chapter 103
Except for the eldest lady, he would have a feeling that it was nothing more than that, talking to them made him feel bored and irritable.

Missy seems to have forgotten him.

It might just be a piece of cake for her.

But for him.

Shen Chen is indeed a ray of light shining into his life.

He cherishes it most.

The eldest lady often leads the disciples of the Xuanyuan Sect out to do missions, so he can often see her at the mountain gate.

She will respond to everyone with extreme gentleness, and there are countless people in Xuanyuan Sect who like her.

And he is just one of them.

Even, he was so cowardly that he didn't even dare to say hello to her, he could only secretly look at her back.

When she came back holding him.

He found her pearl earring hooked on his body, and he wanted to give it back to her, but he had no chance at all.

Although Missy doesn't care.

But the level of cultivating immortals is still very strict, except for him occasionally meeting her at the mountain gate.

Didn't get much chance to get in touch with her at all.

He treasured her earrings like a thief, like carefully guarding his whimsical delusion.

Holding a carving knife, he dug out a piece of wood from the bottom of the bed. The mask on his face was carved by him at first, and the craftsmanship was too rough at that time.

This unsuitable mask made his face flushed red and painful.

He took off the mask and grinded it finely with a carving knife.

Then put it on again.

He never stopped searching for his past, and there may not be the slightest clue.

He has been in the Xuanyuan Sect for three years, and he has tried countless methods. Every time he tried to absorb spiritual power, his tendons burst open.

He puts on a mask.

The setting sun had already set, and the chilly moonlight shone on the earth. He walked slowly on the steps of the mountain gate with a dim yellow lamp.

Finding an empty corner, he held his own carved wooden sword, recalling the moves he secretly saw the inner disciple practicing.

Stab, pick, leap.

Spiritual power poured into the sword, his dantian was empty, without any spiritual power.

He could only learn the moves clumsily.

There was the rustling of grass and trees behind him, and Xie Xuan calmly withdrew the wooden sword.

He turned around warily.

But no one.

But the feeling of being watched was very strong, his brows and eyes were full of coldness, and even a trace of killing intent appeared.

It is a big taboo for outer disciples to secretly learn inner moves. If they are discovered by the senior brother, they will be put in confinement at least, or expelled from the sect at worst.

He couldn't leave Xuanyuan Sect.

He pursed his lips, did not speak, but approached the rustling grass step by step like a cat that was agile at night.

Holding the wooden sword, he stabbed sharply, but the stab missed. He pushed through the grass, but found nothing.

Only the snow-white little rabbit stared at him with bright red eyes.

He frowned.

"What are you doing?" The girl's gentle and light voice was pleasant to the ears.

He turned around, only to find that the young lady was looking at him with a smile like a flower.

He froze for a moment.

For a while, I was a little at a loss.

Unexpectedly, Shen Chen walked towards him slowly and stood beside him.

He glanced at the grass: "Are you catching rabbits?"

Xie Xuan's narrow phoenix eyes looked at Shen Chen and the rabbit under the mask, and then nodded.

Shen Chen squatted in the afternoon, slowly stroking the soft hair of the rabbit with his slender jade fingers.

"What a cute little rabbit, it feels soft to the touch."

Girls all like this kind of cute little animal, especially for a gentle and kind person like Missy.

Seeing Shen Chen couldn't put it down and finally hugged the rabbit up.

His cold voice sounded slowly: "If Missy likes it, give this rabbit to Missy."

"Really?" Shen Chen stroked the rabbit's plump thigh.

"This rabbit must be very delicious when roasted."

 Stand-in heroine nine has been under review, help me, I didn't write anything I shouldn't have written, when will it be released for me

(End of this chapter)

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