"Ah... oh?" Wang Mai stopped crying, and stared curiously at this strange face.

Congdi is so young, so painful.Wang Yun asked Wang Ge, "Is it the same when I was a child?"

"Well, you're thinner."

When Wang Peng heard this, he finally couldn't help it, and whispered to Wang Yun, "Fortunately, you are like Congdi at this time. He was as wrinkled as a cicada when he was born."

At such a close distance, can Wang Ge and Zhou's hear it?Zhou laughed and burst into tears, she belonged to the kind of low-spirited, so that when she got up in the middle of the night to relieve herself and think about it, she still couldn't help laughing, and woke up Wang Erlang, thinking that the bride was bewitched.

Only mention the present.People from the Zhang family and Qinghezhuang insisted not to stay for dinner, nor to let the Wang family send them away.

After the Wang family finished their dinner, they all gathered in the main house. Wang Yun picked up important events during his travels and told them. When he talked about meeting the emperor in Guozixue, the house collectively stopped breathing for a short time!

"Your Majesty praised me for my simplicity and honesty, and rewarded me with many utensils..."

Um?Why is there a whirlwind in the house?

Jia Yu's voice came from the second main room: "Which one is it?"

The emperor's rewards were really quite a lot, including a copper dove cart, a pair of copper nails, a pair of silver nails, three boxes of lacquer brushes, five boxes of fine paper of different materials, two boxes of colored solo music, two boxes of iron bullets, two boxes of copper bullets, ten boxes of ink sticks of different shapes, ten boxes of beeswax, a set of porcelain Go chess, and a common wooden Luban lock.

When Wang Ge saw Lu Bansuo, the joy and movement around her seemed to be separated from her in time and space.It is the Luban lock that Linxia taught her in her previous life, and it is also the task "Six Sons United Fang" encountered during the emergency training camp.She is a carpenter, so she can tell that these six pieces of wood have been used for decades. The emperor appreciates this piece of wood in the same way as he appreciates other childlike things?still……

"I knew my sister liked this." Wang Yun's approaching smile brought Wang Ge back to his senses.

Her hand kept touching the Luban lock.

The sister and brother thought too much, and with a "snap", Jia Yu retracted Wang Ge's hand and covered the cage completely back.

"What do you like! The imperial gift is even a piece of wood..." The old man felt that using money to measure it would make the emperor angry, so he hurriedly put his hands together and bowed to one place, and changed his words: "It's worth more than money! Do you want to play with it?"

The juniors made faces at each other, and Wang Ge pointed in another direction: "Mother, Luoyang City is facing this way."

Jia Yu took a deep breath and said goodbye again.

This time, Wang Weng agreed with what the old wife said, and classified all the gifts tonight, and stored all the valuables in the cellar.

Early in the morning, when the sky began to turn white, Wang Yun came out of the main house lightly, and walked around the perimeter of the reed pavilion after leaving the courtyard, reciting a book in a low voice.He just returned yesterday, so he didn't tell his family that he had to return to Qinghe Village in two days.Classes in the dormitory were closed, but Master Yuan wanted him to use the twelfth lunar month and the first lunar month to make up for the missed studies.Of course, not only those taught by Xueshe, but also the "Shangshu" that the master explained to him alone.

Walking to the old wooden pavilion, Wang Yun stared blankly at the figure in the pavilion, sister?It's normal for sister to get up earlier than him, but why is she sitting here?

Wang Ge waved to him. "Have you rested yet?"

Wang Yun nodded.

"What's wrong?" The little face is so serious?
"Sister, you have something on your mind."

Wang Ge sighed, he had something on his mind, and he could tell Hutou about other things, but the unimaginable past life and deep regrets should be buried in her heart alone.

Wang Yun sat side by side: "Is it that Lubansuo? Last night my sister got worried after seeing Lubansuo. I can see it."


"You don't have to tell me everything." Wang Yun tilted his head and smiled at her. "In the future, if you have something on your mind, you can fill it in your heart first, and fill it with me if it overflows or you don't want to fill it." He covered his heart, "I will always leave a piece of my heart for sister."

So annoying, so sensible!Wang Ge's eyes were red and he nodded.

"Sister, let's go back, let's cook for our elder parents and grandpa, okay?"

"it is good."

"Oh, I've grown up, and I'm about to catch up with my sister, but I can't hold hands with my sister anymore."

"Catch up with me? Going to Luoyang will beat around the bush and sarcastic?"

"Haha. Then you chase me, see if you can catch up with me?"

When one sister and one younger brother happily ran home, they were so ashamed that the eldest mother was already in the kitchen.Jia Yu added firewood to the stove and said, "Let's play again."

Wang Yun smiled: "If there is any fun out there, we just want to be with our aunt."

Jia Yu's heart is indescribably warm.

Two days later, the waning moon turned into a new moon.

It's winter season.Gao Ming sent Wang Yun to Qinghe Village, Wang He and the others returned to their hometown, Wang Ge also finished his rest and returned to Zhiqian Craftsman's House.

Severe winter will definitely affect the operation of hydraulic machinery, and the ice that freezes in critical places must be knocked off from time to time, at least not to allow the ice to accumulate thickly.

On the third day of the third day of the junior high school, the snow was flying heavily and blocked by snowy roads. On the eighth day of the eighth day, Ge Hong, the general of Jishe, and Wu Na, the chief official in charge of Banzhu Construction, finally arrived.The second group of soldiers was still 110 soldiers, with the surname of Bo Chang and the name of Shan.

Wang Ge climbed the mountain again.She was very curious about Ge Hong, and looked at him several times. Could he be Ge Hong, the fairy Ge Hong who wrote "Behind the Elbow" and "Baopuzi" in history?

The mountains are covered with snow, and the pines and bamboos are still green.

The trickle was frozen thinner, looking for gaps in the river ice gullies, crunchy and light, ding ding dong dong.From time to time, the snow on the branches suddenly falls, disturbing the fluttering of the bulbuls and the timid singing of the cardinals.The big cliff seems to have been hewed by a sky axe. Maybe the slanting pine at the bottom of the cliff is the handle of the ax left by the heaven.

Ge Hong felt relaxed and happy, and with a flick of his sleeves, he caught Xue Hua. He had sensed Wang Ge's scrutiny, and with a warm smile, he asked her, "Have you ever heard of the legend of Snow Child?"

"I heard."


The two of them had nothing to say along the way.

Arrive at camp.A lot of Cizhu were cut down, and all the accumulated rotten leaves were cleaned up. Not only were there a few more bamboo houses, but also a wide bamboo path was laid to extend to the stream, and a bamboo pavilion stood above the water.

What made Wang Ge feel relieved was that among the several bamboo toilets in the camp, there was an obvious "female" character made of bamboo branches in one of them.Finally, I don't have to be the same as last time, looking for a place to relieve myself, not daring to run far and not getting close.

Regardless of the architectural changes, the soldiers running around the forest and the sound of drinking, or the slowly slanting smoke, they all bring a fresh atmosphere to this place.

Walking inside, Wang Ge was shocked by two big bear skins!They were hung between two clusters of thin bamboo to dry, and there was no damage on the skin.

The smell of meat coming out of the stove, could it be bear meat?
Does it smell good or taste bad, Seya!

After the meal, Bo Chang Shanrong, who had just arrived, had a contest with Fan Si, and the soldiers surrounded them, cheering and cheering were very lively.

The officials of the county office sat around the farthest fire to discuss matters. From tomorrow onwards, only Xie Yi and Li Gao were left to stay on this peak.

Wang Ge sits with General Ge and Chief Wu.The chief official Wu first briefly described the distribution of the warehouses to be built, and then General Ge set the tasks for the two men in the two months before and after the year.Before the fire equipment was put into storage, Wang Ge did not have to stay on the mountain permanently, but he had to take care of the food and clothing of more than 200 soldiers.

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