Chapter 368 Exegesis
Stealing a floating life for a month of leisure, the half fence is far away.

On the morning of the ninth day of July, Wang Ge did not send his family far away, and set off with [-] guards in light clothes. When she turned the corner and looked back, her family was still in front of the courtyard, and she knew she would stare at her.

In the afternoon, when I arrived at the county office, it was still Shi Xia who welcomed her into the county magistrate's house.

No wonder Xiao Shi didn't know which craftsman she was going to be the chief official a few days ago.The magistrate of Huan County bluntly said: "There is only one official wooden shop in the city, and two in the suburbs. According to the order of the craftsman, each carpenter shop at the county level can only have one chief official, and now they are all full. The previous solution was to recommend you. Dazu Carpenter Shop, waiting for a suitable location to be vacated."

Wang Ge's heart moved, that is, this method is not suitable for her, and it just so happens that her plan is more likely to be realized.

Menxia Shi explained: "The county magistrate considers that you are different from other craftsmen. If it goes well, you can be promoted to a master craftsman years ago. Last year, Yangzhou changed the decree. Master craftsmen are not allowed to enter any private craftsmen. The craftsman's office is the chief official, either in the county or county as an official, scattered official, or in a special construction of the craftsman's office as the chief official, or as the permanent chief examiner."

Strictly speaking, only master craftsmen really enter the officialdom.According to the order of craftsmen, the "nine-rank official method" was not adopted for the official position recommendation of master craftsmen, but the "removal" system prevailed in the Han Dynasty.

Wang Ge: "I understand." If you recommend her to a private craft shop, you may have to leave as soon as you get a foothold. "When I was in Xiangping County, I inquired about the conditions of the master craftsmen of Jin in Liaodong County. The most important thing is that in addition to the three times the state's first and higher-level craftsmen are recommended, it is best to achieve at least one kind of benefit to the people or soldiers. Improvement of equipment. I don’t know this county..."

Huan County Magistrate: "This condition is an additional item, which is common to all states and counties. Because master craftsmen are different from middle craftsmen, they need to be graded. Higher grades are at the state level, good grades are at the county level, and ordinary ones are at the county level. The difference is , the county-level master craftsman in the rich state and county cannot be Jinzong craftsman. But you don't have to worry, one is that Dongyi Mansion's document praises you a lot, and with the recommendation of the master craftsman, no accident, it should be designated as a state-level craftsman. .”

Wang Ge said shyly: "As far as I know, above the state level, there is also the highest level."

There is another title for the highest level: quasi-grandmaster!

Shi Xinxi, a member of the school, immediately asked: "Master Wang has great ambitions, does he have an idea for improvement?"

Wang Ge glanced at County Magistrate Huan before nodding: "Yes. I went to the Yeshan River with my family half a month ago. I saw wooden boats and bamboo rafts going along the water, almost without poles and oars. After returning home, I thought that boats, rafts, Idle, can you also use it..."

Next, without asking the other party, she explained the idea of ​​building rafts and rafts.

As early as when Xiangping improved the water reel, Wang Ge had a similar idea, but the assessment time of the county competition was too short. She modified it and made a small Mengchong ship, but the idea of ​​"chuan reed" was not adopted .Later, Wang Ge pondered the reason. It should be that the hull is not big as a warship, but as a ship reel, piles must be driven underwater to fix the hull.If this method is promoted, it is easy to be used by spies and thieves to set up piles in important rivers to block the transportation of luggage ships.

But the waters of the Yeshan River are fine.One is that there are no supply boats coming and going, the other is that the river is wide, and even near the rocky beach, the current is quite fast. The common people went into the mountains to cut bamboo to make rafts, fished during the day, and used water power to pound rice or drive mills at night.

In this way, Wang Ge never talked about Youshi, and decided to make two rafts and two rafts first, and try them in Nanshan River.As soon as it is feasible, a fourth official office, Musi, will be built in Yeshanjiang immediately, with Wang Ge as the chief official.

The accommodation was also arranged. During this time, Wang Ge and twenty guards lived in the official house.

After the official business was finished, she asked for a private matter: "I am already a master craftsman, and I want to visit my mentor and meet my former classmates, but I don't know if I will be allowed to enter Nanshan Guanshu? And there are many craftsmen's shops on the river's bank. , the previous ferry should be gone.”

Menxia Shi laughed.

Wang Ge looked at the county magistrate in surprise. Could it be that magistrate Huan guessed that she was going to Nanshan and arranged for her?

really!County magistrate Huan said: "I will take you to the new ferry in the morning of the next day. Zuo Shi will tell you what you need to prepare later."

She smiled and said quickly, "Don't bother Zuo Shi. I have prepared all the gifts for the two masters and fellow students."

"What gift are you preparing for the master? Let me take a look."

Wang Ge carried it with him and took it out. They were two wooden balls made by ghosts.Inconspicuous at first glance, one engraves the word "Xun Gu" and the other engraves the word "Shuowen". Outside the characters are hollowed out auspicious clouds and flying cranes.The county magistrate Huan picked up the "exercise", and Wang Ge took the initiative to hand another wooden ball to Shixia Shi.

Through hollowing out, the two discovered that there is a small ball and a four-pointed star inside the wooden ball. The small ball and the star-shaped wood bite. There is a visible gap between them, and they always move together with the outer ball.

"This..." His face was startled, and he looked at the outside ball again. There was no trace of mortise and tenon joints. What does it mean?Explain that the outer and inner three pieces of wood are whole wood carvings! "Well, how much work will this take?"

Wang Ge: "A disciple is a teacher, and he respects the same as his father. No matter how much effort is spent, it is justified."

County Magistrate Huan: "If you guessed correctly, this carving implies the sun, moon, and stars?"


"Okay." He reached out and took the "Shuowen" in Menxia Shi's hand, looked inside through the hollow, and then looked back at "Exegesis".

so awkward.Wang Gedu stretched out his hand to take it back, feeling lonely.No, are all the Huan family like this? "Now my skill of carving ghost crafted wooden balls is more refined, and I will be able to carve better ones for the county magistrate years ago!"

"Ghost worker wooden ball, ghost worker...taken from Ziqing chopping wood to make it?"

"Ah?" She couldn't understand this sentence, cutting wood into saws?
County Magistrate Huan: "The word Liyan is engraved on my ghostly crafted wooden ball."

"Yes, I remember." Li Yan, she did know that from "Zuo Zhuan", Li De, Li Gong, and Li Yan are the three immortals.

Shi under the door took Wang Ge and his party to the official house, and while walking, she said that she realized that the college students in Houtian Nanshan Guanshu and Qinghezhuang were going to have an academic exchange on the building boat.Nanshan Guanshu University has many female students, that is to say, this outing is a big blind date.

No wonder she was asked to prepare in advance, bathe and change clothes, and dress up well.

Soon, Shi under the door hurried back to the house and reported to County Magistrate Huan: "I have explained everything to Master Wang. After all, it is a knowledgeable girl who has been to the border county. As soon as I mentioned it, she understood and did not refuse." .”

"That's good." When you should be generous and calm, you should be calm. The two schools are not all children of wealthy families. I hope that by taking this opportunity, Wang Ge can meet a good match.

A bigger surprise is waiting for Wang Ge in the official house.

When she brought Ah Xin and other craftsmen and apprentices to Kuaiji County, she thought that she would never have a chance to see her again in this lifetime, but she didn't expect that the four craftsmen who had been with her day and night were waiting for her in the courtyard, and they didn't know to wait in the shade, sweating .

 Hull (lóng): a farming tool for shelling grains, made of bamboo, wood, and mud.

  鐻 (jù): An ancient musical instrument.

(End of this chapter)

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