chapter 107
The curfew time has come, the Xuanyuan faction's mountain guard formation has been strengthened a bit, and the purple light is flowing in the sky.

The two walked one after the other, although they didn't speak, there was an ambiguous and seductive atmosphere around them.

Shen Chen suddenly stopped.

Xie Xuan almost bumped into her.

Her eyes suddenly fell on his head.

Shen Chen raised his hand and pulled the wooden hairpin off his head, three thousand black hairs scattered behind his head, he looked at her in surprise.

"This hairpin is nice, give it to me."

As she spoke, she inserted the wooden hairpin on her head.

The rough wooden hairpin inserted between the fine white jade spirit hairpins seemed out of place, but she didn't dislike it at all, making Xie Xuan's cheeks blush.

"it is good."

Shen Chen was really speechless.

I don't know where he got this hairpin, and this wood is an ancient spiritual wood in some corner, which will nourish his broken tendons.

Someday, his cultivation base will slowly recover.

"You carved this hairpin yourself?"

Xie Xuan nodded, his shabby clothes couldn't hide his elegant demeanor.

"The workmanship is good, this material is different from the material of your mask."

Xie Xuan returned: "That twig can only be carved into a hairpin, not a mask."

Shen Chen's eyes were deep: "That's it, Ah Xuan's hands are really skillful."

"Ah Xuan?"

Shen Chen said unhurriedly: "Didn't you lose your memory? From now on, I'll call you Axuan, okay?"

Xie Xuan tentatively kissed Shen Chen's white and tender face.

"Okay, from now on I will be Ah Xuan."

You alone Ah Xuan.

Shen Chen didn't expect that the cold and sullen master would be so proactive.

She put her face closer with a smile: "Ah Xuan, come, give me another kiss."

Xie Xuan's face turned even redder. Holding the mask in one hand, he finally mustered up the courage to take the initiative and looked at her frivolous look.

He strode around her and up the steps.

"I'm sleepy."

"I'm going back."

Looking at his back as if fleeing away, the smile on Shen Chen's face gradually faded.

She touched her face.

He tilted his head and looked at the cool and watery moon.


Xuanqin, Qingxuan, Xie Xuan.

She couldn't see the similarities in their souls, but she trusted her instincts.

She fiddled with the hairpin full of spiritual power, and slowly returned to her Immortal Drunken Pavilion.

Her parents are not worried about her.

They already knew that Shen Chen's cultivation had reached the Mahayana stage.

She said that when she was in Tianyanzong, she accidentally broke into a secret realm, and found the residual image of Long Aotian, the founder of Tianyanzong, in it.

One day outside the secret, one year inside.

She was taught by Long Aotian himself, and she was very talented, so she was promoted to the Mahayana stage after only a few years away from home.

But she told no one.

It was also because of her cultivation that she escaped and ascended to heaven under the enchanted Luochuan Xianzun. Although she lost to Xie Xuan, who was number one in the world, she survived.

Speaking of which, she also took out many things of Long Aotian's life and some unknown secrets.

Her parents no longer doubted it.

After all, only the two of them have Tianlinghe in this world.

And no one knows the cultivation method of Tianlinggen, the world only knows that it is a top-level spiritroot.

Back then, Sect Master Long looked down upon him, and his cultivation was strong for all to see.

When her father found out that she had reached the Mahayana period, he was very excited and said that she was a genius unparalleled except Long Aotian.

After so many years of silence and trough in the Xuanyuan sect, he is finally about to soar into the sky.

They regard Shen Chen as proud.

In the plot, because of Bai Miaomiao, the entire Xuanyuan Sect did not end well.

She snatched Shen Chen's body, but it wasn't Shen Chen after all.

However, within a year, the head master Shen and his wife noticed something strange.

They felt that their daughter had been taken away, but they didn't know if the daughter was still alive or in that body.

So they dare not act differently.

He could only pretend to be doting on the surface and investigate secretly.

(End of this chapter)

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