People came up to this cabin one after another, and the boatman Lou placed fruit drinks and rice cakes for each seat.Xie Ju took this opportunity to approach Wang Ge.

Bian Zi said, "My uncle Ji also went to Pingzhou."

Wang Ge: "Yes, he has been to Xiangping City, and he was traveling with a Fu Langjun at that time."

Bian Zi was pleasantly surprised, this kind of news is like a short letter from home, even if it is only a few words, it also shortens the distance with his family.

Guo Fuzi: "Come, let's raise our glasses together to respect the bravery of the officers and men of the Border Commanderies, and the fearlessness of the young and ambitious."

Master Zuo: "The wind is thick enough to bear huge wings, the water is thick enough to carry a big boat, and the accumulation of learning is to preserve words. I hope you three will always use character as the foundation of self-cultivation, and keep in mind the original intention of learning to benefit the world."

The three of Wang Ge answered "Yes" in unison.No longer disturbing the master, the three of them went to the deck, just in time to see a few students crushing rice cakes to feed the birds, leading more than a dozen birds to chase the boat.Nearby, there are two girls leaning on the fence to watch. They wear hibiscus buns, white clothes and colorful dresses, and their figures are as bright as immortals under the wind blowing in the river.

Fangfei Shaorong!When Wang Ge secretly praised the other party, the second girl also looked at her from a distance.

Bian Cu found out and told Wang Ge that the girl on the left was surnamed Zhuge and the other was surnamed Deng, both female students of Nanshan University.

In fact, Wang Ge didn't know that she was always followed by a guard, no matter where she went, she was also the most curious girl in this building boat.

"Sister Ge, here." Xie Ju stretched out his hand, it turned out that he broke a small piece of rice cake when he left the banquet.Divide this small piece of cake into two, and give the other piece to Bian Xi, who doesn't want it himself. "Don't hold it in your hand, put it on the railing."

The speed of the boat was slow, so I put a few pieces of cake crumbs on the railing near the cabin, and they couldn't fly away, but soon there were birds approaching, and when I got close, I found that they were not too small.

Xie Ju had a foresight, and the group of students at the bow suddenly yelled that someone had been hit in the face by a bird's wing, and the rotten bird that caused the trouble couldn't die, so he flapped his wings and flew to Wang Ge to grab the crumbs to eat.

"It's that one, catch it!"

Several people came over lightly, and shouted as softly as possible: "Quick... feed the cake again, and lead it so that it does not run away."

In fact, things are very common here, a few students who wanted to catch the bird just wanted to catch it first, Wang Ge didn't listen to them, and pulled Bian Xi and Xie Ju back, these students didn't show any anger.

As a result, the rotten bird saw that Wang Ge and Bian Xi still had cakes in their hands, so it did the trick again, and flew over with a "huh", and was slapped by Zhao Wuchang's swift palm!How strong was he, the bird carcass was chopped down at the feet of the student who was trying to catch it like an arrow.

"Ah!" The man was frightened and yelled, dragging his companion to the bird corpse.The one who was dragged was defenseless, just stepped on the wing, slipped his foot, and sat down on the ground with a "bang".

There was a lot of laughter from behind.

Xie Ju whispered: "This is terrible."

Wang Ge: "Yeah, we've made a vendetta."

A boatman came to collect the dead bird.

Wang Ge and the others were not stupid, so they returned to the cabin immediately. At this time, Master Guo and Master Zuo had already joined the seat with County Magistrate Huan.Master Guo and Master Lu played chess, while the other three watched.

"Look, the scenery here is beautiful." Wang Ge walked to the window closest to County Magistrate Huan.

"Yes." Xie Ju and Bian Xun both nodded.

The student who was frightened just now stood at the hatch, and there was another person beside him, his eyes fixed on Wang Ge and the others, especially Wuchang Zhao.

Xie Ju: "These two should be Qinghezhuang students."

Zhao Li was born as an ordinary soldier, and he was used to beating and beating. How could he think that beating a bird would have such serious consequences. "Master, I didn't mean it just now."

Wang Ge smiled: "You are right. You just do your duty, and I will take care of the rest."

County magistrate Huan got up. He had been an official for a long time, and his every move was full of power. He glanced at the hatch, and the two students left. "What happened?"

She didn't hide or exaggerate, and described what happened just now in a few words.

Some students of Qinghezhuang relied on their family backgrounds to fight for the places to study. Magistrate Huan did not take this trivial matter lightly, and instructed: "Follow your master closely at Caishitan, or you can follow me."

"Yes." Wang Ge turned his head and told Xie Shi and Bian Xi: "The three of us don't separate."

Caishitan is the entrance of a green valley at the bottom of Nanshan Mountain, and it is also a property of the Xie family. It is famous for its colorful pebbles.At noon, the building boat docked here, and there were many willows planted on the bank of the ferry, and the broad-leaved dwarf plants extended towards the green valley. It can be seen that two pavilions are hidden in front of the valley.

After getting off the boat, Bian Zi sighed, "I'm only here for the second time."

Wang Ge came back to his senses, the layers of colored stones here are like colored glaze with heavy makeup, which is shockingly beautiful!She thought it would be similar to Yeshan Jiangshitan. "I, I knew I should bring a basket."

Everyone laughed.Xie Ju picked up an apricot-red round stone to Wang Ge, and said, "This color is the rarest. Nanshan and even the colorful stone beach were given to my Xie family by Emperor Cheng. At that time, my Xie family began to go to Tuyi County. I heard from my grandfather that there were not so many colorful stones here, but they were picked from various river beaches and transported here all the year round, and over time, the original river stones have long been crushed into the mud."

Bian Xi: "It is true that someone picked up colorful jade and water jade from here?"


Colorful jade?Water jade?oh my god!Wang Ge suddenly became possessed by an owl, scanning the surrounding area with his eyes.Then I found Xie Ju copying his hands and tilting his head laughing at her: "Do you really believe it?"

"Fake?" She stared at Bian Xun again with a fierce look on her face.

"Haha, you are really..." Bian Zi was overjoyed, and asked earnestly, "Sister Ge, won't you be deceived in Bianjun like this?"

shameful! "Let's go, let's follow Master closely."

A gentleman dressed in a student uniform came over, bowed and said, "I am Meng Tong, a student of Qinghe Village. I met you at the Ancient Tomb Mountain a few years ago."

Xie Ju and Bian Zun couldn't remember clearly, Wang Ge replied: "Brother Meng and my fellow villager Liu Bo used to be together."

"Yes, three years later, Liu Tongmen has already gone to the capital. With his talent and knowledge, he should be able to enter the Taixue."

"Brother Meng can do it too."

"Auspicious words from the girl. The beach is wide and rocky, and bamboos are overgrown. Everyone, don't stay away from crowded places. I'm going to find a fellow student, so don't bother me." Meng Tong said his farewell.

Bian Zi finally remembered that when Sima Nandi ran to Liu Bo's tent to test how much one plus one equals, Liu Bo pretended to be dumb and Meng Tong fell for it.

Just now Wang Ge saw that the magistrate and the master were walking in the direction of Cuigu, so she took one in each hand and said, "Let's go find the master." She thought Meng Tong should have heard something, so she came here to remind her.

Turning around clusters of bamboos and low plants, Zhao Wuchang slowed down, Wang Ge suddenly stopped and turned around.

It was the screaming boy and his companions!She saw it, it was a shame, she didn't dare to be angry with others, and wanted to take it out on her and Zhao Li.

"Let's continue walking." Wang Ge raised his voice as he walked, "Hiding and hiding, rats are sneaky, and they will always only dare to use harm to harm others."

The screaming young man also raised his voice: "Oh, Liu Tongmen, do you still remember that there was a craftsman in my carpenter's shop who threw herself into the river? It's a pity. She has a pair of skillful hands and no brains. I don't understand."

Wang Ge pointed to the sky: "Oh, look, there are also such birds on the shore. Don't be as cowardly as your kind, or you will be slapped to death."

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