Cold and heat push each other, and the age becomes Yan.

Wang He met Yushuang, a young woman from Yubo's family, in Yeshanjiang, and they got married.Yu's family lived on the river bank, and they were counted as villagers of Jiashe every year when the case was compared.Miss Yu is hardworking and straightforward, and her raft fishing skills are as good as Erlang's.When Wang Ge inquired about the situation of the Yu family, he learned that Yu Shuang was the same age as Wang He, and a neighboring family proposed to marry him last year, but because the young lady didn't like it, the Yu family refused.

Weiting divided the land again, and after Wang Ge's family got the amount of land they should have, they asked the village media to propose marriage to Yu's family.The Yu family agreed, and the Wang family immediately formally invited a matchmaker to accept the gift of selection.Both of them are easy to talk to, and they negotiated to set a solicitation period for next year.

Good things come in pairs.


Huan Zhen hasn't returned home for half a year, Ting Wei is not in a hurry, but Huan Zhen's mother, Kong Xian, is in a hurry!The personal maid came to the barracks with a few words written by his wife. There were signs of soaking on each piece of paper. Huan Zhen knew that it was the tears of his grandmother.

He was ashamed and uneasy, and immediately asked to return home to visit his mother.

When Mrs. Kong saw that her eldest son came back naked, the wound on his shoulder was covered with blood spots, and both the man and the horse were filthy. She felt distressed and annoyed.

She pounded her fists on the wound, rebuked and punched: "You are brave! You are fierce! It's all right to break up with your father because of others, and make the whole city mock you, and it will hurt Shiki's reputation."

"I know I was wrong." Huan Zhen burst into tears.

"Did you realize your mistake?"

"I knew I was wrong."

"After the Lantern Festival, every time the barracks return, why don't you return? You have to know that you owe your father, not your father! Huan Zhen, you, you, the price of your talent, is it that you are unfilial and unrighteous? Do you think that after torturing and torturing yourself like this, I will soften my heart to you?"

After Aunt finished venting her anger, Huan Zhen lowered his head and bared his teeth to ease the pain. "It's because I'm too eager to do meritorious service. It's not for anger with my father, not for others."

He raised his head and begged: "Mother, don't be sad. From now on, as long as the barracks promise to return, I will definitely come back every month."

Kong sneered: "You are in the suburbs, but the rumors about you in the city have changed. Some praise you for being free and easy, some praise you for your loyalty, and some even spread the word about the talent of the queen. It's all your tricks." ?”

Huan Zhen bowed his head and acquiesced.

"What's the use of creating all this momentum? It's the daughter of the Wang family who dares not marry you if you only care about half the balance!"

"She even dared to break into the frontier county, and she was not afraid of being assassinated by spies. Why didn't she dare to marry?" Huan Zhen smiled wryly, raised his head again, reached out to touch the wrinkles at the corners of Aunt's eyes, and said softly, "It's because she knows you Disagree. Our family is not the Juzhang Liang family, if her family agrees, our family will definitely not regret the marriage and abandon her."

"Stop mentioning the Liang family." Mrs. Kong thought her ears were dirty.The Liang family raised a scorpion, and instead of thinking about the lesson, he angered the weak and powerless Wang Ge, which is really despicable.

Huan Zhen tugged at Aunt's sleeve: "I know Aunt loves me, and I feel that if I marry a craftsman, I will be wronged. But what's wrong with Miss Wang? Her elders also dote on her, just because our family has invited me several times. A matchmaker, so that others dare not propose marriage to the Wang family, so that she will be delayed past Jiji's age."

Madam Kong sighed in a long voice: "You are determined."

"So mother, help me. Don't mother want me to get married earlier and come to see you happily with the bride? If there is no harmony from the beginning of marriage, will there really be children in the future?"

Dare to threaten her with an heir?As soon as Mrs. Kong raised her angry face, it melted into Erlang's long-lost, coquettish smile.

Huan Zhen: "There is no mother who knows a son. My son's ambition is to fight on the battlefield with a bow and a horse. I look forward to the future bride who can fight side by side with me, instead of me experiencing blood and rain, but she fears that I will be covered in iron."

The last sentence broke Madam Kong's heart.

After Huan Yi returned home, Mrs. Kong informed, "Ah Zhen is back. He has injuries on his body and just fell asleep."

"Then wake up and call again."

"Can you beat him by beating him?"

"It's even more insane not to beat him!"

"So you have to beat him until he doesn't dare and doesn't want to go home? It's not beneficial to this matter, and it also makes you father and son divorced. If he is obsessed and you don't understand, there must be someone who backs down! And you know that he worked so hard in the barracks? Why, he wants to win the first place in this year's Winter Hunting Ceremony, and he will ask for a matchmaker again in full view. If the Huan family loses face again this time, it's not that he is ignorant. It’s about you! It’s about you not being able to handle the family affairs well, and your majesty has been troubled year after year!”

Erlang was not in front of him, Huan Yi was so angry that he beat his chest: "I am not a pedantic person, if I am really determined to obstruct him, can I send Huan Tianxi to do this matter? Just send a slave, where Huan Shi will be County magistrate, don’t you understand what I mean?” When Huan Shi finds a suitable son-in-law for the Wang family to ask for a matchmaker, the daughter of the Wang family is probably already talking about marriage, so why wait for the evil son?

Mrs. Kong: "I know that you inherited your uncle's last wish and wanted to make the family more prosperous. You are annoyed at raising Ah Zhen in this way, but he doesn't know your difficulties."

"Oh. He will not have the care of his married family in the future, and he will have to rely on himself for everything. It will be too late to regret it then."

"My husband is right, but there is one thing you haven't figured out." Although there were no slaves in the room, Kong Xian still lowered his voice: "When he became the emperor Qianlong, why did he help my uncle and Xie family? Besides, Wang Ge is indeed talented. , but without His Majesty’s permission, would it be possible to obtain a quasi-grandmaster in such a short period of time? Three generations of emperors all valued the poor family, and my husband can’t go against His Majesty just because he left the poor family.”

Huan Yi was awakened by one word!After a while, he murmured to himself: "Yes, if Your Majesty respects the family status like Emperor Wu, he must reprimand Ah Zhen on the spot for making a request, and all the officials will think it is normal. Yes, Your Majesty will only follow the wishes of Emperor Cheng and Emperor Huan, how can he follow Emperor Wu's wish?" Wish."

The summer turns to the cold, and the four seasons are hot and cold.

On the first day of Jidong, with the sound of drums, the last national examination for carpenters this year was held in Duting, Kuaiji County.In this grand meeting of craftsmen, many people come to increase their knowledge, but few candidates.Counting Wang Ge, there are nine candidates in total, three are from Yangzhou, four are from Sizhou, and the other two candidates are from Yuzhou and Jingzhou.

The opening time of the national examination is the first day of the month, and the assessment period is a whole month, and it is allowed to complete the departure in advance.The wood and tools are prepared by the examinees themselves, the examination regulations are loose, and the food and lodging during the examination period is very comfortable.There are no examiners, no artisan inspectors, and the completed utensils will be sealed up on the spot by the county officials, and will be transported to the general prison after the nine pieces of examination items are complete.

After three months, no matter where the candidates are, they can ask the county office for their results.

The production shed is very wide, and there are two feet between the candidates. The sound of chiseling wood, hammering, and occasional coughing echoes in the open space.

It was snowing quietly outside.

In the distant Wangwang Building, Huan Zhen was dressed in black, standing in the building and looking at the examination site.He used all the vacation time he had saved, and this time he came to Kuaiji County alone, sent Wang Ge into the arena, waited for her to come out, and experienced the journey of the craftsman with her.

This year's Winter Hunting Ceremony, he won the first place in the beast shooting, His Majesty praised him for his handsome appearance, and he is the standard of a young man.This statement was far stronger than the rumors that he and Wen Shizhi deliberately created in Luoyang City. Those rumors that belittled him and the Huan clan quickly disappeared.

Father and mother have already agreed to his wish to marry Wang Ge, so this time I came to tell her that there is no need to reject the Huan family's matchmaker.

May the pure white snow witness that he has only spent a hundred years with Wang Ge in this life.

First Uncle: Husband's late father.

Married family: in-laws.Marriage refers to the wife's family.Marriage refers to the son-in-law.

The sequence of emperors in the Jin Dynasty in the novel: Emperor Wu-Emperor Cheng-Emperor Huan-Emperor Today.

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