"Second Uncle." Wang Ge dismounted.

Wang Yun rode for too long and couldn't walk, so Tie Lei carried it on his back.

"Age?" Wang Erlang looked up and down, a little afraid to recognize his niece, not only was the dust blowing against his face, compared to when he left home, Wang Ge had indeed grown taller, his childishness had faded, and his calm demeanor changed his face even more.

Wang Peng's lower lip wrapped around his upper lip, and he stepped forward like shaking chaff: "Is it Aji? Are you my Aji?" He was quite confident that he remembered what his elder sister looked like before, so why didn't he dare to recognize her in front of him? Instantly blurred?

"Don't move!" Wang Ge was deliberately serious, lowered his body, held his second brother's face, rubbed the dirt from his own cheeks on each other's cheeks, and teased him with a strange voice: "Are you my second brother, A Peng?"

A snot bubble burst out, and Wang Peng grinned: "Yes, hey, I am. Second uncle, sister Cong, my elder sister is back, really my elder sister is back, hehe, my younger brother Hutou is also back."

"Everyone is back!"

"Everyone is back!"

Wang Peng jumped to clear the way first, shouting for joy.

Wang Ge knew that his family had moved the house, moved to the original pavilion, and the pavilion moved to a wider place.

"Run slower." Wang Erlang passed Wang Peng.

"Oh, second uncle, wait for me."

Wang Ge took Congmei's hand and walked together, Wang Shu also grew up, and quickly told Wang Ge: "The relocation of the house was arranged by the county office, no one dares to gossip."

"Yeah." The more famous a person is, the more he should pay attention to his reputation, especially when he is famous but has a low official position. "This wooden pavilion hasn't been repaired yet?"

"The new pavilion has already been built in the new pavilion, and Cheng Tingchang deliberately kept the old pavilion to enjoy the shade in summer. The pavilion chief also said that with such an old pavilion, the younger generations will not forget how miserable the reed pavilion was."

"Hmph." Wang He pursed his lips: "It's either Cheng Tingchang or Cheng Xiaolang all day long."

Wang Shu also "hmph" and turned his face away.

What Cheng Xiaolang?When Wang Gegang became suspicious, Cheng Shuang came forward with two pavilion officials.After a brief exchange of greetings, the pavilion officials and two brave men went to pick up the convoy behind. It was enough for Wang Ge to leave only the soldiers of the five counties with him, and the rest and all their mounts followed Cheng Tingchang and Wang He.

After a while, the second uncle turned back and led a girl in a three-haired bun, wearing a beautiful light red dress and dark red dress.

Wang Ge stopped.

This is... Yaomei Aai?
The little girl broke away from Wang Erlang's hand, hid behind him tightly, then tilted her head carefully, and hid back shyly.

"Aai?" Wang Ge squatted down.

The movement of the little girl's tilting her head slowed down this time, her face was still smiling, and her tears were dripping down like spring beads.

"Come on, Aai, I am your elder sister Wang Ge. Come on."

Aai took two steps coyly and ran away, but leaned gently into Wang Ge's embrace.Wang Ge hugged him, not to mention, he was quite heavy.She put Aai's arm around her neck, feeling the little guy's tense and stiff body slowly relax.

A girl is a girl, even if she cries and pouts and complains, the words she says are cute and pitiful: "Eldest sister, if you don't come back, I won't remember you."

"Well, Eldest Sister is so sad, but Eldest Sister always remembers you. Ah Ai, take Eldest Sister to look for Eldest Parents and Father, okay?"

"Okay." She pointed forward, and then said with a serious expression: "Eldest sister, let me down, you have worked hard all the way, I can't tire you anymore."

Wang Yun was ashamed, and whispered in Tie Lei's ear, "Uncle, let me down too."

"Haha, I'll let you go in the courtyard." After speaking, Tie Lei ran away.

In the half-person-high fenced courtyard, Wang Weng and Jia Yu watched anxiously, and Wang Dalang's hands holding the crutches alternated from time to time.It was Tie Lei who told them in advance that Ah Ge's identity was different from before. When he returned home from a long trip, the younger generation had to kneel down to meet the elders.

Before Tie Leiren entered the courtyard, Wang Yun said first: "Eldest parents, father, my elder sister is right behind."

"Eldest parents...Father..." Wang Ge ran into the courtyard, solemnly bowed his head, and Tie Lei advised the pavilion residents who were watching the bustle outside the courtyard to go their separate ways.

After a while of commotion, only the Wang family entered the main house, and Wang Ge lay down on the lap of the aunt. The grandparents and grandchildren cried and laughed happily.

When the emotions of the long-awaited reunion can be restrained, Wang Ge salutes his second aunt Zhou Shi again.Zhou has a round face with a natural smile, and she has already prepared the meeting ceremony. The cloth bag she embroidered with her own hands looks like wild geese flying with wings.

Wang Ge took it with both hands, and from the joy of everyone, it can be seen that Mrs. Zhou must be a virtuous bride.

Jia Yu couldn't get enough of her eldest granddaughter for a while, so she pulled Wang Ge closer and told her in a low voice, "Your second aunt is pregnant. She was going to cut clothes for you, but I won't let you."

Wang Ge replied: "This cloth bag is already very good. I will be an official in the future. I have to wear official clothes, and I still need a new cloth bag with dense stitches."

A Peng said loudly: "I heard it all, the elder sister praised the second aunt."

At this time, the iron wind knocked on the door, and it was the convoy entering the pavilion.

Ten large firewood carts were full of goods, which was the respect given to Wang Ge by the government and also to the Wang family.

It was late today, and the pigs and sheep were temporarily dragged to the pigsty and sheepsty of the pavilion.There were too many pickles and bacon, and some of them could not be stored for long. One cart was for the guards, and two carts were for the Pavilion Department.There was a carload of fruit wine and wolfberry wine. Wang Erlang untied a urn respectively and poured out some for his father and elder brother to smell.

There were only three boxes and cages that Wang Ge brought back from Liaodong, and they were quite heavy. They were all carried into the main house, and Jia Yu was so happy that she could see her teeth.

Wang Peng and the others couldn't help, so they counted and recorded under Wang Yun's leadership.

The stove house had already cooked meat porridge, and Wang Shu came out in a while, and laughed with a young man outside the fence for several rounds, and Wang Ge finally understood why Wang He was angry. Signs of being arched!
The young boy gradually realized that Master Wang had gouged himself several times, bowed shyly, and left.

"Who is it?" Wang Ge asked his aunt, pointing to the outside of the courtyard.

"Zhong Lang from Cheng Ting's elder family."

Wang Peng ran over and spread his palms: "Eldest sister, what do you think this is?"

Soy bean sprouts and mung bean sprouts!
Cheng Tingchang knew how to do things. He asked the pavilion stove to cook mutton, and asked the pavilion officials to bring the tableware. There were also bean sprouts in the broth.

The family members were considerate of Wang Ge's fatigue, and the dinner was eaten simply, and the children's voices were kept quiet so that they were not noisy.

Treetops on the moon.

Wang Ge was finally able to lie down and rest in his own room.On her left is the eldest mother, and next to the eldest mother are Wang Ai and Wang Shu.On her right are Tiger Head and Wang Peng.

"Days are so fast." She took Hutou's hand and groped for the callus on his hand.

Apeng is eight years old, Hutou is seven years old, and Aai is six years old.Wang He of the second room was twelve years old, and Ah Shu was ten years old.My family didn't see my hard work outside, but is it easy for my family?Except for the new clothes worn by Ah Shu, Hutou, and Ah Ai, the rest of the clothes are still the same as before, washed and faded, mended and mended, and they are reluctant to throw them away.

In two years, the eldest father's hair was all white, the eldest mother's back was bowed, and the father's eye sockets were sunken... A soreness rushed into her nostrils, and she dared not think about it. When she thought of her father's eyes, the gray temples , she feels distressed!Uncomfortable heartache!
In the joy of the family reunion, how could she not see the uneasiness in everyone's heart that they dare not ask. They must want to ask her: Age, how long will you stay home this time?Will you leave home for such a long time?

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