Global role level assessment

The last painting of Chapter 16.

Chapter 16 The last painting.

Yan Chenjia really regretted it, why did he find Song Jiajia and Lai Yi as teammates?

Now the noisy noise of these two people must have attracted the attention of the regulators, and it is absolutely impossible to stay here any longer.

Zhang Yansi closed his eyes and frowned, only to feel his temples throbbing violently.If Song Jiajia and Lai Yi were in front of him right now, he would absolutely not be able to resist rushing forward and punching each of them.

It's really not enough to succeed.

But now that things have happened, they can't change anything.

In the end, Zhang Yansi left the room angrily.After working all afternoon, he didn't even gain anything. He is really in a bad mood right now.

Yan Chenjia was also about to leave, but after noticing that Duan Qiqing was still in the room, he felt a little sorry, so he said, "Leave first and find a place to hide, the supervisor will be here soon .”

But Duan Qiqing responded with a few perfunctory 'yes', showing no sign of leaving, and kept staring at the messy painted wall.

Yan Chenjia, who had already walked to the door, also noticed this scene when he turned around.After following the other party's line of sight, he also saw the messy wall that was sprayed with paint, and then frowned.

He guessed that there should be some clues hidden in this wall, but because of time constraints, he couldn't stay any longer now.If the two oil bottles downstairs fell into the hands of the supervisor, his identity mission would be regarded as a failure.

This was also an important reason why he was willing to consume a smoke bomb and save Song Jiajia regardless of the danger last night.

After all, this is his identity task: [Choose two teammates by yourself, and make sure they can leave the Holy Land Hospital with you alive. 】

Thinking of his identity and mission, Yan Chenjia also felt a severe headache.For a while, he still had no choice but to give up looking for the clues in front of him for the time being.

Anyway, the biggest crisis lurking in this dean's office has been resolved by others, and after he avoids the regulators, he can turn back and look for clues.

After Yan Chenjia's figure disappeared at the door, only Duan Qiqing was left in the brightly lit dean's office.She could hear the supervisor's approaching footsteps clearly.

It's just that now she has seen some clues from the last painting that seemed to be messy.

It seems that from the very beginning, her understanding was influenced by the previous three paintings, so there was a deviation.

The reason why the two protagonists of the previous three paintings do not appear in this last painting is that it is not a painting at all.

Therefore, it was wrong for her to look at the painting through the portrait.Therefore, she had to look at the painting in a different way.

After thinking it through, Duan Qiqing looked at the painting in front of him again, and obviously didn't feel how messy it was.

The seemingly messy spray paints in front of me are actually just overlapping words.After a little research for a while, you can see that the spray of the same color is all telling a story.

【I'm pregnant, I'm really happy.That day, after I told the dean the news, he was also very happy.Because he is the father of the child, he hugged me tightly for the first time. 】

Seeing this, Duan Qiqing subconsciously looked at the first painting again.Only then did I suddenly understand that the woman in the painting was so fat because she was pregnant.

And the man next to him, presumably, should be the so-called dean.

Immediately afterwards, she began to study the next few sentences.

[We had a quarrel that day.Because the dean said that the baby in my stomach was a monster, I was very angry, so we had a fight in the office.How can my child be a monster?It just stayed in my stomach for a little while. 】

[Since then, we have been arguing almost every day.He would call me crazy, and I would laugh at him as a coward.But gradually, he even called me a monster.Why am I a monster?It's obvious that he can't grow up by himself, so why is he still relying on me?He is the monster. 】

【The dean is the monster.I am not my child, he is! 】

Obviously these words correspond to the second painting.So the background location of this painting is the dean's office?

In a daze, Duan Qiqing also looked around subconsciously.I saw this messy room, which seemed to be similar to the background in the portrait.

It seems that the place where the two had a violent quarrel was really in this office.

But when she read the next words, there was still a hint of surprise in her dark pupils...

【Three years later!The hospital went bankrupt.That night, the monster director found me with a knife and blamed our mother and son for the bankruptcy of the hospital.It is because I have been pregnant for three years and the baby in my stomach has not yet been born, so the hospital will not receive patients. There are all kinds of weird people. 】

【In the end, he took the knife bucket and aimed at my stomach...】

[Because of three years of grievances, I didn't avoid it either.When he saw me bleeding profusely, he backed away in fright, and couldn't even hold the knife steadily.In order to prove that my child is not a monster, I took the child out of my stomach with my own hands. 】

Duan Qiqing, who had already made up the picture in his brain, couldn't help retching when he saw this.When he saw the third painting from the corner of his eye, his eyes automatically focused on the girl's hand.

It turns out that the extra protagonist in the girl's hand in the painting is actually the child in the girl's stomach.

Realizing this, Duan Qiqing frowned instantly.

【Look!Let me just say my child is not a monster!It is so well-behaved, it has been quietly staying in my stomach.As the father of your child, you actually question your child, you are not worthy of being a father at all. 】

[I will arrest you and make you apologize to our children every day! 】

[The door of the hospital has been closed by me, you can't get out without the key.You'd better let me catch you obediently, don't think that if you hide, I won't be able to catch you. 】

[Come out quickly, you will never find out where the key is hidden, our child has been waiting for you for a long time. 】

[No matter how eager you are to find the key, I will never let you find it. 】

Suppressing the discomfort in his stomach, Duan Qiqing, who read all the text, finally saw some clues about the key at the end.

But the text only mentions the key, but it doesn't mention where the key is.

This made Duan Qiqing frown.

(End of this chapter)

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