Chapter 348

Then engrave your name, domicile, and permanent residence in Pingzhou on the back.Wang Ge didn't care about the speed of others, but he wanted every wooden ruler he carved to be within centimeters of the general supervisor's standard, and the names on the back of the ruler were all written in Qin seal characters, implying unity and standards.

The front and back of the carving knife were sharpened twice, and the new wood was brought to the tool stool.

Cutting from the half-inch position, the first cut is the starting line segment, which is the same as the vertical length of the inch line segment, and then there are one-point distance, two-point distance, three-point distance, four-point distance...

Inch line point, two, three...

inch segment.


Only a few candidates who are as confident as Wang Ge, cut the knife in the reverse way, that is, start the knife from the bottom of the line segment first.If you move the knife in this way, if you find that the bottom of the line segment is uneven after engraving a complete ruler, the trimming marks will be more obvious than the engraving.

Carve to five inches and sharpen the knife.

carry on.

Six inches, seven inches... ten inches.

Gebu wiped the surface of the ruler, checked himself, and left his name on the back of the ruler.

At noon, Lichen carried a basket and handed out wheat cakes to the candidates one by one, and each cake was silently placed on the wood.

At the end of the day, the inspectors and inspectors began to patrol the field and conduct spot checks. When one person came to Wang Ge's production area, he stopped and looked displeased.

The three guards, such a young state-level special craftsman, are Wang Ge?

According to the legend of Liaodong County, Wang Ge is a military craftsman who is good at mechanical improvement. Regardless of her talent, her basic skills at this age cannot be better than that of an older craftsman, but the number of finished pieces is twice that of other candidates!

No wonder the craftsmen suspected that Wang Ge was ruining the wood.This is a county-level competition. In order to ensure that all the rulers meet the "useful ruler" standard, it is good for candidates to carve one in half an hour, but Wang Ge's finished product must have more than 20 rulers.

Under the scrutiny of Mrs. Nan, the inspection craftsman began to spot check... ten of them, and each line segment was aligned with the wooden ruler of the mold!
Wang Ge turned sideways.

Shau ​​Kei has one more chi.

Spot check the last time, only check this before engraving.This time the craftsmen were even more surprised!The top ten only paid attention to the line spacing, but now he found that the vertical length of the inch line and the vertical length of the sub-line are the same as those on the mold!In the scale skill, this state is called "waiting".

It's really annoying to compare people to people.The inspection craftsman pursed his lips, and walked away in all directions.Afterwards, he didn't check the candidates again, what else to check, Mr. Wang has been able to secure the top spot.This situation has to be reported to the chief examiner. If Master Wang has a good method to improve the basic skills, it is best for the county office to promote the method. Over time, the speed of craftsman making utensils will definitely increase.


The examinees were afraid of being misjudged as cheating, so they all got up when the timing drum sounded. The four of Wang Ge walked last, and this time they ran into Xiang Heng.

Mrs. Zou had been waiting at the passageway, and said: "The daily test list for the improvement of the ladder has been posted. Age, you are the top of the list."

Xiang Heng heard it, and thought of the ladder being transported away, could it be related to Wang Ge?Because there is no time to read the night test at that time, it can only be the day test or the day before, and the examiner reads out the improvement method set by the government.

"Why is Brother Xiang here?" Xiang Heng was puzzled.Pang Xiang planned to spend a day in the south of the city, so she stopped by the examination room this morning, why did she come to the examination room again?
"Alas, Brother Xiang." Pang Xiang lifted her shoulders, as dejected as a drought-affected seedling. "I found Tian... the person I was looking for." Woo, I will never think about it again, there is no Miss Tian in the world, only Xiaolang named "Tian".

At this time dozens of guards surrounded Wang Ge.

Others looked at Wang Ge, while Pang Xiang pouted at Wang Tian.

Xiang Heng realized that he had misunderstood, and interrupted the other party's absent-mindedness: "How did Brother Xiang meet Miss Tian again?"

Xiang Heng knew that Pang Xiang's elders had inquired about Carpenter Wang some time ago, and the rumors disappeared afterwards. Whether it was the Feng family who did not consider the marriage, or Wang Ge who refused, since there was no chance, it would be best for Axiang and Carpenter Wang not to know each other.

He didn't know that when he asked this question, the bad emotions that Pang Xiang had managed to get rid of with great difficulty came back to his heart: "Hi, hiccup..."

Here's the thing.

When Wang Tian was pulled aside by Liu Qing covering his mouth this morning, Wang Tian remembered where he had seen Pang Xiang.In the same restaurant!The diners behind Suping, at that time he winked at Pang Xiang and made faces.

Huh?The other party said that the little lady was very similar to him in appearance, so he wouldn't think that he who was dressed as a little craftsman that night was really a girl, right?That's how it should be!Because Jun's mother is so powerful, she can't even find out where her father kept the outer room. Can Pang Xiang find out?And how old is Pang Xiang, even if he has been to Shanyin County, how long ago?It is impossible for me to have a sister of similar age.

These messy things in Wang Tian's house must not be discussed with Liu Qing.

In order to clear up her doubts, Pang Xiang has been lingering outside the examination room.

The two "intelligent people" finally caught Liu Qing's absence, and Wang Tian immediately asked Pang Xiang: "Tell me, where did you see a girl who looks like me? There are many people and ideas, and I will help you find her. how?"

"I, I saw it in a restaurant. I found it myself. I don't need your help...ah!" What I saw was Wang Tian smacking his cheeks and crossing his eyes.

Ah, hiccup, hiccup!Pang Xiang couldn't bear this kind of blow, and the hiccups didn't stop until noon.As soon as Xiang Heng mentioned it, it started again.

On the other side, when Wang Ge's team reached the street where they were assassinated, everyone dismounted and passed by on foot.

Mrs. Zou told her just now that Zheng Wulang's body would be returned to the mainland along with the second batch of soldiers killed in the Northern Expedition. According to the imperial order, the county office would give Zheng Wulang's relatives land and cattle, and the grain rent and forced labor would be reduced or exempted.In addition, Duan Yongfu has already set off with the official document dispatching Sima Tao to Gao Xian.

To the county office.

Wang Ge: "The officials must know what happened today. I have to ask the secretary if I will go to Xinbei City as usual tomorrow morning."

"I asked the guards today when they were looking at the list, and Kong Shuzuo said it's as usual."

"Okay. I have some experience in today's competition. I won't eat for dinner. Don't call me."

Lady Nan: "You didn't even eat lunch."

"It's okay, I'm not hungry."

Mrs. Zou shook her head at Mrs. Nan.At that time, the place where Zheng Wulang fell was too close to Wang Ge. As soon as the battle was over, Wang Ge opened his eyes to see a blood-soaked corpse, and watched the other party being swept away by the grass. How could he not be sad and angry.

Wang Ge entered the room, Mrs. Zou gave Ah Xin a wink, and asked the little craftsman to accompany her in the inner room.In fact, it's not all about Wang Ge's troubles with Zheng Wulang. She made the ruler for four consecutive hours, and her basic skills are indeed about to improve. "One more candle."

"Yes." When Ah Xin came out of the house, Mrs. Zou thought she was kicked out by Wang Ge, but when she heard that she was going to add candles, she let go of her calculations.

Ah Xin picked the brightest light from the fire, sat quietly aside, and thought: As long as the fire dims, she will brighten it, and the craftsman must not be delayed in making the ruler.

"Don't stare at the candle. If you hurt your eyes, you won't be able to learn how to make wood. I will call you when I ask you to work." After Wang Ge instructed, he immediately focused his mind like he did during the assessment.

She wants to divide each "half interval" equally.

 Junmu: The concubine's name for his father's wife.

(End of this chapter)

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