Chapter 232

Xiuxiu thought to herself, hehe, you know you are hungry now, right?
See if I won't teach you a lesson this time.

So, Xiuxiu shook her head and said, "There is no more food."

Xiao Bao repeated: "Fan Fan. Xiao Bao, Fan Fan."

While talking, he patted his flat belly.

But Xiuxiu insisted that there was no more food.

Ma Ailian on the side watched it, and said to Xiuxiu: "Xiu'er, I'm going to cook for Xiaobao. You're only a little older, and it only takes a while to cook."

Xiuxiu stopped Ma Ailian resolutely: "Mother, you can't spoil him. He will run and play while we eat, and when the meal is over, he will come to eat arguing again. I just want him to have a long memory, let him Eat on time later."

Ma Ailian frowned, and blamed Xiuxiu: "He is only a little older, so you are so strict with him, is it necessary?"

Xiuxiu said: "Of course there is.Although he is young, he is already sensible. '

Ma Ailian talks badly, but Xiuxiu just refuses to spoil her son.

Xiaobao was hungry and anxious, and seeing that he couldn't eat, he burst into tears.

Xiuxiu pulled Xiaobao aside, and took the opportunity to educate him seriously: "Did Mama tell you that you should not be playful during meal time, but eat well? You didn't eat well during meal time, so after dinner time time, there will be no food. Do you understand?"

Xiaobao wiped his tears half-understood, and looked at Xiuxiu with aggrieved eyes.

Xiuxiu patiently taught Xiaobao: "Mama has already told you that you should eat with everyone on time. But you don't listen to Mama. Since you are disobedient and don't eat with everyone, then you will suffer." Hungry. Mama won’t cook for you, so just be hungry first. Next time, remember to eat with your brothers, sisters and Grandma Mama, okay?”

Xiaobao cried even harder.

Seeing her grandson's aggrieved look, Ma Ailian felt very distressed.

Ma Ailian couldn't help pulling Xiuxiu aside, and said to her seriously: "How old is Xiaobao? You tell him so much, can he understand?"

Xiuxiu said: "Mother, don't worry, even if he doesn't understand, he can understand me. He's just young, and he's not stupid."

Ma Ailian: "You. I have never been so strict with you when you were a child. Now you are so strict with my grandson, I am really going to be angry."

Xiuxiu smiled and said: "I'm doing it for your grandson's sake, mother. You and Xiaobao are separated from each other, and the love between generations is doting. I am Xiaobao's own mother, and I will definitely not spoil him. "

Ma Ailian: "..."

Although Ma Ailian is very helpless, she still listens to Xiuxiu very much.

Just watching Xiaobao starve, Ma Ailian is really uncomfortable.

She decided to hide a few candies in her pocket next time. If the little grandson didn't eat on time, she would take out the candies and give them to the sweet mouth of the little grandson to satisfy his hunger.

When it was time for dinner at night, Xiaobao really learned how to behave, and he stopped clamoring to get out of the car and run around the house.

Holding the small porcelain bowl in his arms, he finished a small bowl of porridge in a hurry.

There are still stains of porridge on the mouth.


Xiaobao put his little bowl on the trolley, and pushed the little bowl towards Xiuxiu.

Xiuxiu asked: "Do you still want to drink a bowl?"

This time Xiaobao understood and nodded vigorously.

Xiuxiu smiled and said to Ma Ailian: "Mother, look at what I said, just starve him for a meal. Usually he can only eat one bowl of porridge, but today he ate two bowls."

Ma Ailian took the opportunity to praise Xiaobao and said: "Oh, our little treasure is so good, he can really eat, he can eat two bowls of porridge. Want to eat more and grow taller?"

Xiaobao showed a bright smile like a sunflower to his grandma.

Xiuxiu filled another bowl of porridge for Xiaobao, but he didn't fill it full, so he filled the bowl halfway.

Xiaobao usually eats one bowl, so he can't add too much at once.

Ma Ailian and Ding Cui saw that Xiaobao ate his second bowl of rice today, and both of them kept praising Xiaobao.

"Oh, our little treasure is amazing, we eat so much!"

"Xiaobao, eat a lot, and grow taller in the future, like a big tree and brother Shitou!"

Although Xiaobao is small and cannot speak fully, it is a compliment that he can understand this.

So the more he praised, the more excited he was, and he was busy eating his porridge.

After finishing eating, Xiao Bao proudly pushed the bowl away: "Light!"

Ma Ailian smiled and asked Mimi: "Xiaobao has eaten all? Do you want to eat?"

Xiao Bao nodded, then held up his small bowl: "Ma Ma!"

Xiuxiu took his bowl, but didn't serve him any food. Instead, she untied Xiaobao's bib and said to him, "That's enough for today. Don't eat too much tonight."

The kids are just getting more and more excited, obviously they can't eat anymore, and they still want to eat.

Seeing that there was no food to eat, Xiaobao looked like he was about to cry again.

Fortunately, Shitou and the others yelled, "We're going to hopscotch outside! Brother Xiaobao, are you going or not?"

When Xiaobao heard that his brother asked him to go out to play, he immediately forgot about cooking.

Opening his small arms, he shouted eagerly: "Mama, Mama——"

Xiuxiu carried him out of his car.

Xiaobao ran to the yard to hopscotch with his brothers and sisters.

Although Xiaobao doesn't know how to play hopscotch, he looks back.

When the brothers and sisters were hopscotching, Xiao Bao stood aside and watched.

He looked serious.

Xiuxiu couldn't help laughing - son, what can you understand?

Also stare.

But it will be fine in two or three years. In two or three years, Xiaobao will be able to join his brothers and sisters to hopscotch.

Xiuxiu was very happy that Xiaobao could walk. When she wrote back to Rong Jin, Xiuxiu described in detail the interesting process of teaching Xiaobao to walk.

Rong Jin was amused while watching.

After reading the letter, I felt a little lonely again.

Xiuxiu still spent a lot of space talking about her son's details, but only a few pages mentioned Rong Jin.

Rong Jin always felt that he didn't have an extra son, but a little rival in love.

Last year, I got Zhoushen, and this year Xiuxiu has another little treasure beside her.

Rong Jin has not yet entered the role of father, he is still in the process of falling in love with Xiuxiu.

It's just that Xiuxiu's attention suddenly shifted from him to Xiaobao, Rong Jin couldn't accept it for a while.

He was even secretly jealous of his son.

After all, the one who can stay by Xiuxiu's side and hold Xiuxiu to sleep every night is now his son, not him.

As soon as this idea came up, Rong Jin felt a little funny again.

How could he be jealous of his son?
After all, he is Xiaobao's father.

But this kind of dark mind does exist, and it is very complicated.

He is Xiaobao's father, and at the same time he is also a husband who hopes to get his wife's attention.

For Rong Jin now, it is obvious that the latter is what he cares most about at present.

(End of this chapter)

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