Chen Cheng's eyes almost popped out of his sockets, and only then did his subordinates really understand what to do, and quickly went to herd and catch the sheep.

If you want to cook a sheep, what's the point of trying to imitate the poisoned sheep?Don't even think about it, the toxicity can't be determined, there is no way to know whether the cooked mutton has any residual poison, and how much the residual poison can hurt people, so how dare you cook a sheep when more than a hundred people are hungry?Still leave it for Shi Ren and his group to come back to eat?

It doesn't matter if you are stupid, it doesn't matter if you can't guess what the official is thinking, then don't guess randomly!Don't you have this stability?Suddenly, Chen Bing and Cao Shi got enlightened!
The prefect and the county lieutenant wouldn't have known that the county barracks would be withdrawn, right?Only then gradually the shrewd and brave soldiers were transferred away, and some stupid men were added to make up for it!If you are so stupid that you are hopelessly stupid, and you are so stupid that you have committed your own crimes, no one will sympathize with the county soldiers. Naturally, you don't feel sad when the rabbit dies and the fox dies. Instead, you think it is a good thing to withdraw the county barracks!
"If this is the case..." Chen Cheng felt chills, "If this is the case...then I have to get rid of the evil that plagued the barracks first!"

The words are divided into two places.

Bo Chang Shan Rong, who was born in a prominent family in Hanoi County, is exceptionally tall, holding a bow and holding an arrow, he is really oppressive like a hill.Especially as he spoke, 33 archers appeared behind and behind the trees far and near on both sides, which made Wang Ge and the three of them relieved and no longer had to worry about it.

"General Ge knew that the chief official had gone up the mountain, so he specially asked me to wait to pick him up." Shan Rong spoke politely, not like a military general, but like a Confucian scholar.

"I happen to have something urgent to see General Ge earlier."

The Jishe soldiers are good at climbing mountains and drilling forests, and they have long been familiar with the terrain from the cliffs to the top of the mountain. Wang Ge followed these people, his footsteps became brisk involuntarily, and he arrived at the camp in the early hours of Chou.

Shan Rong gestured to Zhuxie: "General Ge is in front of Puxie."

Wang Ge thanked him with a salute, and then said to Li Gao: "The matter of the county soldiers is also important, Li Tingchang should go to Xie Langjun." She then signaled Shen Wei not to follow her.

Li Gao looked at Wang Ge walking towards the bamboo pavilion alone, and wondered: the "urgent matter" she said before, is there another urgent matter?Isn't it about the county soldiers?
That's right, there is Cao Zhongshi, the thief, so of course the county soldiers are in charge of the county officials first.

Xie Yi has a bamboo residence alone, which is easy to find.

Li Gao narrated the conflict between Chen Bing Cao Shi, a small number of county soldiers and Wang Ge, the complaints of the county soldiers about the food transportation mission, and the fact that fourteen county soldiers did not gather at the cliff supply place, including Zhao Li and other county soldiers. He also said that he had conflicts with Wang Ge from the foot of the mountain.

Xie Yi has an honest appearance, a rough personality, and a delicate heart. Regardless of his age of nineteen, no one in the county office is not convinced that Xie Yi has long been the thief Cao Zhongshi.He walked out of the Zhuju, letting the cold wind blow away all his sleepiness, and said to Li Gao, "I've been used to peace these years, from top to bottom, even the county barracks themselves have forgotten Han Huang's lesson, Qiu Ting's lesson."

Back then, Han Huang was only very good, but he didn't expect to be so scheming and so tolerant. It wasn't until he exposed himself that the county office confirmed that he was a spy. The number of people killed by Han Huang in a few days was almost as high as those who died in the battle of Xiaoshan. The county soldiers are counted.After Zuyue surrendered, in order to preserve his family's blood, he confessed that Qiuting in Shangyu County and the shipyards near the pavilion were hiding places for spies, and it was the place he left for his nephew Zu Huan to escape.

Li Gao was also among the people who rushed to Qiuting that year.The big tree of the ancestral family fell, and the spies were like frightened birds, killing and looting for no reason, and then fled to the sea.The county office only found the wreckage of the ship and scattered bones.Therefore, in that battle, the credit of the officials in Kuaiji County was all due to the crime of dereliction of duty. The most innocent one was Huan Shi, the county magistrate of Tuyi County.

Xie Yi taught Li Gao: "Since we know the importance of the king's officials, we should first assume that there are spies around waiting for an opportunity. Not long after Wang Ge returned home, the news of her return was like the wind blowing leaves, spreading from place to place. , all the spies know about it.”

As he waved his hand, Li Gao felt that the rustling of the bamboo leaves was different. There seemed to be eyes hidden in the bamboo leaves, and they opened their green eyes secretly under the cover of night to look at them. The wind passed by them, carrying news.

There were patrols passing by, Li Gao shook his head, not daring to think about the bamboo leaves anymore, he was very ashamed: "Your Majesty said that the king's official has returned to his hometown for so long, according to her experience in the border county, it is always calm and calm. That's abnormal. I was careless, the lump of mud that I threw at her might... really want to kill her!" Three years ago, how could he be so careless, and unconsciously, he didn't realize that his vigilance was not as good as before .

Xie Yi: "Let's go, go pick it up. I believe Chen Bing and Cao Shi still have brains, so they should send someone to chase you."

"Do you have an idea, Mr. Lang? How do you plan to investigate?"

The two passed the stream, and could only see a few black shadows of the bamboo pavilion.

The bamboo pavilion is named after "Pu", and Wang Ge believes that General Ge is the earliest chemist Ge Hong who called himself "Baopuzi" in history.What she was in a hurry to talk about was the idea of ​​using a collision method to trigger the explosion of gunpowder, and of course it was not an urgent complaint to the county soldiers.The county affairs should be handled by the county officials first, how could she go over Xie Yi and talk directly to General Jisheying.

Wang Ge: "My idea is to fix Huo Lei in the river and connect it with a flint or other ignition device through a machine gun. When an enemy ship passes by, the hull rubs against the machine gun to ignite the fire mine."

Ge Hong stroked his beard and pondered, sketching in his mind the device she was talking about and the scene of the boat passing by, and then said: "The nearby fire supplies are ready for New Year's Eve, you should go home first, and have a good New Year's Eve."

"The general thinks this method can be tried?"

"Of course you can try."

"I saw the worry on the general's brow, and thought I was thinking too simply."

Ge Hong secretly sighed, can he not worry?He yearns for Songqiao's way, and what he pursues is to accumulate good deeds and do not harm lives. However, he is highly valued by His Majesty. If he takes the task of developing firearms, he will be able to make meritorious deeds in the future, but how many lives will be lost by his hands?Also spread out a talented craftsman who is good at whimsical ideas, and accelerate the cutting of his ideals.

"Oh." He waved his hands towards Wang Ge.Go away, I don't want to see you.

There was a gap in the bamboo plank road, Wang Ge knocked his foot, and suddenly came up with an idea, came back two steps and said: "This kind of fire mine can not only be fixed in the river to blow up the boat, but also buried in the woodland where the enemy scouts often come out. As long as they step on..."

Ge Hong pointed to the sky.

Wang Ge nodded: "Yes, they were blown up to the sky."

"I mean it's so late, the king's official should go and have a rest." Hurry up and hurry up!

Ge Hong finally exhaled his depression. He didn't blame Wang Ge for his hostility. She experienced swords and blood in Bianjun, and she saw her comrades martyred many times. How could she be kind to the enemy?But too much hostility can easily lead to misfortune. This Peng has already soared into the air, and it is a pity that it was lost halfway. It is not good for her body or for Da Jin.Do you want to...accept her as a disciple?Use Xuan Jing to neutralize the hostility and help him to climb to the top?
Xie Yi was glad that Chen Cheng was not really confused, he and Li Gao waited until the county soldiers Chen Guang and Wu Sheng.Both of them were out of breath, Chen Guang untied the sheep's head from his back, followed his uncle's instructions, and explained in detail the discovery of the poisonous thorns.

Li Gao's back was sweating in shock, he was afraid of something, there was really a vicious mind hidden in that mud! (end of this chapter)

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