Chapter 186 Nice to meet you
Finally, when everyone had eaten enough, Rong Jin couldn't help bringing the topic to Zhou Shen: "I heard from my mother that the business of the fish shop is too busy, so I specially invited a young man to help. Why didn't I see that?" he?"

Rong Jin also deliberately pretended to be careless while eating.

I don't want his wife to say that he is narrow-minded.

In fact, he made a special trip for this young man.

Liu Aiguo, Liu Aimin, and Liu Aijun naturally didn't know Zhou Shen, so they all looked at a loss at the moment.

They came late, and Zhou Shen had already been sent to the hospital when they came.

Ding Cui and Zhang Dongmei knew about Zhou Shen, and seeing Rong Jin's question, the two told each other about Zhou Shen.

"He's in the hospital!"

"Slapped! I feel sorry for this child, tsk tsk, the corner of his mouth is bleeding from the beating by those people."

Rong Jin frowned: "Been beaten? Sister Dongmei, what's going on?"

Xiuxiu kept winking at Zhang Dongmei, signaling her not to talk about someone coming to the fish shop to make trouble, lest Rong Jin might be worried.

Zhang Dongmei was stunned for a moment when she received the signal, and then said: "Oh, Zhou Shen got into a fight with others, and the corner of his mouth was injured. He is still lying in the clinic."

Xiuxiu was afraid that Rong Jin would continue to ask questions, so she interrupted the topic: "Let's eat first. My brother has to go home early."

Seeing that his wife wouldn't let him ask, Rong Jin had no choice but to stop.

The curiosity in my heart became more and more serious-why didn't his wife allow the topic of Zhou Shen to be discussed?
Now he is getting more and more curious about Zhou Shen!
After eating, the three brothers Liu Aiguo, Liu Aimin, and Liu Aijun were about to go home.

Xiuxiu said to Ding Cui and Zhang Dongmei: "Second sister-in-law, sister Dongmei, you go back with the eldest brother, the second brother and the third brother. The fish shop has been renovated, and there is nothing to do in the shop. It is estimated that the business will be closed soon. It's been a week, and you guys should go home and rest these few days."

Rong Jin also bid farewell to several brothers, Ding Cui and Zhang Dongmei one by one.

After sending off a few people, only he and Xiuxiu were left.

Xiuxiu looked at Rong Jin, the red blood in her eyes showed that she hadn't had a good rest for several days.

So Xiuxiu urged: "You go home and rest, I'll go to the health center to see Zhou Shen."

When Rong Jin heard this, he immediately burst into alertness.

His daughter-in-law is really good, so why not let him worry about it!
Rong Jin immediately said: "Daughter-in-law, I'll go with you. Xiao Zhou has worked hard helping out in our shop, I'll go and see him."

Xiu Xiu laughed: "You two don't know each other, so it's not good to go hastily. How about this, I'll bring Zhou Shen back today, and introduce you two when I get home."

Of course Rong Jin refused, and made a lot of excuses for himself.

Why worry that it's not safe for his daughter-in-law to cross the road alone? He himself has a bit of insomnia and just wants to see a doctor...

In the end, Xiuxiu had no choice but to compromise and said, "That's fine, you can go with me!"

When he arrived at the clinic, Zhou Shen was already preparing to be discharged.

He had been arguing with the doctor for a long time, but the doctor refused to let him go.

"No, no, young man, you have to observe for another two days. Your sister told me that you will not be discharged from the hospital casually, but you must be taken care of."

Zhou Shen felt dizzy, and explained again and again: "Doctor, I understand my body myself. I'm fine, so just let me go out, okay?"

"No. Unless your sister agrees to let you out."

Zhou She put his hands together: "I beg you, doctor!"

The doctor also immediately said: "I beg you too, just stay well. Don't think about it. Your sister has already paid the money, so you can live here with peace of mind and observe for another two days."

It turned out that on the day when Zhou Shen was sent here, Xiuxiu claimed to be Zhou Shen's sister and helped Zhou Shen pay the money.

In order to prevent any sequelae, Xiuxiu also specifically told Zhou Shen not to leave the hospital until he recovered completely.

At first, Zhou Shen thought that being hospitalized was a kind of vacation, and it happened that no one would bother him, so he could rest in peace.

Unexpectedly, I couldn't hold on the next day, and I began to miss the days of talking and laughing with everyone at home and in the store.

He was alone in the hospital, and no one was talking to him, no one was talking to him, he was going crazy!
So, originally decided to stay in the hospital for observation for a week, but on the third day Zhou Shen decided to leave the hospital impatiently.

When Xiuxiu and Rong Jin came to the clinic, Zhou Shen was racking his brains to convince the doctor to let him go.

Zhou Shen remembered that he had seen a movie called "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest", and now he himself felt the same as being locked up in a lunatic asylum.

When Xiuxiu and Rong Jin arrived at the clinic, Zhou Shen was arguing with the doctor.

Seeing Xiuxiu coming, Zhou Shen immediately came to hold Xiuxiu's hand as if seeing a savior: "Sister Xiuxiu, tell the doctor quickly and let him let me go, I'm going crazy !"

Xiuxiu asked, "Have you had the doctor examine you?"

Zhou Shen said: "I checked it several times, and there is nothing wrong with it! He just won't let me go!"

Rong Jin frowned, and immediately stepped forward to forcefully break Zhou Shen's hand holding his wife's, and then held it himself.

"Hi, my name is Gu Rongjin, and I'm Xiuxiu's husband. Nice to meet you."

Xiuxiu: "..."

There is no need, brother.

Obviously you can hold his other hand!
Zhou Shen looked at Gu Rongjin, Gu Rongjin also looked at Zhou Shen, both of them were shocked.

Rong Jin's shock: This kid is really fucking handsome.Most importantly, younger than him!
Zhou Shen was shocked: It turns out that sister Xiuxiu is really married, and her husband is so handsome!

Rong Jin saw at a glance that Zhou Shen was wearing his clothes.

It must have been worn by his wife for Zhou Shen.

This dress was bought for him by his wife, and he usually doesn't want to wear it.Now he saw the clothes his wife bought for him put on a strange man, and he felt extremely uncomfortable.

During the period when he was not at home, not only his house was occupied by a strange man, but even his clothes were also occupied by a strange man!
Fortunately, he was alert and came back in time after asking for leave!

Xiuxiu didn't notice the spark between Zhou Shen and Rong Jin at all, and asked Zhou Shen, "Are you sure you want to be discharged from the hospital?"

Zhou Shen nodded: "Yes and yes. Sister Xiuxiu, take me out of here quickly, I will really go crazy if I stay any longer."

Xiuxiu said: "Alright then, I'll go talk to the doctor."

So Xiuxiu went to talk to the doctor.

Here, Zhou Shen and Rong Jin were standing face to face, and the atmosphere was extremely tense.

Zhou Shen even noticed a hint of danger in the air, and he didn't know if it was his own illusion.

(End of this chapter)

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