tomorrow morning."

Yuan Shanfu returned to the book case, replaced the large ruler with an ordinary bamboo ruler, and picked Erlang, who carried the strength and the wind with the ruler, to beat him in the fleshy place. "Aren't you not going to be an official? Aren't you not going to be an official, huh? Aren't you not going to be an official? Huh, huh..." Erlang became more and more rough, and Yuan Shanfu broke out in sweat.

Uncle Yuan Yan: "It's windy, I'll close the door and you hit me again."


One of the father and son sat back on the desk, the other closed the door without the latch, and knelt opposite to each other. "Father knows that I am a Silitu soldier?"

"Wang Yue wrote to me. You, you are my only boy boy in Dajin!"

In the second year of Jiansheng, Yuan Qiao was ten years old. He was recommended by the governor of Yuzhou for reciting "Five Classics" and "Three Rites".The emperor summoned Yuan Qiao to Guozixue, asked about the scriptures and gave him the status of "Tongzilang" and the word "Uncle Yan".

Tongzilang is also a Langguan, and only one has come out after so many years. It is up to the emperor to decide whether he is not in vain.For the next six months, Uncle Yuan Yan studied at Guozixue, and was called into the palace for one or two days every month.

The emperor is young, and everyone in the court knows that His Majesty likes young and ambitious people. It can be said that Uncle Yuan Yan's bright future has already been laid out, but this young man suddenly resigned!

The candlelight illuminated the bamboo ruler in Yuan Shanfu's hand even brighter. Uncle Yuan Yan explained: "At that time, I agreed to Wang Changyu to temporarily serve as the apprentice of Sili to catch the rebels. Now I have resigned."

"Say it sooner! Sit down and talk."


"Since I have resigned as apprentices, where should I go in a hurry tomorrow morning?"


Yuan Shanfu was taken aback. During the Northern Expedition, the officials issued a meritorious decree. It was indeed the time for Erlang to make meritorious deeds. "The most dangerous thing there is not only the battlefield, but also the spies hiding in the market and the countryside. Don't rely on your martial arts to act carelessly."

"Yes. I heard what my father said just now. Who are you waiting for?"

Yuan Shanfu looked at the engraving next to him: "Wait for a disciple, you have also taught him."

"Wang An?"

"Hmm. He's different from other schoolchildren. Who will teach him after the midwinter break? So during the day I study "The Analects" with all the schoolchildren, and at night I teach him "Spring and Autumn". What are you laughing at?"

"I don't dare to laugh, I'm happy for my father, I found a good disciple."

"Better than you." Yuan Shanfu came to Qinghe Village to give lessons because of Xu Xun. After careful observation, he found that Wang Yun's talent was not inferior to Xu Xun's, and he worked harder and forged ahead.Ever since Nizi resigned as a boy boy and returned to martial arts, which broke his heart, Yuan Shanfu vowed to teach another boy boy. After several months of consideration, he finally made up his mind and chose to teach Wang Yun wholeheartedly.Of course, he will not talk about this with his disciples for now.

There was a knock on the door.

This was an agreement between the master and the apprentice. Every night, Wang Yun just saw the candlelight through the window and knocked on the door to come in. Don't make public about making up lessons alone.

When Wang Yun entered the door, he was very pleasantly surprised: "Brother Yuan!" The little guy threw himself into Uncle Yuan Yan's arms. Eye.

Yuan Shanfu waved his hand: "Brother Yuan is leaving again tomorrow morning, go ahead, talk to Ayon's, I won't make up tonight."

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