chapter 145
Ever since he fell off the cliff that day, he was swallowed by a magic den, and after he fell into a coma, he had a very long dream.

He dreams a lot.

Bai Miaomiao, Shen Chen, feldspar, Yuan Qi.

In the dream, he looked so hideous, but Shen Chen was so innocent and pitiful.

After waking up from the dream, he curled up in the void, his body automatically absorbing the magic energy.

He is possessed.

Just like Shen Chen in the dream.

Bai Miaomiao is not his suzerain.

She's just a ghost that just happens to be wandering around there.

He was wrong.

his suzerain.

He had long since died in that lightning calamity, completely wiped out.

And he implicated innocent people, disturbed the world, and created cause and effect.

It was he who was sorry for Shen Chen. It turned out that everything he experienced was a cycle of cause and effect, which was no match for one percent of Shen Chen's injuries.

He broke free from the void, and after all the hard work he had to kill all the monsters inside, he crawled out of it.

He wanted to see Shen Chen.

But he dared not.

He was afraid of seeing her disgusted eyes.

He killed Yuan Qi immediately.

Whether in dream or reality, he is so annoying.

He watched him kneel at his feet when he was dying, begging him to let the little girl go.

The mighty Yuan Qi finally bowed down for a woman.

The woman cried and said that as long as he was willing to let Yuan Qi go, she could do anything.

She is Yuan Qi's woman, what can he do to her.

As Yuan Qi wished, after devouring him, he threw that weak woman out of the demon world

And he became the new demon king.

During the hundred years of his absence.

The cultivation world has changed a lot.

He carefully inquired about Shen Chen's news, her style of acting for the past hundred years was so familiar.

Then think of Shen Chen who is completely different from the dream.

There was an incredible guess in his mind.

Could it be that his suzerain has returned.

He knew she was playing a big game of chess, and he didn't know what she was going to do, but he cooperated with her as she wished.

Xie Xuan looked at Shen Chen.

Seeing her holding the divine sword in her hand, her eyes were cold, and her memory traveled through thousands of years, the two figures completely overlapped.

Now he is very sure that she is the suzerain, the person he has been waiting for thousands of years.

The hateful thing is that he only realized it now.

He looked at Shen Chen obsessively, and said in a low voice, "Sect Master."

Shen Chen frowned.

The sword in his hand stabbed into his chest without hesitation.

Xie Xuan didn't dodge any more.

He watched as Shen Chen's sword pierced him.

His phoenix eyes were shining, obsessed and lingering, but also with a hint of relief.

He walked slowly.

The long sword penetrated inch by inch, and the devilish energy on his body began to spread from his chest, but he seemed completely unaware of it.

He wanted to reach out his hand to hug Shen Chen.


"My life is yours."

If you want it, take it.

Shen Chen's clear fox pupils looked at the affectionate Xie Xuan, and there were shallow ripples in her eyes, which were as plain as lake water.

It seemed that he didn't understand why Xie Xuan didn't hide.

Tiandao was extremely generous to him, and he shouldn't have died in her hands so easily.

Why did he call her the suzerain.

She killed the one he loved.

Shouldn't he hate her?

A hundred years ago, didn't he mutilate himself every day to escape from her?
What kind of play is this singing today.

She drew back the sword abruptly, Xie Xuan looked down at the chest overflowing with demonic energy, and smiled softly at Shen Chen.

"Can you give me another hug?"

He didn't dare to ask for her love extravagantly, he only asked her to hug him again.

He thought, dying in her arms.

Before Shen Chen could speak, he rushed towards her suddenly.

"Be careful."

Shen Chen's heart shuddered.

It turned out that he wanted to attack her suddenly.

She raised her long sword, and swiped it towards Xie Xuan with majestic spiritual power.

But unexpectedly, behind her, a purple thunderbolt swooped towards Shen Chen silently.

(End of this chapter)

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