chapter 123
How do these young disciples who build the foundation of the golden core fight?
They can be strangled to death with one finger.

Soon, Shen Chen was disqualified from the competition.

Shen Muyuan felt that his daughter had done a good job, that old man was very vicious, and the strong in the world of cultivating immortals are respected, he didn't want his daughter to avenge his grievances with kindness, but he still wanted revenge and complaints.

Otherwise, if you get depressed in your heart, you will easily damage your Dao heart.

Others like to make sarcastic remarks, and they don't know it hurts until they are hit with a stick.

If they were the ones who were plotted against, they would have long wished to cut that old man into pieces.

Each one is strict with others and lenient with self-discipline.

Seeing that Shen Chen had won, Xie Xuan completely let go of his worries.

Shen Chen jumped off the ring and was surrounded by disciples of the Xuanyuan Sect.

Xie Xuan stood on the periphery, smiling at Shen Chen who was surrounded by stars, his head suddenly ached again for some reason, and he sat down while leaning on the wall in pain, rubbing his forehead with his bony long fingers.

The sun has already set, and today's game is completely over.

The twilight is dim, and the setting sun is like blood.

Shen Chen pushed aside the crowd and walked towards Xie Xuan.

She looked at him holding his forehead, with a smile on the corner of her mouth.

"Did you remember something?"

Xie Xuan shook his head, and smiled wearily at Shen Chen.

"No, congratulations."

Shen Chen also smiled, and sat next to him, the golden light hit her little face, and her gentle eyes were fixed on Xie Xuan.

"Thank you."

"Maybe I won't be able to have dinner with you tonight."

Now she killed the head of the Sirius faction, and showed her Mahayana cultivation base in front of everyone.

I'm afraid it will be difficult to survive tonight.

Xie Xuan nodded: "Okay."

Yuan Qi watched the plain but intimate interaction between the two of them, he squeezed the photo stone in his hand tightly.

What an eyesore.

as predicted.

In the evening, Shen Chen was notified to go to Qingfeng Hall to discuss matters.

Xie Xuan walked slowly in Tianyanzong boredly alone, he always felt that he must have been here before.

Both strange and familiar.

I was walking, but I didn't want to come to a fairy mountain full of spiritual power.

He paused, remembering the reminder from the disciples of Tianyan Sect when he first came, that this is the forbidden area of ​​Tianyan Sect, he turned around and just wanted to leave.

A teasing voice came from behind.

"Why don't you go in and have a look."

Yuan Qi stood behind him: "I heard that my little senior sister worshiped the master of this fairy mountain, Luochuan Xianzun, as her teacher."

"By the way, Brother Axuan, do you know the name of the little sister's master?"

Xie Xuan frowned in disgust when he saw him appearing in front of him again.

Just wanted to leave.

"It's called Xie Xuan."

Xie Xuan stopped in his tracks.

"I heard that the Luochuan Immortal Venerable Xie Xuan loved the little senior sister very much at that time. The little senior sister is the most favored little apprentice in Luochuan Xianshan."

Yuan Qi continued: "You don't know, right? Little Senior Sister's sweetheart is her master."

"It's just that Luochuan Immortal Venerable has lost his mind and disappeared. It is said that the little senior sister is heartbroken."

"Just at this time, she accidentally met a man."

"That man was somewhat similar to Luochuan Immortal Venerable, so the senior sister rescued him.

Do you know who that man is? "

Yuan was full of doubts, pretending to be thinking hard.

"It seems to be called something, Ah Xuan."

Xie Xuan didn't speak, he lowered his head, letting the black hair on his forehead be disheveled by the wind, and the jade face on his face made it hard to see the expression on his face.

See him without words.

He opened the photo stone with a smile, and Shen Chen's indifferent voice came from behind him.

"Brothers and sisters misunderstood, I don't love him."

"I have no affection for him."

"It's his blessing to be somewhat like Master."

"I won't have anything to do with him."

"A substitute will always be a substitute. My master is like the bright moon in the sky, and no one can replace him."

 Back pain ╯﹏╰.

  Thanks to the little cuties who voted for me every day, you are the driving force for my codewords.

(End of this chapter)

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