I painted red makeup for Hou Ye

Chapter 17 Reinstatement

Chapter 17 Reinstatement
When the shadow puppet show ended, it was already Shenshi, Cui Xuan paid the money and left with Cui Kai.

The siblings were walking on the street, and Cui Xuan asked curiously, "Why did you suddenly bring me here today, and even put on a shadow puppet show?"

The sun was setting and the sun was shining on Xiao Langjun's face.

He smiled at Cui Xuan and said, "You must be very bored in the mansion these days. I heard people in the school say that girls like shadow puppetry." As he spoke, he straightened his chest like a grown-up .

Cui Xuan couldn't help rubbing his soft face: "Thank you Qilang, but you have to study hard in school, don't do this again."

When Cui Kai heard it, he nodded at her again and again, "I know."

"Gu~" A sudden sound made Xiao Langjun look ashamed, and he looked at Cui Xuan embarrassingly.

Cui Xuan thought that Xiaotuanzi had been performing shadow puppetry for half a day and hadn't eaten.She squeezed his face distressedly, "Are you hungry? Sister will bring you something to eat."

Cui Kai nodded again and again, "Okay!"

The siblings found a teahouse nearby, went up to the second floor, and then ordered refreshments.

Children are easily happy when they see food.Cui Xuan turned her head to look out of the window, feeling depressed for a while.

"Qilang, do you know the gentleman who was with you just now?" Xu was too bored, Cui Xuan asked such a sentence inadvertently.

Cui Kai ate his snacks in small bites.Cui's family rules are strict, and they must not exceed the rules in every word and deed.At such a young age, Cui Kai had already taken the family rules to heart.Even though I am very hungry, I still pay attention to my posture.

"It's just a person I found from the theater troupe. I have been in contact with him for a long time, so I can be considered an acquaintance." After speaking, he handed Cui Xuan a piece of pastry: "Sister, you can eat too."

Cui Xuan smiled and nodded at him, "Okay."

When Cui Kai had almost eaten, the siblings went back to Cui's residence.

The days passed quickly, and it was almost the end of the year in a blink of an eye.

Master Cui was also reinstated by the imperial edict, and next year's spring will be entrusted to him.

Cui Xuan felt strange in her heart, why did the Holy Majesty hand over Chun Wei to her father? If he had doubts about the Cui family, shouldn't such important matters as Chun Wei be handed over to important people?
She couldn't figure it out, and realized that it was getting late, so she ordered Yun Xi to change her clothes.

On New Year's Eve that night, the Holy Majesty held a banquet in the palace, and all the officials went into the palace with their families.

Compared to last time, more people from the Cui family went to the palace banquet.

As soon as she got off the carriage, Cui Xuan saw Fu Yao beside Mrs. Fu from a distance, but Fu Yao frowned, not knowing what she was thinking.

Cui Xuan wanted to go find her, but was stopped by Cui Wangshi, "Don't run around." Cui Wangshi said with a straight face.

When Cui Xuan heard this, she curled her lips, "Got it."

Perhaps because of Mr. Cui's reinstatement, many wives came to talk to them.

The banquet started soon, and Cui Xuan sat with her parents, brother and sister-in-law, listening to the words of the officials in the palace, feeling bored for a while.

She looked over to Ji Yun's seat again, but she didn't see him.I thought, did Ji Yun come over?
After drinking for three rounds, Ji Yun didn't come, but the crown prince asked the emperor to marry Yang Ruowan as his concubine.

Seeing the scene in front of her, Cui Xuan almost lost her grip on the chopsticks.

The Holy Majesty seemed very happy, and told the prince to treat Yang Ruowan well.The queen was as happy as marrying her daughter.

The surrounding officials also congratulated the crown prince and Yang Xiang.

The prince also readily accepted.Cui Xuan shook her head in disbelief, she never thought that Yang Ruowan would become the princess in this way.

Suddenly, Cui Xuan felt a little dizzy, so she said to Cui Wang: "Mother, I'm dizzy, go for a walk."

Seeing this, Cui Wang couldn't help but said: "I told you, let you drink less wine."

Cui Xuan coped with admitting her mistake, then left the palace banquet and walked out.

The wind in the imperial garden was strong, Cui Xuan felt the breeze in the imperial garden, and her mood gradually became more comfortable.

Suddenly, somehow, there were bursts of footsteps in my ears.

Cui Xuan gritted her teeth secretly, then quickened her pace and walked up the rockery.

The people behind seemed to have sensed it, and followed closely.

The moonlight was like water, and the night sky was lonely, with only the sound of rustling footsteps. When they got to the rockery, Cui Xuan pinched her fingers tightly, and then dodged away.

Seeing her disappear suddenly, the man muttered, "Where's the person?"

From a distance, Cui Xuan could only see that figure, which looked like a little maid.

Doubts flashed in Cui Xuan's heart, who sent her to follow her, Your Majesty?Queen?Yang Xiang?
The little palace maid's footsteps were getting closer, and Cui Xuan's fingernails also sank into her flesh.

Taking advantage of the person's unpreparedness, he stretched out his hand and pressed the person tightly against the stone, and said coldly, "Who sent you here?"

The little maid looked shocked, and said quickly: "Miss Cui, what are you doing? Slave..."

Cui Xuan sneered, "Pretend I don't know? I advise you, you'd better make it clear as soon as possible, otherwise..."

As she spoke, she glanced at the little maid threateningly.

Upon hearing this, the little maid hurriedly cried and begged: "Miss Cui, I really don't have any intentions, and I don't know how I got here."

Cui Xuan didn't believe it at all, she rarely entered the palace, and ordinary palace people would not recognize her at all.And this little maid is clearly a last-class palace lady.

Seeing this, Cui Xuan's hand gradually grabbed her neck, and exerted a little bit of strength: "Say it?"

The little palace maid still shook her head, "Slave...really not. You killed... the slave is the same."

Gradually, two silver needles appeared in her hand, and they were about to pierce Cui Xuan's neck.

Suddenly, a hand pulled Cui Xuan aside.

Turning her head away, Cui Xuan saw Ji Yun kicking the little maid to the side with a cold face, and the silver needle in her hand fell to the ground.

The purple court dress he was wearing today had an unusually stern expression on his face.

Cui Xuan pursed her lips, half of the palace banquet was over, yet Ji Yun was here.

The little maid's chin had already been removed by Ji Yun, and she couldn't even commit suicide by taking poison at this moment.

She saw that the foot of the rockery was about to bump into it, but was kicked by Ji Yun: "Mo Cheng, take her out of the palace."

Ji Yun in my memory has never been so serious, Cui Xuan looked at him, coughed lightly and asked, "Why are you here?"

Ji Yun glanced at her, then picked up the two silver needles on the ground: "I'm passing by."

Cui Xuan twitched the corners of her mouth and said with a smile: "Thank you very much, if you weren't here today, I might have been hurt by her."

Ji Yun looked at her: "Give me your handkerchief."

Cui Xuan frowned, and then took out a crow-blue handkerchief.

(End of this chapter)

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