I painted red makeup for Hou Ye

Chapter 10 Yang Ruowan

Chapter 10 Yang Ruowan

The sky is full of lanterns, and the sparks are like stars.

Ji Yun was walking on the street alone, he couldn't help but think of the Huachao Festival 15 years old ago, the Huachao Festival in Duke Wei's mansion was the most lively.

It's a pity that he can't go back now.

Suddenly, something was put into his mouth, he lowered his eyelids, and saw a bright yellow sugar man.

He held the sugar figure in his hand, it was a sugar figure in the shape of a tiger. "Cui Xuan, why are you here?"

He raised his eyes to look at the little girl in front of him, a trace of helplessness flashed in his eyes.How did you meet her?

Cui Xuan blinked and asked, "Is it sweet?"

The little girl had a pretty face, with fluttering eyelashes, Ji Yun wanted to touch her eyelashes, but he didn't do so.

"I don't like sweet ones." Saying that, she was about to stuff the sugar figurine back into Cui Xuan's hands.

Cui Xuan came to his side: "A man and a woman can't kiss each other."

Ji Yun: "..."

He felt helpless, so he had no choice but to take the sugar figurine that Cui Xuan gave him.

Cui Xuan's mouth curled up into a smile: "Why are you alone on the street, why don't you go to Duke Wei's mansion?"

Ji Yun snorted lightly: "Aren't you here by yourself?"

Cui Xuan stuck out her tongue at him, "I don't want to stay with my mother, she always forbids this and that."

As she said that, she suddenly grabbed Ji Yun's sleeve and led him to a row of lanterns, "Boss, take two lanterns!"

The little girl's crisp voice reached her ears, and Ji Yun hurriedly said: "I can tell you, this thing is only liked by your girls, I don't want it!"

His face was full of resistance, as if this was some kind of hot potato.

Cui Xuan seemed to have made up her mind to fight against him, and said with a smile: "You don't want it, I will give it to you."

After receiving the lanterns from the boss, Cui Xuan handed him one of the lanterns, "Let's go, let's set off the lanterns."

As he spoke, he happily dragged him to the river.

Ji Yun lowered his head and saw that Cui Xuan was just grabbing his sleeve, her small hand looked even whiter and tender against the black clothes.

He felt a little funny in his heart, but the little girl was still reluctant to pay for it.

When the two came to the river, Cui Xuan immediately knelt down and put the lantern into the river, clasped her hands together, as if making a wish with all her heart.

It wasn't until the lantern drifted away that she looked at Ji Yun and asked with a puzzled look: "Why don't you make a wish?"

But Ji Yun said indifferently: "What's there to promise? Wishes come true by yourself. Do you really count on a small lantern?"

"It's really boring. Of course I know that this lantern can't help me realize my wish. It's just that what I want is too difficult to get. Make a wish and comfort myself." Cui Xuan couldn't help but reply to him when she heard this.

"Deceive yourself." As he spoke, he also put the lantern into the river, "What wish do you have?"

A smile appeared on Cui Xuan's mouth, saying that I was deceiving myself, didn't you still put up the lantern?

"I want to marry a good son-in-law." She blurted out without hesitation.

The lanterns in the river gathered together and rushed eastward.

Ji Yun couldn't help but sneered and said: "A girl who hasn't left the court, just talks about getting married?"

Cui Xuan snorted softly. "So what? Don't all the women in this world want to marry a good husband? I'm just one of them."

Ji Yun couldn't help raising his eyebrows, is Mrs. Cui still worried about getting married?He couldn't help thinking that whenever she hooked her fingers, all the sons and daughters in Beijing would beg to marry her.

"It makes sense." Ji Yun nodded.

Cui Xuan was about to say something when she heard the sound of fireworks exploding. She turned around and looked at the fireworks in the sky.

The fireworks reflected on the little girl's face and burst into her eyes.

After an unknown amount of time, Cui Xuan finally stood up from the ground, "It's getting late, I'm going back first."

Ji Yun nodded slightly at her, watching her figure gradually go away, but suddenly saw her turn around, "Ji Yun, you should be happy!"

After all, he turned around and left.

The sound of fireworks going off came out from time to time, mixed with the words of the little girl, causing ripples.

Ji Yun pursed her lips, no one was unhappy.

Cui Xuan left the river, found Yun Xi not far away, and asked, "Did you find it?"

Yun Xi nodded at her, and was about to speak, but was stopped by Cui Xuan, "We'll talk about it when we go back to the mansion, let's go find Fifth Brother."

After reconciling with Cui Yu and his wife, Cui Xuan and the others returned home directly.

Back at the mansion, Cui Xuan hurriedly dragged Yun Xi into the room, "How is it?"

Seeing her anxious expression, Yun Xi hurriedly poured a cup of tea for her, "Don't worry, girl. Just now, the servant went to several pawnshops in the city to check, and found the hairpin in the Suining pawnshop on Lianyun Street. "

After all, she handed to Cui Xuan the hairpin that Cui Xuan gave to the old man that day.

Cui Xuan took the hairpin from her hand, "Okay, privately find a few people to keep an eye on that alley, and if you have any news, report it at any time."

After all, she picked up the teacup and took a sip of tea.


In a courtyard in the Yang Mansion, a woman in a lavender skirt opened the door. The woman wore simple jewelry tightly in her hair, and a hint of confusion flashed in her eyes.

Yang Ruowan understands that the relationship between her aunt and the prince is not as harmonious as it appears on the surface. She is the eldest daughter of the family, so there is nothing wrong with marrying the prince.

But she also thought of the prince's countless concubines in the East Palace, but she also felt a little bit of reluctance in her heart.

The prince has no reputation, and he hangs around with women all day long.Even Marquis Wu An was much stronger than him.

But all of this is beyond her choice.

Yang Ruowan walked into the guest room, and bursts of fragrance came from her face.

The prince was lying on the bed at this time, his face was flushed because he was drunk, and his hands were also tugging on his collar.

Yang Ruowan pursed her lips, picked up the hangover soup at the side, and called softly, "Your Highness, Your Highness?"

After an unknown amount of time, the man on the bed barely opened his eyes, still panting heavily, "You..."

Yang Ruowan said in a low voice: "My daughter is ordered by my grandfather to bring sober soup to Your Highness."

As he spoke, he wanted to help the prince to sit up.

However, the prince's hands were tightly clenched under the quilt. If he took this step, he would never be able to turn back.

No, from the moment he agreed to stay in the Yang Mansion, there was no turning back.

Seeing that he did not speak, Yang Ruowan was already breaking out in a layer of cold sweat, and called again tentatively: "His Royal Highness?"

In an instant, a big hand pulled her onto the bed, and the hangover soup was also knocked on the floor, and the sound of the bowl shattering resounded throughout the guest room.

Yang Ruowan suddenly exclaimed: "Your Highness!"

(End of this chapter)

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