"Isn't it writing Spring Festival couplets? Why did you change the painting?"

In the dream, Wang Ge was the only spectator. Her perspective was on the table, facing the two people in front of the table. It was a weird angle.

Wang Nanxing looked at the two pictures drawn by Linxia respectively. "This is... the door god?"

"Yes. The one on the left is Shentu, and the one on the right is Yulei. "Shan Hai Jing" records that if a ghost harms a person, these two gods will bind it with reeds, shoot at the peach arc, and throw it at the tiger. So in ancient times When a child is born, the elders will carve the two gods on the peach wood, and use peach charms to protect the child from evil spirits."

Wang Nanxing smiled: "Understood. I will also carve peach charms for Lin Xia to protect his health and safety in this life."

"Two. You wear one and I wear one. I have already thought about it. The back of yours is engraved with a fish, and there is a tree in front of the fish. My peach talisman is engraved with a pavilion on the back, and there is a drum in the pavilion. Together, they symbolize..."

What does it mean?
This dream was not a nightmare, but he woke up before finishing it. Unlike usual, this dream only made up for Wang Ge the memory in the dream, and there was nothing redundant.

It wasn't until a long time later, when she saw a scene in the capital as a prisoner, that she really put together all the pasts of Wang Nanxing and Linxia.

Send you thousands of miles, there will be a farewell.

Mrs. Zou, Mrs. Nan and other special guards had to return to Liaodong County after handing over matters at the Donglai County Office.The flail knights, except Wang Tian and Liu Qing, went back to Yangzhou to exchange for the places in the state guard camp. The rest had to go to different states and counties to take charge of military training. Ten of them went to Guanggu County (Qingzhou County), and the rest went to Sizhou and Yongzhou respectively.

Only ten craftsmen and apprentices will follow Wang Ge to Kuaiji County.

The governor of Donglai County read the official document of Mi Qi and was so shocked that it filled three pages!You must know that the official document only writes the general record of the secret agreement, such as when and where to improve heavy weapons, make light weapons, and make special weapons, etc. It does not involve the name, quantity, specific use of the equipment, let alone "firearms" , "Fire and Thunder" text.

This means that the highest level of a special craftsman is the state level. If there is a "national" level, Wang Ge will definitely be included!

There is no assassination of spies in Lu Yin's official document. After Mrs. Zou's words, and Donglai County itself is not a peaceful land, so how many people in Liaodong County are guarding Wang Ge? Not a lot.After entering Xuzhou, Xuzhou will take over.

The farther you go to the inner county, the safer you will be.

On May [-], entered Yangzhou.

Jianye City is still repairing the scars left by Zuyue's rebellion.

As soon as he returned home, Wang Ge handed over the passing documents in the state capital, changed the guards, said goodbye to Wang Tian and Liu Qing, and hurried on his way.

Jianye's troops were insufficient, and her guards were rationed according to the past practice, with a total of thirty Xiangyong.Xiangyong is not a person who has won the title of "brave man" among the rural soldiers, but a person with stronger force among the rural soldiers.

It's already very good, and five ox carts have been allocated, Wang Ge is content.

On May 22, entered Wuxing County.

27. Arrive at Yanguan County, Wu County, and take a boat to Kuaiji County.

28. Finally entered Shanyin City!
In the past, Wang Ge's impression of Shanyin City was the daily task assessment in the emergency training camp, the elimination system that made people nervous all the time, and the prosperity that passed by in and out of the city at that time seemed to be a world away from her.

This time, not only did he go straight to the county office, but he also met the prefect Wang who had just returned from his farm tour in the countryside.

Wang Taishou Wang Maohong is the famous Wang Dao in history.

Of course, this Great Jin Dynasty does not have the shame of Yongjia's South Crossing, Wang Dao will not be in power, Wang Dun has no chance to control Jingzhou's military power, and the Wang family cannot share the world with the Sima family.

But Wang Ge was still nervous.

Because Wang Taishou talked like a kind-hearted elder, if he hadn't been majestic, he would not have been amiable, and she was almost led by the other party several times to confide what she shouldn't have said.

Oops, the mouth is quite strict.Wang Taishou was in a dilemma. He read the official document of the secret deed, but he couldn't see the importance of it. In Bianjun, because there were many spies, seven of the ten improved utensils had to sign the secret deed.

So, how many guards are appropriate for a junior craftsman?
This kind of guard is accompanied by him for a long time, which is equivalent to the salary of the Food County Administration, and he serves Wang Ge alone.It's not the kind that is handed over and replaced on the road, and can be transferred back at will. Besides, several counties in Wujun and Wuxing counties have been rebuilt, and many township soldiers in Kuaiji County have been borrowed.

At this time, Yisheng came in, and Wang Ge got up to greet him.

"Craftsman Wang, don't worry, we have arranged a place to stay overnight, and it's in the official house of the county office."

"There is Lao Yisheng."

Overnight in the official house?Wang Taishou looked at Yisheng with satisfaction, with one eyebrow slightly raised and the other lowered: When is there a precedent for a craftsman living in an official's house?

Yisheng looked back with a smile: Don't worry, listen to me.

"Craftsman Wang, I was in Licao just now, and I am a little unclear about the handover documents along the way."

"Member, please speak."

"The number of guards for craftsmen in Liaodong County is only 20, but after arriving in Donglai County, the number of guards suddenly increased by 110. Could it be that the area from Donglai to Xuzhou is not peaceful?"

The Knight of the Flails was not written in the document, so of course Wang Ge could not talk about it. She replied, "It's not peaceful, but it's better than Liaodong County."

"Are bandits making trouble?"

"It looks like a bandit on the surface, but whether it's a spy in disguise or not will only be known after an interrogation."

"How many times did the craftsman encounter bandits on the road from Donglai County to Xuzhou?"

"Seven times."

"What about the road ahead?"


"The craftsman said just now that although Donglai is chaotic, it is better than Liaodong County. Besides spies, Liaodong County also has bandits?"

"I don't know, I haven't encountered bandits before."

"Then encounter a spy..."

"More than a hundred times."

"Oh, how much, how much?"

Dark day in May.

Wang Ge and his party stayed at Qiuting in the northeast of Shangyu County. The record of Qiuting in "Geography" is... Keshui flows eastward into the sea.

There is not only the Cao'e River that flows into the sea, but also Zhu Ying's tomb.

The next morning.

There are no horseshoes in Asakusa, and the fields offer sacrifices to heroic souls.

Bai Rong also sensed the sadness of his master and shed tears.

"Sister Zhu, I came to see you. I want to tell you that Wandu Mountain was breached, the Buxian Mountain garrison moved northward, Gaoxian New City was under construction, and Fuyu County expanded westward. Liche is recording the expanded territory of my Great Jin Dynasty, with new pavilions guarding the newly built official roads. Don't worry, this is the beginning."

After sacrificing Zhuying, Wang Ge looked back on his horse, and the dandelion began to fly. The heroic soul was like a tenacious dandelion, spreading the seeds of hope to the world, and all the heroic souls would be reincarnated!

The seventh day of June.

Nanshan is becoming more and more clear in the field of vision, and the river is rushing. Wang Ge, who went to the mountain to study with longing and apprehension, has dared to stand shoulder to shoulder with the mountain!
In the afternoon.

Wang Ge was welcomed into the county office by his subordinate Shi, the official led the way, and sighed: "Oh, no wonder the magpie is on the eaves to announce the good news, the master craftsman has finally returned, what a coincidence, the county magistrate is in the house today."

County magistrate Huan heard the movement and stood out of the house.

Wang Ge's eyes were instantly sour and unbearable, and the county magistrate's cheeks were even more gray!It can be seen that the copywriting has been hard work in the past two years.She stopped, saluted solemnly, and said loudly: "Wang Ge has lived up to the county magistrate's cultivation and returned today!"

"Okay, okay. Come on." Huan Shi's throat also choked.This child, come back as soon as he comes back, why is he so sad.

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