Chapter 160 Delayed Affection 13
Shen Chen sighed.

Going home alone under the moonlight, she put on her hat and covered her eyes, only showing her pointed chin. She was hidden in the darkness, pursing her lips and thinking about something.

She hasn't opened WeChat for a long time.

Look at the news of 99+ in the class group.

Click delete.

After she deleted Gu Yuan, Gu Yuan didn't add her again.

She thought about it.

That's right, the Eldest Young Master has always been so lofty, only others humble him to please him.

How could he come to her on his own initiative?

Day two.

She wore a simple white shirt, took a taxi and went to the party villa Lu Wu mentioned.

Surrounding the lake on three floors, the recreational facilities are complete.

It's a great place to party.

The location is a bit remote, but the scenery is good and the traffic is quite convenient.

Many of their families are from good families. Although they are not as good as Gu Yuan, they are all either rich or expensive.

There is only one person as poor as her.

She transferred to this school because the school's scholarship is relatively high. With her grades, not only can she be exempted from all tuition fees, but she can also earn a little money.

As soon as I got out of the car, I saw Lu Wu standing at the door waiting for her.

Today, she looked like she had been well-dressed, wearing an exquisite floral skirt, and her long hair was braided into a beautiful little braid, like a delicate flower in bud.

Seeing Shen Chen, she waved her hand.

"Bao'er, here."

Shen Chen smiled lightly at her.

The two walked inside.

Shen Chen didn't like being late, so they came early, only a few of them were playing games and taking pictures.

Shen Chen sat on the sofa.

Listening to Lu Wu talking about them discussing in the class group for several weeks before choosing this place, and how wonderful this place is.

Gu Yuan hasn't come yet.

While swiping her phone boredly, she chatted to Lu Wu incongruously.

The sky gradually darkened, and people came one after another.

Shen Chen was dragged by Lu Wu to play board games.

play and play.

The crowd suddenly became chaotic, and Lu Wu touched Shen Chen and motioned her to look up.

Shen Chen raised his head. It turned out that Gu Yuan had arrived. He was wearing a simple black shirt today, with the cuffs slightly rolled up, revealing his clean and fair wrists. His long, thin hair slightly covered his long eyes, making it difficult to see clearly the expression in his eyes. mood.

Gu Yuanyi appeared.

All eyes were on him.

Lu Wu said in a low voice: "Your young master is here, why don't you go over."

Shen Chen saw that they didn't play games anymore.

He lazily picked up his phone and glanced at the time.

"It's not my young master anymore."

Lu Wu looked at her: "What do you mean?"

Shen Chen raised his eyes and looked at her: "literally."

"Fuck, Bao, what's wrong with you two, you two are having a fight."

Shen Chen held her down: "I'll tell you in detail when it's over."

Gu Yuan was the last one to arrive.

He glanced at Shen Chen who was playing with his mobile phone with downcast eyes, and saw that she didn't even lift her head.

With a cold face, he sat very far away from her.

After that day.

She never messaged him again.

He wondered if something had happened to her.

After all, she loves him so much.

In the past, she used to persistently send him messages every day.

If he doesn't answer her.

She stared at him with embarrassing eyes the next day in class.

For the first time, he took the initiative to send her a message:?

There is a red exclamation mark.

He didn't expect that Shen Chen would delete him.

Touching the unhealed wound on his lip, he suddenly had a feeling of being played with and then abandoned.

How could she delete him.

He really wanted to question Shen Chen

But he found out.

He couldn't get in touch with Shen Chen at all.

It was her who was clearly wrong.

It was she who lied to him first, but in the end she ignored him instead.

Even if Shen Chen pestered him to coax him every day in the future, he would not forgive Shen Chen easily.

(End of this chapter)

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