Chapter 346 Assassination!

Yesterday in Jiaoshi, the ice sculptor filled the charcoal with a copper cho with a smooth bottom, and covered the mouth of the cho with a copper cover in one hand to prevent the charcoal from falling out. Grind out the convex surface.

This method not only saves labor, but also ensures the smoothness of the ice surface.

Among the supplies that Wang Ge carried on this trip was iron iron, and there was burning cow dung in the brazier. Everything was ready. Chunks of crushed ice.

The special lady took the three little craftsmen back to bring back the breakfast, and came over to the snow bank and asked, "What is this for?"

Mrs. Zou: "Age wants to try to see if he can make that kind of round ice that is convex on both sides."

"Did the Huozhe get damp?" That wouldn't make fire with ice, would it?

Wang Ge put a piece of ice on the palm of his hand and gestured to explain: "It's not for making fire. When I was close to the round ice yesterday, I found that it can be zoomed in from one end to the other."

The lady looked at it suspiciously: "Didn't you zoom in?"

"So we have to try it to see if it must be made into a biconvex shape."

From the last time he made his own magnifying glass with saliva and hair, Wang Ge knew that ordinary officials, like ordinary people, have no access to the knowledge of magnifying objects. Strong curiosity.

It's normal.The common people are working hard every day to make a living, and the things they see are enlarged and reduced. What is the use of knowing?For example, Wang Ge told farmers that using transparent ice with two convex sides can enlarge millet and wheat grains. Is it useful?It's not like one grain becomes two grains, can it be eaten as a meal?Tell the merchants that they can use water jade instead of ice, grind magnifying glasses and sell them to nobles, and the merchants are all shrewd. Does Wang Ge still teach this principle?How much work can be done to grind the water jade into a smooth biconvex shape!
As for the aristocrats, the amplification principle known as early as the Han Dynasty has never been promoted to the people, which does not mean that the aristocracy did not continue to study the known principles.

Therefore, the purpose of Wang Ge's convex lens was only to magnify the distance line segment, and he did not intend to make any microscope or telescope.

At that time, the secretary under the door came.She put down the tweezers for pinching the ice, stood up and saluted.

"Let's talk in the courtyard." The secretary under the door was first grateful for the new cow dung bricks, and then said: "The county magistrate asked me to ask Mr. Wang, do you have time to watch the construction of the new city wall?"

"I have a county match tomorrow, how about the day after tomorrow?"

"Okay, then Richen is leaving the next day, and I'm waiting for the craftsman at the north of the county office. Craftsman Wang is making ice?"

"Ice cubes are ground into double-sided convex circles, which can enlarge the distance line segment."

"Oh? I'll try."

As expected by Wang Ge, although Shuzuo thought that people with poor eyesight could use this double-convex ice to read characters, but the method of grinding with ice cubes is too troublesome and easy to melt, so it is not feasible in practice. etc. must be guaranteed to be available on exact transactions.

Leaving Wang Ge, the secretary under the door replied to the county magistrate and told about the ice making.Coincidentally, Yisheng under the door also found out that Wang Ge's county competition tomorrow is a ruler.

With the expansion of the Northern Expedition, craftsmen from Biezhou and counties were deployed, and new craftsmen in each county needed a large number of standard gauges and rulers. The best and fastest solution was to use the examination to concentrate craftsmen to make rulers and rules.

Ouyang County Magistrate: "You mean, Wang Ge is making a line segment with a smaller distance?"


"Tell Li Cao, if Wang Ge is still the first in the county competition this time, a state competition will be added to the same type of competition."

Yisheng: "The county magistrate does not know, but Mr. Wang has already won the first place in the three state competitions."

How is it possible? !Ouyang Rui's surprise froze on his face. Which craftsman he knew hadn't started traveling in Zhubian County for five years? How long did it take Wang Gecai to Pingzhou! "What about the county competition? How many rounds are there?"

"After the improvement of the ladder, there are only two games left. The subordinates found the documents she handed over to Li Cao. The first names of several counties were all taken on the same day, and the dates of the two first names of the states were also taken on the same day. It can be inferred that it is not Normal assessment. The subordinates also found the Liaodong County official who came to the county to work, and learned that the Quyuanli and several overturned vehicles made by Master Wang were rewarded by Dongyi Mansion. The first place in the state twice and the rest of the abnormal first place in the county are also obtained through rewards." The county official didn't know it, and it was most likely that he had signed a secret contract.

"I know about the improvement of overturned cars. The county office will first promote it in Goguryeo County." Ouyang Rui thought for a while, and told Yisheng: "Go to the carpenter's shop and ask the carpenter to find the best wood for making rulers, and send it to Master Wang in the afternoon. .She dared to measure the 'degrees' that were even smaller than the distance between the scores, which proves that her mastery of proportions has already reached the standard required by the general supervisor. How many times has she reported?"

"The engraving of rulers, rulers, and regulations is not a short-term transition assessment. It is tested once a month. In addition, the chief examiner and chief inspector are also dispatched by the county office."

Craftsman assessment is so cumbersome!After Shuzuo and Yisheng left, Ouyang Rui found a colorful lacquer box, and after opening it, there were several pieces of crystal clear water jade.His father had a piece of water jade carved with one side flat and the other convex. Its purpose is similar to that of Wang Ge's ice making. When his eyesight is dim, he put it on the text to enlarge the text.

Water jade without any impurities is extremely rare, so you don’t need to keep so many in the heirloom, maybe one piece is missing... Ouyang Rui put one piece on the case, and then looked inside the lacquer box, um, it’s obvious that one piece is missing, I’m really reluctant to part with it .

It's midwinter.

The examination room for the county competition this time is in the city.Wang Ge set off after having breakfast in the kitchen. She never expected that the spy would find out the number and route of her competition so quickly!

Fortunately, the guards were always vigilant, Zhang Wu and He Jiao's flail hammers all smashed at Wang Ge's black dagger, and Nan Niangzi threw out the scabbard!

The scabbard hit the dagger.

Wang Ge was dragged off the horse by the special lady before he realized that he was assassinated.

"Quick, quick!"

The voice of the guards was urgent. According to the previous training, the two craftsmen and apprentices hugged Wang Ge tightly one after another. The special lady, Wang Tian, ​​and Liu Qing surrounded the outer circle like a tripod.



Both sides fought desperately, and there was a hand-to-hand fight between Chi Zha and his opponents.

The special lady waited for the opportunity to launch the crossbow.

Shops on the street were closed one after another.The sound of horseshoes came, it was the patrol!

The horse neighed through the sky, and there were also spies among the running people, and they pulled the rope to trip the horse.

Wow... Another spy sprinkled barbed wire on the street.

"Don't waste time, kill that squatting one!"

When Wang Ge heard this, he held his head tightly.Even though she had experienced a close-range assassination in Nandangqu, she was still trembling with fear, because the dangerous situation in Nandangqu was completely different from the present one!Where is the spy?Why are there so many people?It is completely a large-scale organized and division of labor planning.

Are there thieves in the county office?

boom!The movement of the person falling to the ground was so loud, and the two little craftsmen hugged her even more tightly. Is the person who fell to the ground dead?Don't be her guard, don't be!Wang Ge still didn't raise her head, the head is the key point, what she can do to help the guards is to obey the training and shrink herself to the minimum.

Are there arrows flying?

She heard it right, because Wang Tian swung the flail hammer to increase his defense.

woohoo hoo...

With a sound of "pa", both Wang Ge and the little craftsman shivered at the sound.Did the flail hammer hit the weapon?
"Get out of the way!" The brigade patrol finally arrived.

"Xueji! Xueji!" The spies shouted the retreat code and ran into the pre-planned escape route.

 Cho (diào): A small pot that was carried around in ancient times.

(End of this chapter)

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