chapter 143
It was them who didn't protect their daughter well, and the two elders felt extremely guilty in their hearts.

The two cried for a long time.

Shen Chen looked at them quietly.

Shen Muyuan stretched out his hand and wiped away the tears from his wife's eyes.

Immediately, he smiled at Shen Chen with red eyes.

"Thank you."

They trust her not to deceive them.

She has no ill will towards them.

"Let's go with you tomorrow. Although we are not among the most powerful, we have practiced for so many years."

"We want to help you."

Shen Muyuan and Shen Mu's faces were full of determination.

Shen Chen hesitated for a moment: "Okay."

After sending the two away.

At this moment, the system said: [Host, how did they find out that you are not their daughter? 】

Shen Chen sat on the couch alone, looking at the dark room without a single light.

The voice was as flat as water.

"Maybe it's because some parents really love their children."

She looked into the void with no waves in her eyes.

Just as the system was about to speak, it was sealed in the system space by Shen Chen.

Small white light balls rampage through the empty system space.

what happened.

How did it come back.

It can only see the host sitting quietly in the darkness in the system space, the whole person seems to be swallowed by the dark night.

Her face was blurred, making it impossible to see her expression.

It yelled at Shen Chen.

I don't know if she also blocked the sound of it.

It looked like he couldn't hear it at all.

The system feels wronged.

What did I do wrong.

Why is it closed all of a sudden.

The host is not going to destroy it.

It has become hers, how can she be so ruthless to it, hey, the baby is so scared.

It has only lived for a few thousand years.

Still a young system.

It was crying in the corner biting the handkerchief.

My god, when will you come and save your baby.

The baby was wrong, he shouldn't have betrayed the Lord God just for such a small profit.

It saw the host sitting in that darkness all night.

until the next morning.

She just stood up with a blank face, and a few rays of the sun fainted into the room, carefully depicting her god-like and delicate facial features.

Even if she didn't sleep all night, there was no haggard look on her face.

If the host didn't sleep regularly every day, it would have almost forgotten that this is the cultivation world.

She didn't need to sleep in the first place.

For some reason, it always felt that the host looked very abnormal today. Her eyes were no longer calm as before, and there was a bit of madness.

It looked into the host's eyes and felt the chill behind it.

The host wants to do something.

The various sects all walked with their swords and flew to the Demon Realm. In less than half a day, looking from top to bottom, there was a white ocean floating.

Everyone, headed by Shen Chen, hundreds of sects, and millions of practitioners, gathered at the entrance of the Demon Realm with magic weapons in their hands.

Shen Chen was dressed in a black cloud-pattern cassock, standing with her hands behind her back, her face was indifferent, and she looked at the black clouds billowing in the sky.

She licked her bright red lips, and held out the long knife in her hand, her eyes were full of impatience.

Her long fingers struck the hilt.

The frequency of the knocking became more and more rapid, eager to try.

And here in the devil world.

Among the millions of dark generals, there was only a touch of dazzling white on the extravagant white jade seat.

His eyes were as dark as night, like an ancient well without waves, and his white clothes were spotless, as if he was still the unattainable Luochuan Immortal.

Shen Chen felt that what he was wearing today looked more like a demon than him.

Xie Xuan looked at Shen Chen quietly, with unclear emotions in his eyes.

Dark clouds pressed down on the city, and the armor was shining toward the sun. It was quiet all around, only the leaves were blown by the cool wind, making a slight rustling sound.

Shen Chen raised the corner of his mouth to Xie Xuan: "Long time no see, Master."

She seemed to be greeting a friend she hadn't seen for many years, and she didn't have the slightest hint of jealousy when meeting an enemy.

(End of this chapter)

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