Xiuxiu stood in the living room, looking at the heavy rain outside, she was glad that everyone was sent home in time, otherwise it would have been delayed by the heavy rain.

But soon she became worried again - her dog hadn't left work yet, and even in this weather, she didn't leave work early!

It's raining so hard outside, it's estimated that the dog is about to get wet.


About an hour later.

Xiuxiu was looking forward to it, when she saw Rong Jin and Li Yunlong running into the courtyard from the outside like drenched rats.

Seeing Xiuxiu, Rong Jin shouted happily: "Daughter-in-law!"

He ran into the house in the heavy rain.

Seeing that their clothes were completely soaked, Xiuxiu couldn't laugh or cry, and said to Rong Jin and Li Yunlong, "You two wait a moment."

Speaking of which, Xiuxiu went upstairs, went to the closet in the room and got two sets of Rong Jin's clean clothes and two pairs of clean socks, and took them down for Rong Jin and Li Yunlong to change.

Xiuxiu couldn't help asking: "It's raining so hard, why don't you leave work early?"

Li Yunlong gave Rong Jin an angry look: "You have to ask your husband about this!"

It turned out that there was a heavy rain today. In order to let everyone get better exercise, Rong Jin asked Li Yunlong to take his comrades to run on the beach against the heavy rain.

So today everyone was soaked in water.

After listening to Li Yunlong's words, Xiuxiu couldn't laugh or cry.

It seems that the lifestyle of comrades in the base is different from that of ordinary people.

They have to face up to the difficulties that ordinary people avoid.

I have more admiration for these comrades in my heart.

After all, being able to live and train for such a long time in Ludao, where the living conditions are so inconvenient, is indeed not something ordinary people can bear.

Xiuxiu handed one set of clean clothes to Rong Jin and one set to Li Yunlong, urging them both: "Both of you, go take a hot bath and change your clothes!"

Rong Jin and Li Yunlong responded, and were about to take a bath and change clothes when they heard Xiuxiu looking out of the yard and said with some regret: "I didn't expect it to rain suddenly, it's a pity that the things I planted just sprouted Come on, it's going to be destroyed by the rainstorm."

Not long after Xiuxiu came to her new home, she turned over the land in the yard and sprinkled different kinds of plant seeds in different areas.

In the past two days, the seeds of these plants have sprouted one after another.

After today's heavy rain, it is estimated that these plants will suffer.

Xiuxiu sighed, and said: "Forget it, just wait until the rain stops and then restart."

Rong Jin asked: "Daughter-in-law, have you planted something in our yard?"

Rong Jin leaves early and returns late every day, so he doesn't pay attention, and he doesn't know that his yard has been replanted by Xiuxiu.

Xiuxiu nodded: "I planted some flowers and vegetables. It's in that field."

He said with a finger.

Rong Jin said, "Daughter-in-law, why didn't you say it earlier?"

Luckily he hasn't showered and changed yet.

Then he patted Li Yunlong next to him: "Brother Yunlong, go, let me help my wife cover the things she planted."

Rong Jin thought to himself, his daughter-in-law took a lot of effort to plant it, what a pity it was damaged by the heavy rain!

Li Yunlong just took off a soaked shoe and was hit by the heavy rain for a long time. He was in a dazed state and hadn't recovered yet.

Hearing what Rong Jin said, Li Yunlong's eyes widened immediately: "Old Gu, you are making fun of my life! Those few green seedlings planted by your wife are more important than my life?"

Wait until the rain stops before planting.

Rong Jin pretended to be embarrassed and said: "Oh, Lao Li, I have some unfortunate news to tell you today. My family has no place to live. I'm afraid I won't be able to take you in tonight..."

Li Yunlong: "..."

Gu Rongjin, you are too deceitful!
His dormitory was still occupied by Zhao Feifeng, and he agreed to live in Gu Rongjin's house for a month!
That's all, people have to bow their heads under the eaves.

Li Yunlong suppressed his anger, smiled slightly, and said to Rong Jin: "Old Gu, look what you're talking about? Those plants are also life. It's a pity that they were damaged by the heavy rain. Let's go and cover the plants together." Just cover it."

Gu Rongjin patted Li Yunlong's shoulder with satisfaction: "Old Li, you are indeed my good brother."

Li Yunlong gritted his teeth and looked at Rong Jin with a smile: "Old Gu, brother, today is the last time it rains heavily, don't tell me to rush into the rain again because of your wife, or I will really thank you."

Rong Jin nodded: "Don't worry bro, this is the last time today."

With that said, the two plunged into the rain again.

Xiuxiu felt distressed and angry at the same time, she blocked it countless times, and she couldn't stop it no matter what.

These two people insisted on covering the flowers and plants she planted from the rain.

If she had known that these two people were so stubborn, she shouldn't have mentioned that casually just now!
Fortunately, there are several large pieces of plastic sheeting at home, which were originally used as covering materials for the army, but they were not used anymore and have been left unused.

Not to mention taking up space, it's still getting in the way.

Rong Jin thought that Xiuxiu's factory might be useful, so he greeted the troops and dragged her to his home.

There are five large pieces of plastic sheeting, thick and strong, after all, it is the standard for military use.

Xiuxiu used this kind of plastic sheet to cover the sand bike today.

At this moment, Rong Jin and Li Yunlong were braving the heavy rain, holding one side of the plastic sheet with one hand, and kept busy in the heavy rain.

The wind and rain were blowing, although Rong Jin and Li Yunlong were only a few meters away, because the sound of the storm was so loud, the two of them were almost shouting.

"Lao Li, go a little further to the left!"

"Okay, is this okay?"

"The four corners have to be pressed firmly, maybe there will be a tornado!"



A large plastic sheet covered the land on the right side of the yard tightly.

Xiuxiu's heart is half relieved - she grows some vegetables and fruits in the land on the right, and now the vegetables and fruits can be regarded as preserved.

Rong Jin and Li Yunlong then took another big plastic sheet to cover the field on the left, and shouted through the storm.

"Lao Li, the flowers planted by my wife here are delicate, don't step on them!"

"I know! Why are you talking so much nonsense?"

"I've built this side, is your side ready?"

"It's almost there—Xingle, you're done!"


After finishing their work in the storm, the two of them ran back to the house again.

Has become a drowned chicken again.

Seeing the two of them drenched in the rain for so long made Xiuxiu's heart ache, and hurriedly urged them to go upstairs to take a shower and change clothes.

Only then did Rong Jin and Li Yunlong go to take a shower and change clothes.

Standing at the door of the living room, Xiuxiu saw that both sides of the yard were tightly covered with thick plastic sheeting, and the sides of the plastic sheeting were firmly pressed with bricks, and her whole heart was relieved.

Her flowers, plants, vegetable and fruit seedlings were finally preserved, and they were not ruined by the storm!

She can sleep soundly tonight.

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