Half an hour later, Kong Langui angrily took Zhang Weidong's pile of dirty clothes, which of course included Zhang Weidong's pair of smelly socks, went to the yard to fetch a large basin of water, and threw all Zhang Weidong's dirty clothes into the water Inside the basin.

Afterwards, Kong Langui took a small leather stool and sat down on it, cursing and preparing to wash Zhang Weidong's clothes.

"What's the use of keeping this daughter-in-law? You can't even take care of your own man. No wonder Weidong wants steamed stuffed buns from me! I don't know if I'm coming to Ludao. I'm going to be so angry when I come! We Weidong, a dignified A man wants to do his own laundry and cook by himself!"

While doing laundry, Kong Langui scolded Zhang Shufen, pointing at Sang Huai.

While cursing, I heard a young voice shout——

"Old Zhang!"

Then a tall, handsome young man walked into the yard.

Kong Langui took a closer look, yo, this young man looks really good!

Kong Langui always thought that her son Zhang Weidong was the best looking, but he never thought that when he met this young man today, he was hundreds of times more handsome than her Weidong!
It seems that the young men in the army are all dragons and phoenixes!

Rong Jin saw Kong Langui at a glance.

He heard from Xiuxiu that Zhang Weidong's mother was here, and after looking at it again, the old lady was somewhat similar to Zhang Weidong, so he immediately concluded that the old lady was Zhang Weidong's mother.

"Ma'am, have you come to see Weidong?" Rong Jin greeted the old lady with a smile.

Kong Langui saw that this young man looked so energetic, and he couldn't get angry anymore, and put a smile on his face: "Yes. Son, are you a colleague of our Weidong?"

Who doesn't like a handsome guy, even if she is an old woman who is half buried in the ground, she is no exception!
Rong Jin nodded with a smile, and pointed to the yard in front: "My family lives right in front of yours, ma'am."

Kong Langui was taken aback, and immediately remembered that when she first came to Ludao, she went to the wrong yard and saw a woman drinking tea under a sun umbrella.

It turned out to be the young man's daughter-in-law.

Kong Langui sighed inwardly, it's such a pity that such a good young man can't find a wife and married a prodigal daughter-in-law.

That kind of woman only knows how to take care of herself and doesn't care about her family.

The couple were only passionate about the two years of their newlyweds. After those two years, if there were endless quarrels, this young man would definitely regret it!
That's why he looked at Rong Jin with a little more pity.

"Son, why did you come to see Weidong?" Kong Langui asked.

Rong Jin smiled and said, "Ma'am, let me ask if there is any extra soap powder at Weidong's house. My daughter-in-law is going back to her hometown in a few days, and I will help her wash the clothes she will bring home in advance."

Rong Jin was reluctant to let Xiuxiu go, but Xiuxiu had clearly made up her mind to go.

Rong Jin has been thinking about how to pack his wife's luggage for the past few days.

The soap powder at home ran out, so he came to Zhang Weidong's house to borrow soap powder.

Kong Langui was stunned, this handsome guy was blinded by love, he wanted to wash his wife's clothes?
How can a big man do laundry?
Her son Weidong lived a comfortable life for a few years after he got married. This young man is really miserable. He started serving his wife as soon as he got married.

Thinking about it this way, Kong Langui looked at Rong Jin with more distressed eyes.

"Son, there's still soap powder. I'll pour some for you." Kong Langui sighed inwardly, picked up the soap powder next to the basin, and went to pour soap powder for Rong Jin.

While talking, Zhang Weidong came out of the room, frowning.

During the past few days when his mother came, the atmosphere in the house had dropped to freezing point. Zhang Weidong was caught in the middle, struggling at both ends. He was at least five years older.

Seeing Rong Jin, Zhang Weidong's eyes lit up: "Old Gu? Why are you here?"

Seeing that Kong Langui had gone to the soap powder, Rong Jin pulled Zhang Weidong aside, and gestured for the big basin where Zhang Weidong's dirty clothes were soaking in: "Old Zhang, your mother is already this age, and you still asked her to give you Washing clothes, this is not acceptable! If this kind of thing spreads to the army, you must receive ideological education."

Zhang Weidong frowned and nodded again and again: "I know, Lao Gu. It's just that my family's affairs are too complicated to talk about..."

As he spoke, Zhang Weidong looked up to the sky and let out a long sigh, tears almost didn't fall down.

Why the hell is this day so difficult!

His mother said that if he dared to wash his own clothes, his legs would be broken; his wife said that if he didn't do his own laundry, he would go to work in stinky clothes.

Zhang Weidong didn't wash the clothes, nor did he wash them.

There is no conflict between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law in Lao Gu's family. How can one understand his difficult situation at home?
He originally thought that the difficulties at work were the difficulties, but he didn't expect that getting these two women at home was the biggest difficulty in his life!
Rong Jin saw Kong Langui approaching, and patted Zhang Weidong on the shoulder: "No matter what you say, you can't ask your mother to wash your clothes. You have to take the lead and set an example for your comrades in life."

Zhang Weidong nodded: "Don't worry, Lao Gu."

Kong Langui came with half a bag of soap powder, and handed it to Rong Jin with a smile: "Son, is this much enough?"

Rong Jin smiled and took the soap powder from Kong Langui's hand: "That's enough ma'am."

Rong Jin left with a borrowed half bag of soap powder.

Kong Langui looked at Rong Jin's back, and said, "It's a pity that such a good young man. A big man, he has to wash his wife's clothes after get off work. I said, if you are looking for a wife, you can't find an embroidered pillow. Use. There are times when he regrets it."

After Kong Langui finished speaking, he was going to continue washing Zhang Weidong's clothes.

But Zhang Weidong moved the basin away at once, saying that he would not let his mother wash him.

Zhang Weidong said: "Mom, at this age, you wash my clothes again, and what do you say about me when people see you? Do you want people to say that I, Zhang Weidong, say one thing and do another in work and life, or do you want me to do something different? Are people laughing at my baby?"

Kong Langui stared at Zhang Weidong: "I'm your mother. If you don't wash your clothes for your daughter-in-law, shouldn't it be right for me to do it for you? Don't you really want to be reduced to doing housework like that young man just now?"

Zhang Weidong gave her a white look: "What about 'young man', 'young man', he has a higher military rank than me, he is my superior!"

Kong Langui was taken aback: "This...you can't see it."

Think about her son, who was blown away by her in his hometown as soon as he joined the army.

Now that she is an officer, Kong Langui feels that is even more important. Kong Langui even thinks that her daughter-in-law should kneel down and serve Zhang Weidong.

What's more, Zhang Weidong's superior?
Then don't you have to serve as the emperor even more?
Who would have thought that Zhang Weidong's superiors would still be doing laundry for his wife!
When Zhang Weidong heard his mother say that he should "serve the emperor", he couldn't help giving his mother a blank look: "Mother, you are feudal. How many years has the emperor been kicked out? Now society advocates equality between men and women, and many lesbians are better than men. Comrade is still excellent. Mom, you really need to change your old thinking."

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