Chapter 229 Let's Together
Xiuxiu specially wrote a letter to Rong Jin, describing in detail the process from teaching her son how to speak to hearing her son call "Mom and Dad".

Xiuxiu's heart was filled with joy.

Rong Jin read it from beginning to end, only to find that the whole letter revolved around his son.

It can be said to be a "record" of his son.

Did he become unimportant so quickly in the eyes of his wife?

He must have left out the part about himself.

So Rong Jin read Xiuxiu's letter from beginning to end again, and the whole letter was still all about his son.

It seems that he is a "child-bearing tool", and was thrown aside by his wife after giving birth to a son.

The feeling of loss enveloped my heart again.

In the past, when Rong Jin was upset, he always went to Li Yunlong for a drink or two, facing the sea, shouting out the emotions in his heart, and his mood improved.

But now that guy Li Yunlong is in a relationship, his feet feel like he is stepping on cotton, he opens his mouth and shuts up "Feifeng", "Feifeng", as if there is no one else in the world except Zhao Feifeng.

So now Rong Jin doesn't play with Li Yunlong anymore.

Lest he think of the feeling of being neglected by his wife again, and feel flustered.

So Rong Jin, out of boredom, took care of Xiuxiu's flowers and plants.

The flowers and plants in the yard were all planted by Xiuxiu before she left.

When Xiuxiu left Ludao, these flowers and plants were still very small.

He still remembered that when the tornado and rainstorm came, he and Li Yunlong braved the heavy rain to build these precious things for Xiuxiu.

Now that Xiuxiu is gone, the task of taking care of these flowers and plants is naturally entrusted to him.

Rong Jin specially went to the bazaar to buy two watering cans, one large and one medium.

The large ones are used to water vegetables and fruits, and the small ones are used to water flowers.

These flowers planted by his daughter-in-law are so delicate that they need to be carefully watered with a small kettle.

Therefore, Rong Jin, who was originally a rough man, now turned into a "flower farmer". As soon as he got home from get off work, he began to water the flowers and plants and loosen the soil.

He imagined that Xiuxiu was still in the yard.

After finishing his work, Rong Jin sat under Xiuxiu's parasol in the yard, drinking Xiuxiu's tea while looking at the flowers and plants in the yard.

Rong Jin can't help but sigh now, his living habits are becoming more and more like Xiuxiu.

Rong Jin thought longingly, when Xiuxiu came back, these flowers and plants should all grow up.

When Xiuxiu sees it, she will be very happy.

One day, Li Yunlong came to Rong Jin's house to play with Rong Jin.

Seeing Rong Jin watering the flowers, Li Yunlong was startled.

"Old Gu, your hands are used to hold knives and guns, and touch warships. Why do you serve these things?"

Li Yunlong was shocked.

A dignified man is watering the flowers. This scene reminds him of Zhang Fei embroidering with a needle.

too frightening.

Rong Jin said disapprovingly: "These are planted by my wife, of course I have to take care of them. What's the matter, do you have an opinion?"

How dare Li Yunlong have any opinions?
Hastily shook his head: "No objection, very good, I have no objection."

How dare he have an opinion?

What if Rong Jin asked him to run ten kilometers around the beach again.

Rong Jin took care of all the flowers and plants, so he had time to ask Li Yunlong: "Aren't you busy with Zhao Feifeng to make love to me? What kind of wind brought you here today?"

Ever since Li Yunlong fell in love, this guy seemed to have lost his mind, and he knew how to giggle.

Only Zhao Feifeng is on his mind, so where is his good buddy?

Li Yunlong smiled and scratched his head: "I have something I want to come to you."

Rong Jin glanced at Li Yunlong: "I knew it."

Saying that, Rong Jin sat down under Xiuxiu's parasol, just as Li Yunlong was about to sit down across from him, Rong Jin immediately stopped him.

"What are you doing?" Rong Jin frowned, staring at Li Yunlong nervously as if facing a formidable enemy.

The second monk Li Yunlong and Zhang Zhang couldn't figure it out: "I... I will sit down."

Rong Jin immediately pulled away the chair behind Li Yunlong's buttocks: "No, you can't sit here."

There is a coffee table and two chairs facing each other under the parasol.

One chair is where Xiuxiu sits, and the other is where Xiuxiu's friend sits.

Li Yunlong asked in surprise: "What's wrong? Why can't I sit on this chair? Is there a mechanism on it or..."

Rong Jin said lightly: "My wife has a cleanliness habit. This is where my daughter-in-law usually sits."

Li Yunlong: "..."

Li Yunlong couldn't bear it anymore, the comrade named Gu Rongjin on the opposite side had treated Liu Xiuxiu so well that he was insane.

Li Yunlong gritted his teeth and said: "Your wife is not here now, let me sit down, can she kill me?"

Rong Jin said leisurely: "I will kill you for my wife."


The final result of the game was that Li Yunlong took another stool with a small vest and sat opposite Rong Jin.

"Old Gu, let's discuss something with you." Li Yunlong smiled obsequiously.

Rong Jin said angrily: "Say something quickly, and fart quickly."

Li Yunlong chuckled: "Isn't this the house that Feifeng and I were discussing about applying for a unit? Feifeng and I—mainly Feifeng met the yard at No. 228, but when I went to the unit and asked, someone had already applied for that yard. It is. Do you see if you can coordinate and get that comrade to give us that yard?"

Rong Jin said: "The others applied first, so why should I let it go to you?"

Li Yunlong smiled and said: "I just want you to talk and make peace. I don't want to make Feifeng unhappy. It would be great if you can talk about it, brother thank you; if people don't want to let the yard , I am not reluctant."

Li Yunlong finished speaking with a chuckle, and offered to pour Rong Jin a cup of tea.

Rong Jin said thoughtfully: "For the sake of your flattering, I can help you make peace. However, who applied for the yard at No. 228 first?"

"Wang Ziyi. If you tell him, he won't let you down. But me, hehe, you know, I'm stupid, I don't know how to deal with interpersonal relationships, I'm afraid I won't be able to say it."

Wang Ziyi's personality is quite good, so it's not too difficult.

Rong Jin readily agreed.

"If you make up for me, how can you thank me?"

Li Yunlong said: "I will be your cow and horse in the next life to repay Colonel Gu's kindness."

Rong Jin said coldly: "Then you have to go back many times."

"Let's have dinner together tonight and have a drink or two?"

"Hey, have you started learning how to cook?"

"Hey, I was forced out by Feifeng."

"Just in my kitchen!"

"no problem!"

"Old Gu, shall we sleep together today?"

(End of this chapter)

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