I went ashore by weaving straw shoes and became a master craftsman

Chapter 386 Listening to the Emperor in the Corner

Jia Silang said with a shy face: "The fields near the river in my home are all rice. The news in the village is not as well-informed as that of the outside. I really don't know if there are any agricultural tools that can reduce the fatigue during the season of planting seedlings. The master and the craftsman know how to be sure. More than me. Alas, now two or three wild pavilions have been built in the village, and all the tenant farmers in their prime go to farm in the pavilions, and the rest are either old or unable to bear the fatigue.”

The craftsman's shop often came and went to Linshuiting. Wang Ge knew that the Jia family had oppressed the tenants in the past two years, and the tenants had come to Linshuiting to complain several times. "Mr. Jia Lang's request is the business of benefiting the peasants, why don't you go to the township to apply for it?"

"I've been there, I've been there twice. It was the township that gave me the idea, saying that the township reported to the county, and in the end I had to find a craftsman to take care of it. Seeking distance is worse than seeking proximity. Oh, the girl is the chief official. , must be the most capable craftsman in our county."

How could Xiangzheng say such a thing?Wang Ge said patiently: "Farmers and ordinary craftsmen can modify their own farm tools at will, but craftsmen must report to the county office according to the order to improve farm tools. Don't worry, Mr. Jia Lang. No one will deliberately delay the request of farmers. , I will report to the county office before the end of the month."

Jia Silang forced a smile: Another excuse.

The only thing that made him feel at ease was that Jiang Si returned his cart full of mushrooms and fruits, so it was a good trip.But the hearts of the people are not enough, the more he thinks about the rapid prosperity of the Wang family on the road, the more unbelievable it becomes.A poor village girl, if she learns some crafts, she will be admitted as a craftsman, and she can even become an official?This is too bizarre!And I heard that the Wang family's son is studying in Qinghezhuang, how many words can the children of the humble peasants recognize?How did you get into Qinghe Village?
Alas, it's all the fault of those incompetent people in the Changfang. After Jia Feng's crime, the township officials and Linshuiting officials all avoided their own homes, and they couldn't find out anything they wanted to inquire about.

Wang Ge didn't care what Jia Silang thought.What she was thinking about was that instead of reporting to the county according to ordinary official documents, it is better to apply to a higher-level county office in the form of a county competition application.In this way, brainstorming can also give junior craftsmen more opportunities for county assessment.

Furthermore, the test item proposed by her is likely to be set in Duyi County, which is beneficial to the junior craftsmen in this county and allows the craftsman order to spread more widely in the county.

If there is no feasible improvement method for the next rice planting season, she will find time to do it.

Coincidentally, the next day she finished drawing up the document, Linshui Tingting Zuo Danying came and brought her the master craftsman's document.

to advanced!
Wang Ge's heart that has been mentioned for a long time is finally at ease. From now on, she is the "quasi-grandmaster".

Shan Tingzuo first congratulated Wang Ge, and then explained that the head of the pavilion was out, and that the recent affairs in the pavilion will be taken care of by him.The two met a few years ago, and now one party does not use the past to argue, and calls him "Master Wang" in every sentence, while the other party does not get angry because of his prosperity, and still calls him "Uncle Shan". The more they talk, the happier they are.

Like Pavilion Chief Ren every time he came and went, Shan Ying also left with three big carts of goods.

Only then did Wang Ge break open the clay seal and take out another letter. As she expected, it was the county magistrate Huan who informed her that she had made arrangements for her post as chief, so she waited quietly and established a good order in the workshop during this period.

At the end of the letter, it is mentioned that Meng Tong, a student of Qinghezhuang, is simple, but his younger brother likes to gamble, and the Meng family is selling their land to pay off their debts.

"Huh..." Wang Ge let out a breath and understood that she didn't have a crush on the Meng family, just like the other party, they didn't really have a crush on her.The county magistrate is reminding her that even if the Liang family continues to be in trouble and no one comes to propose marriage in a short period of time, she should not foolishly accept the Meng family.

Luoyang City at this time.

Guozixue was established by Emperor Wu in the summer and May of the second year of Xianning. Since its establishment, the noble children moved out of Taixue.During the reign of Emperor Cheng, the respect for morality and rituals of the two schools became more and more prosperous, and those who admired scholars had to take an examination of the "Five Classics" before entering school.

Guozi Xuemen enjoy imperial subsidies.He was a disciple when he first entered Taixue, so he could enjoy imperial subsidies.

In half a month, Wang Yun knew almost everything about the establishment of the two universities, their affiliation, the selection of doctors and teaching assistants, the selection and recruitment of students, and so on.Today, I came to Guozixue with my master, and I didn't expect to reunite with Sima Nandi. It turned out that Nandi's second uncle was working as a teaching assistant in Guozixue.

Zhang Jiying saw that the two children were very excited, so he asked the assistant to lead them to the idle bookstore next to them to catch up.Not long after, Zhang Jijiu had something to leave.

Just after the beginning of the lunar new year, the emperor Sima Youzhi came, holding a copper cylinder nearly one foot long in his hand.The following officials belonged to Sanqi Province, and among them was Sima Shao, the servant of Sanqi, who was the father of Sima Nandi.Wang Ge's apprentice bronze medal was given to her by Sima Shao when she was engaged in history for Sili.

Zhang Jiying was not there, two childish voices came from the nearby house, which aroused the emperor's curiosity, as soon as he walked leisurely, the rest of the people knew that they must not disturb His Majesty's Yaxing (eavesdropping).

Sima Nandi: "Azun once invited me to travel across the great rivers with her. Alas, I regret coming to Luoyang. I really want to know where she has been."

Wang Yun: "The farthest place Miss Bian has been to... should be Qinghezhuang." The two primary schools either competed in exam results every month, or gathered together to debate their studies.

Outside, the emperor and all the officials laughed (except Sima Shao), not because they thought the two children's words were funny, but because they were amused by the contrast between the little girl's rough voice and the boy's "hehe".

After laughing hard, there is desolation.Brother Nan sighed: "Actually, I don't want my father to be promoted at all. In that case, I will have to study in Guozixue in the future, but he is in Taixue."

Sima Shao's expression changed drastically: What's the matter?Which him?
Lu Shiguang, the regular attendant of Sanqi, signaled to the emperor, Sima Youzhi turned his head, and when he saw Sima Shao like this, he understood.The little girl belongs to Sima Shao's family.

Wang Yun: "Not necessarily. If you continue to think wildly, if you don't study hard, you won't be able to enter Guozixue."

"Hmph, you're mocking me!"

"Good words are harsh. Okay, I'm done. Take the paper box over here and don't move. I'll stand far away and straighten the thread. Yes, put the mouth of the box to your ear. Miss Sima, hear me... "

"Ah!" The little girl couldn't wait for him to finish, so she cried out with joy, extremely surprised! "How could this be? Why are you talking in my ear at such a distance?"

This time it really aroused the curiosity of the people outside the house, what paper box?What is far away, talking in the ear?

Wang Yun: "Do you know how to listen?"

"Well, I know."

A series of echoes outside the house: I know, I know, I know... keep talking, keep talking...

"I call this thing a sound transmission box, similar to how an urn can transmit sound. My sister often taught me that everything needs to know why, not just knowing that an urn can transmit sound when buried in the soil, but also thinking about why it is so? Now we They are far away from each other, as long as they are connected by a thin wire, what is the point of listening to each other when talking to each other? Hee, I haven’t figured it out yet.”

"But it's already very powerful. Wang Yun, can you give this to me?"

"Of course. Let me tell you another interesting thing. If you have this kind of thicker paper in your home, you can learn this folding method. Fill the carton with water. It doesn't have to be full. First, use the flame to slowly approach the bottom of the carton. Continue to bake, and you will find that the paper will not catch fire."

Outside the house... Wet paper won't be ignited, but the carton contains water and the bottom of the box is dry, so it won't be ignited?

Brother Sima Nan: "Really? Then let's try it here?" (End of this chapter)

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