chapter 114
He played the magic flute in his hand, but he didn't want a look to shoot over at the moment the flute sounded for the first time. He paused and pulled the black robe on his body.

Looking again, the sight has long since disappeared.

The magic vine rioted immediately after hearing the sound of the flute.

He desperately attacked the formation and the Sirius faction.

In just a few moments, all the disciples of the Sirius Sect were wiped out, while the people of the Xuanyuan Sect were still struggling to hold on.

Seeing that there was a crack in the formation, it was about to burst.

Hundreds of magic vines were still screaming and roaring outside.

Shen Chen raised his hand, and the glowing white light entwined and repaired the broken purple formation.

At the same time, it also strengthened the offensiveness of the array.

She was holding the long machete, which she picked up casually in Xie Xuan's arsenal on Luochuan Mountain.

Holding hands, she stayed.

The machete looked sinister, with no pattern on the plain wooden handle, and the black and blue blade was simple, with a small iron ring wrapped around the back of the blade, making a ringing sound.

Shen Chen stepped out of the formation holding the machete, and a strong spiritual force surrounded the blade.

Her eyes are clear and gentle, her figure is exactly like lightning, she leaps like flying, and shuttles between the ogre vines dancing wildly like a fleeting image.

The blade pierced through the void, and the huge Pangbo's spiritual blade swept towards the magic vine, but after a while, the green juice splashed everywhere, making a hissing sound.

This is the first time Xie Xuan has seen girls fighting.

She is strong.

Her movements were not fancy at all, and her moves were deadly. The hundreds of monsters that gave Nascent Soul a headache were killed by her in just a few breaths.

She is like a god, holding a long knife in her hand, with a careless laziness between her eyebrows and eyes, her clothes are fluttering, and she is hunting.

Familiarity is a very familiar feeling.

He clutched his chest, as if his heart was beating so violently that it was about to jump out.

Except for the small area inside the formation, there is no grass growing around, the green ground has been corroded by the juice and has lost its color, and there are wisps of white smoke, and the surrounding trees have suffered even more.

The evil boy on the tree looked at Shen Chen.

He smiled ecstatically, a gleam flashed in his beautiful peach eyes, and the upward curve of his lips was like honey-like venom.

He moved his fingertips slightly.

A red split-winged snake rushed towards him and bit him, and he fell down the tree in embarrassment. The red split-winged snake followed closely, hissing and spitting out snake letters.

He stumbled and ran towards Shen Chen.

Several red cleft-winged snakes chased him, waving their ugly hairless wings.

He threw himself at Shen Chen's feet and hugged Shen Chen's thigh.

"Sister, help me."

Shen Chen raised his eyebrows and looked at the strange black-robed boy in front of him. His pitiful peach blossom eyes were like a big dog drowning in water, and he looked at Shen Chen expectantly and dependently.

Those split-winged snakes stopped chasing the black-robed boy, and flew straight towards Shen Chen, spraying venom as they flew.

"Chen'er be careful."

"Junior Sister, be careful."

Xie Xuan and the disciples of the Xuanyuan Sect spoke in unison.

Xie Xuan only hated, hated that he didn't have any spiritual power, couldn't protect her behind him, and could only watch her in danger.

Shen Chen raised the big knife without changing his face, and the wide blade blocked the sharp and thin pillar of venom.

She kicked the young man away with one kick, and she flung her body lightly, fluttering to the side.

And the boy who was kicked away clutched his chest with a look of disbelief.

His downcast eyes were sinister and ferocious, and when he raised his head, Shen Chen had strung the split-winged snakes in a string with branches.

He suppressed his expression and looked at Shen Chen with admiration and gratitude.

"Sister, you are amazing, thank you for saving me."

Shen Chen also hooked his lips to him: "I'm really good."

The boy patted the dirt and green juice on the black robe, and threw the robe aside in disgust.

(End of this chapter)

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