Chapter 353
Pang Xiang was considered half of Feng's family and half of outsider.The grievances suffered by living under the fence in the past few years are definitely different from the feelings of being wronged by the children of the Feng family.At that time, he didn't want his mother to see and worry about him, and then Daoxi would always appear beside him to persuade him, telling him how vast the world is outside, and that compared with the world, mountains and rivers, people's joys and sorrows are all worthless. Not worth mentioning.

In this way, he gradually regarded Daoxi as a friend.Pang Xiang's original plan was to travel to Xuantu County a few years ago, Daoxi came up with an idea...Xiang Heng is going to Gaoxian County, the road is not close, and the weather is cold, the journey is too dangerous, why not send Xiang Heng to Gaoxian safely Go to Goguryeo County?

When you arrive in Gaoxian, you will of course stay in a guest house near the county office, and you have to be near a restaurant run by the county office.It seems logical, but in fact, Daoxi's explicit and hinted time and time again on the road is indispensable.Pang Xiang thinks back now, no matter whether Daoxi talked to him to encourage or encourage, no one else was present, and the other party clearly avoided it on purpose.

That's all Daoxi that Pang Xiang knew.

Mrs. Zou wrote four words on Wang Ge's palm: middle-level spy.

Dao Xi has been hiding in the Feng family for so many years, if he really wanted to deal with a talented craftsman, Xiang Heng would have died long ago.Wang Ge suddenly thought, if a middle-level spy like Dao Xi lurks beside him, would he be able to detect it?
the answer is negative.Wang Ge shuddered!

Inaofeng and Inaoman provided even fewer testimonies, which have nothing to do with tonight's assassination.

The interrogation is over.Pang Xiang's suspicion is not great, but he definitely can't leave Gao Xian in the near future. Except for Daofeng and Daoman, the rest will come to the public office from tomorrow morning for interrogation one by one.

After walking out of the yamen, Xiang Heng asked Mrs. Zou: "On the 26th of last month, at night, can Guard Tian eat at the accompanying restaurant?"

26. It was the day when Wang Gechu arrived in Gaoxian.

Liu Qing reported to Mrs. Zou that Wang Tian was mistaken for "A Tian" by a young man named Pang Xiang next to Xiang Heng.She immediately understood Xiang Heng's meaning: "Daoxi was there that night?"

Xiang Heng nodded, and pulled the dejected Pang Xiang away.

Wang Ge was confused, Mrs. Zou asked her to go back with Mrs. Nan and Liu Qing first, and Mrs. Zou asked Wang Tian to return to the public office.

On October 26, Daoxi and Wang Ge ate at a restaurant in the same company separated by a plain screen. Why didn't Daoxi do anything that night?Just because there were many tourists in the restaurant, Wang Ge was not seen, or there was no condition for assassination?Or was he not sure which was Wang Ge then?
It wasn't until the first day of this month, when Pang Xiang and Wang Tian met outside the ruler-making examination room, that Daoxi was able to confirm Wang Ge's appearance?

In order to clarify the clues to solve the case, Mrs. Zou told about the Feng family's promise to Wang Ge.Therefore, in the information that Daoxi obtained earlier, if even Wang Ge's face was lacking, then the possibility that he was instigated by important figures in the Feng family is very small, and the suspicion of Pang Xiang and even Xiang Heng was ruled out.

A group of county officials are still discussing matters in the public office, but they have a headache that this spy incident will involve the Feng family.The Feng clan of the Bohai clan, the Yang clan of the Beiping clan, and the Feng clan of the Beihai clan all maintain a large number of slave trades with the Xiongnu and Xianbei. While catering to the imperial court's intention to move soldiers, there have been rumors that the three clans have contacts with alien spies.

But as long as there is no rebellion, the imperial court will not touch the wealthy family.

Therefore, whether Dao Xi wanted to assassinate Wang Ge with the aconitum ointment soaked in chopsticks is not the focus of the investigation, but whether Feng Jiashen participated.

Mrs. Zou was very preoccupied, and could not fall asleep for a long time after returning to the official residence.She simply used a cowhide bag as a pillow to see if it could function as a listening jar.But the room is full of snoring, what you want to hear can't be heard, and what you don't want to hear is in your ears.

As the quilt rustled, Wang Ge crawled into Mrs. Zou's bed like a worm-like chrysalis. "I'll listen to it with my sister."

The cowhide pouch is quite long, so it fits perfectly for the two of them to sit side by side as pillows.

"Age will go to Luoyang in the future, right?"

"Want to go."

"If you want to go, you must go. With your ability, you should go to a wider place with more artisans."

"Auntie won't leave me in Liaodong?"

"I won't stay anymore. If I stay any longer, I'm afraid I won't be able to protect you." Mrs. Zou thought that Ah Ge was doomed to be restless in his life. Since he was fighting, he might as well go to the capital to fight!What Feng family, what Xianbei, if they have the ability, they will follow them to the capital?If you dare not go, you are a coward!

The fifth day of October.

To test whether the cowhide pillow can achieve the effect of listening to the urn, the most important thing is to find someone who is deaf.

You Mian self-recommendation.

He is good at taming birds. In the past, he often went to the mountains with his partner to listen to the singing of various mountain birds. After his partner passed away and his leg was injured, he was alone every day.

With listeners, where can we find so many people running around to create sound sources?

Wang Ge's idea is to set the sound source to three levels today: a hundred people on foot, 50 people on foot, and ten people on foot.

The number of people will definitely not be able to make up, so use the roof of the cart.

The starting point of the first two kinds of departures is at a fixed point five miles away, and the starting point for ten people walking is determined according to the calculation results.

Tomorrow we will decide on the number of people and the distance of the horseback riding.

There is no suitable open space in the city. If it is outside the city, the north and south should be ruled out first.The reason is that there are examination rooms in the north of the city, and there are too many tourists and caravans in the south of the city.

Excluding the east of the city, the terrain in the east is uneven.

After the west of the city was settled, all the carriages were brought in, and the team set off with great fanfare.

Poor Kong Shuzuo's shoes all ran away, and finally stopped the team in the office courtyard: "Master craftsman, stay here. Master Wang, Zou Sanli, why did you just leave?"

In the rear, the clerk led the horse in one hand and the shoes he picked up in the other and ran towards this small step.

This is a misunderstanding!Wang Ge and Mrs. Zou quickly got off their horses and explained: "Shu Zuo, I'm going to the west of the city to try the 'listening pillow'."

"What listening pillow? On the road."

In this way, Kong Shuzuo took another ten patrolmen to travel together.

Wang Ge followed Mrs. Zou's advice and took the car with Shuzuo and Youmian.Bai Rong was so angry that Kong Shuzuo's mount was broken when he was led to the stable by the petty official.

"I think so." In the car, Wang Ge was succinct and began to make nonsense: "The urn is buried in the city wall, and someone digging a tunnel can be heard outside the city wall, which means that the soil can transmit sound."

Of course Kong Shuzuo knew this.

"So where is dirt that isn't dirt?"


"The urn can collect sound because of its belly drum and hollow space, right?"


"The leather pouch is also hollow, does it also bulge after blowing enough air?"

Kong Shuzuo nodded.

"So it's the same soil, the same belly, hollow, why do you have to use a heavy urn?"


"Shu Zuo is deeply buried in doubt, the leather bag is small, so it can't be buried deeply, right?" Wang Ge motioned the other party to put the middle of the leather bag up to the ear, and then she tapped on the outside with her fingertips.

Kong Shuzuo's eyes widened.

"I can hear the sound, and it's not too loud, right? It can be replaced with a big urn. If I lightly touch the other side of the urn, does Shuzuo think he can hear it so clearly?"


You Mian smiled and said: "I tried, but I can't." The wall of the urn is thick, and the whole is wide. This kind of force is of course not as strong as the leather bag attached to the ear.

Wang Ge: "How about going into the urn to listen?"

You Mian: "If it were me, maybe I could hear it."

People into the urn? !Kong Shuzuo figured this out!

(End of this chapter)

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