I went ashore by weaving straw shoes and became a master craftsman

Chapter 382 You ask me what is the use of salt?

Chapter 382 You ask me what is the use of salt?
Cheng Shuang noticed that Wang Ge was thinking, so he came up with an idea: "You go to the shop tomorrow as usual, and I'll go to the county to talk about today's events. No matter how powerful the Liang family is, there is no such thing as his family's marriage proposal. Rules. Moreover, it was the village media in Juzhang County who were rude first, and I punished them according to the county’s pavilion regulations, which is logically correct.”

He didn't know that Wang Gefei was worried about Liang's collusion with matchmakers.When the matchmaker stood up with a sneer and threw away the bundle of reeds, the Buqu and Hakka women who followed her not long ago were all outraged, but Wu Zhang lingered and walked slowly, for fear of showing that he was her bodyguard.

That's why Wang Ge asked Gao Ming to capture the matchmaker.

Unusable people, staying for one more day is dangerous!Wang Ge figured it out: "It's true that Uncle Cheng has to go to the county office. Captain Zhao, if you see any guards who want to go back, want to go back to Shanyin, or are afraid of the situation of the Liang family, call them all. You will go with Cheng Tingchang tomorrow. Walk."

"Age?" What happened?Wang Dalang heard something wrong, it is difficult for a long-blind person to control his expression.

"Da Lang." At the same time as Wang Weng spoke, Wang Ge also comforted him with gentle words: "Don't worry, I'll talk to Father in detail later."

"Captain Zhao, do you understand what I mean?" She looked back at Zhao Li, "I am willing to let him go this time. If you stay, it will be hard to leave if you commit negligence again."

Zhao Li didn't expect to play tricks for a while, let Wang Ge see through his timidity, and let him be so shameless in public.Hmph, a craftsman, he really considers himself an official! "What if I want to leave?"

"Very good, don't give it away!" Cheng Shuang said before Wang Ge.

The next day, except for the county soldier named Shen Shan, the other 49 guards went to the county office with the pavilion chief Cheng.

Shen Shan is good at archery, he is the soldier who rested on the cowhide that night and let Suzhi tap his shoes.

Calculating the time, Mrs. Zhou is only one month away from the confinement period, Wang Ge still let Gao Ming and Feng Yi stay at home, and she first brought Shen Shan, Gao Yue, and Ah Xin back to the craftsman's shop.This time when Xiumu returned home, all ten livestock carts carrying mountain goods belonged to the craftsman's shop. Feng Zhi and the three apprentice craftsmen, Alu, don't need to worry, just bring all the empty livestock carts to the craftsman's shop before dark.

The words are divided into two parts.

Luoyang City.

Chongjiu Denggao Department of Cornus officinalis.On a high pavilion in the south of Luoshui, Wang Yun formally worshiped Zhang Jiying as his teacher and offered chrysanthemum wine, implying longevity and disaster relief.Zhang Jiying tied a crimson gauze bag on the student's arm, filled with cornel, implying to drive away evil spirits.Huanzhen was too old to wear a dogwood gauze bag, so he drank wine and ate flower cakes with his wife.

The colored silk outside was blown by the wind, hitting the plain window frame one by one, Wang Yun couldn't help but look at the downtown.After entering Luoyang City, he felt more and more that he had read less books, and his vision was full of splendor and splendor, with splendor and wealth everywhere, unlike the world.

But what about under the glitz?Not in the books he read.

The buildings in the city are connected by pavilions, so far as to meet the sky, which kind of pavilions are shops and which ones are houses, is there any strict regulation?On what basis are the long streets and narrow alleys divided into cities, villages, and pavilions?People who come and go are dressed in beautiful clothes, where do ordinary people live?Do they all live outside the city?There are patrols on foot, and there are knights. Are these soldiers under the control of the palace?If you only follow His Majesty's orders, what is the method of issuing military orders?
When Brother Huan led him up to this pavilion, there were voices of fighting poems and singing in every pavilion. He didn't see the joy in Brother Huan's expression, so are the actions of fighting poems and uninhibited songs vulgar or rampant?

He didn't know it, he was restrained because of his ignorance, and he didn't dare to show joy or dislike.If you continue to be restrained and dare not, your studies will float on the surface like the prosperity of Luoyang City.

"Master, what are they singing? I haven't heard it before, so I want to know." Wang Yun turned his head, the kind of cautiousness that came from the remote place made Zhang Jiying feel sorry for him. "Stupid!"

This month, Zhang Jiying had a little boy beside him for offering wine to the son of the emperor. Wang Yun followed his master to learn about Guozixue and Taixue, and traveled all over Luoyang.

reed pavilion.

Wang Ge reported to Xiumu again on the eighth day of September to take Wang Zhu over.In the past, the family was poor, so they only used pottery bowls to fill the grains on the Double Ninth Festival, worshiping the Emperor of Heaven and Shennong, hoping for good weather and a good harvest every year.For Chongyang this year, she prepared chrysanthemum wine, bought rice cakes, and four dogwood sachets.

After Wang Weng and Jia Yu tied sachets on A Shu, A Zhu, A Peng, and A Ai, the two young ones chased me and ran out the door to show off.

Through the fence, Wang Ge saw a newborn lady coming towards his house with a basket slung across her shoulders. The closer she got, the happier her smile became, and she raised her voice and asked, "Little lady, is this the carpenter Wang Ge's house?"

Wang Ge: "No."

The lady laughed out loud: "I have come all the way, how can Master Wang have the heart to lie to me?"

Jia Yu happened to come out of the kitchen, and asked vigilantly, "Who is it?"

The lady rushed in front of Wang Ge and shouted: "I am the matchmaker invited by the Liang family in Juzhang County."

Some people in the pavilion heard it and looked at Wangge's house.

"You go in, Ah He...all go in, Erlang helps your eldest brother enter the house!" Wang Weng came to the courtyard gate in a hurry and said: "The courtyard gate is open, you don't go in, just yell outside."

Mei's smile remained undiminished: "Jin Jin Jin. Oh, Mr. Wang is really smarter than what the Liang family praised." She said as she unloaded the basket, which contained Selaginella.

Selaginella symbolizes longevity in the natse ceremony.

But the Liang family's choice of Zhizhi must be based on their original intention... Juanfu, just like Wei last time, wanted Wang Ge to surrender and become attached to the Liang family.

"The matchmaker was ignorant last time, and was dismissed after returning home. The Liang family sent me here because they sincerely begged to marry Mr. Wang Ge."

According to the rules, at this time, the girl being proposed cannot interfere or intervene.Wang Ge looked out of sight and out of mind, stood far away outside the hut, asked Ah Xin to bring her a knife, and ordered Ah Lu to bring over the Shau Kei, but he thought the Sha Kei was too big, so he called Gao Yue to the utility room to find a pottery urn .

The yard was full of guards, craftsmen and apprentices were brought over and yelled at.

Wang Ge leisurely hummed, scraping slowly from the wall.

Wang Weng never intended to invite the matchmaker to sit down, the other party was sent by Liang's family, smiling, and disliked Wang Geyue in his heart.So he approached and asked, "Is the craftsman still busy at home? What's the use of scraping off this nitrate frost?"

"You ask me what is the use of nitrate?" Wang Ge smiled.

The matchmaker was so dumbfounded that he was gagged, tied up and shoved into the pigsty of the booth, and the clothes he had just cut were covered in pig manure.She hated Wang Ge who was standing on a high place: "Woooooo..."

Wang Ge held his palm horizontally, and slashed at Meishi's neck. "Woo! Woo, woo..." The other party was about to pout angrily.

When Wang Ge returned home from Pingzhou, although there was no secret agreement in the resume documents he brought, the secret agreement was graded.The county soldier Shen Shan went to the county office to report the case non-stop. When the county official heard that someone had asked the craftsman Wang Ge who had returned from the border county to inquire about high-level secrets, he dared not be careless and hurriedly reported it to his subordinates.

At noon the next day, the county master, the military history, and the prison history all came.The master's surname is Min, because it involves a high-level secret agreement, he first explained that the county magistrate is out, and he will arrive tomorrow at the soonest.Ask Wang Ge again: "Is it important that this woman is inquiring?"

(End of this chapter)

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