Global role level assessment

Chapter 32 Little Sunflower Classroom

Chapter 32 Little Sunflower Classroom (4)

Cao Dawei, who had never spoken much, now said with great dignity: "Third brother! Keep the props you get by yourself, and don't use them until the critical time."

And what he implied was that when he was in danger, he had to use it for him.

When Wang Er heard the words, he immediately answered, "That's right, third brother! Brother is right, you keep the props yourself, and don't use them until the critical time."

The words that the two seemed to want to think about Zhang San had already removed Li Si from the "critical moment" team invisibly.

But Zhang San is not a big fool, of course he can hear what these three people mean.But at this time, he could only politely nod and agree on the surface.

At that time, if something really happens, he won't give this prop to anyone.

After all, who would hate too much?
The conversation of several people was also clearly heard by the rest of Duan Qiqing and Xiao Yuming.Although the two of them can also tell that the relationship between these four people is a plastic friendship, it seems that only the two of them can temporarily form a team at the moment.

But the two people in different rooms still don't know whether the other party intends to form an alliance.

Even if an alliance is to be formed, the two parties cannot guarantee whether the other party will betray the other party at a critical time.

Duan Qiqing looked at the little head on the screen and fell into deep thought...

At this time, Li Si also completed his dice throwing session.He rolled to 'four' and went to room 12.But it is a pity that this room was originally a vacant room.

So he didn't get props or rewards during this session.

But compared to the possibility of stepping on thunder, he is more satisfied with his empty room.Just thinking of the S-level props that Zhang San got, I feel a little unbalanced in my heart.

The fourth dice thrower is Duan Qiqing.

She looked at the dice on the screen and touched the screen without hesitating for long.Seeing the rolling dice, her mood was surprisingly calm.

Soon, the screen also showed that she hit the 'one' point.

Duan Qiqing: "..." This is the rhythm of his MUA coming to the end.

Just move the distance of one room, you don't need to think about it, you know that she will definitely be at the bottom in the next round.

She really wondered if she was too calm when she was throwing the dice just now, so let her come to the end, trying to arouse her nervousness?

What made her feel even more speechless was the props she got in room 4.

Yes, that's right! Room 4 is a prop room.

At this time, the little girl also thoughtfully explained the function of the item to Duan Qiqing: "It seems that the examinee Duan Qiqing was lucky enough to get a B-level item—to start all over again. This item can choose another candidate to go back to the Their respective starting rooms."

After finishing speaking, she also gave this prop a blunt compliment: "It's at the last moment, and I can still give myself a chance."

If Duan Qiqing was always at the bottom, if she used this item to choose another candidate to go back to the starting point, then she would still have a chance to get rid of the punishment of being the last one.

It can be regarded as the last struggle at the juncture of life and death.

I just don't know why, but Duan Qiqing felt that when the little girl explained the prop to her, there was a faint feeling of displeasure in her tone.

Duan Qiqing: "???"

After her, there were Cao Dawei and Xiao Yuming who threw dice.

One of them rolled to 'five' and the other to 'four'!
Cao Dawei went to Room 7, while Xiao Yuming went to Room 5.

There is no suspense, Duan Qiqing has indeed become the tail of the crane in this round.

And Cao Dawei, like Li Si, went to an empty room without any props or rewards.On the contrary, in Xiao Yuming's room No. 5, there is an A-level prop that can block a blow for a candidate present.

Perhaps it was because the two had almost the same number of rooms, so Cao Dawei felt a little unbalanced.Obviously he was the one who walked ahead, why didn't he have any props?And the people behind him can get the props?

Immediately, he also became a little angry: "Hey~ It's great to walk behind others. Not only can you get props, but you can also have someone step on mines in front. It's really good."

Xiao Yuming didn't want to pay attention to this kind of person.He thinks that wasting words with this kind of person is lowering his worth.

So, Cao Dawei, who didn't wait for the reply, felt even more uncomfortable: "It's just an A-level prop, and it's installed. It's not an S-level prop, it's so rare."

As soon as he finished saying this, Li Si immediately ran out again and said: "Brother calm down! No matter what props are, they are also life-saving props! Everyone is for the assessment, so don't hurt Let's be peaceful."

Although he looks ugly, but his mind is very bright.Through the conversation between Cao Dawei and Wang Er just now, he already knew in his heart that he could not count on Zhang San's S-level props.

Instead of competing with these two, it is better to make friends and find more ways out for yourself.

After thinking about it, Li Si also secretly smiled in his heart.

But how can Cao Dawei not know what kind of thoughts his little brother has?
It's just that before he could reprimand, a new round of dice rolls started again, so he could only keep a calm face and keep this account in his heart for the time being.After going out, he must have the opportunity to clean up the other party.

In the first round of dice throwing, only two of the six people stepped into two empty rooms, and the other four also got the corresponding rewards and props, and no one was punished.

A new round of dice appeared on Wang Er's screen again.Looking at the dice on the screen, he became inexplicably nervous again.

Although there is Zhang San in front of him, there is only one room difference between the two of them, and there is basically no difference between the two of them.So his current expression has returned to the nervous look at the beginning.

But the better thing is that this time he didn't hesitate for too long.

Even the little girl praised: "It seems that our Wang Er has already liked the lessons made by Little Sunflower, and he didn't hesitate too long when he rolled the dice this time. Let me just say, after you finish the lessons, you will definitely I don't want to leave."

I don't know if it's an illusion, but when she said the last sentence, there was a trace of weirdness in her laughter.

After Wang Er finished listening, when he looked at the No. 17 room he was in, he felt a chill on his back.

Fortunately, he also drove to a prop room in this round.But it's not an effect prop like Zhang San and the others, but a black and shiny katana sword.

It's just that when he was looking at the samurai sword in his hand, he felt inexplicably melancholy.

After all, how did he know how to use this knife?

Not to mention using it, he might not even have the right posture and technique for holding the knife.

 Thanks for the recommendation tickets sent by the cuties, love mud~~~

(End of this chapter)

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