Quick wear: The villain made the male protagonist cry again

Chapter 174 Delayed affection is cheaper than grass 27

Chapter 174 Delayed affection is cheaper than grass 27
Later, after pretending to be a good son for a while, the bastard finally showed his fangs.

His mother was forced to death, his father crashed in a plane, and he was also imprisoned in this villa, life would be worse than death.

This young master is called Gu Yuan.

She lives in this villa with her children.

Under her careful care, he gradually got better.

A faint smile finally appeared on his face full of gloom.

The two are also secretly developing feelings for each other as they get along day by day.

But no one pierced this layer of window paper, and they lived together warmly.

Unexpectedly, at this moment.

Her four-year-old child actually told her that he found his father through the computer.

When the man who looked very similar to Gu Yuanchang appeared behind the villa.

Her nightmare has completely begun.

He entangled with her, he bullied her, and even forced her in front of Gu Yuan.

She covered her mouth and cried, but he abnormally made her scream in front of Gu Yuan.

She became his plaything.

His name is Gu Shili.

He is Gu Yuan's half-brother.

He is also the now well-known president of the Gu family, a dictator who can turn clouds and rain in City A.

He hated Gu Yuan, so after knowing that she had a bond with him, he deliberately humiliated her.

And he turned out to be the biological father of her child.

The man who ruined her that night.

He is a shameless lunatic.

What disgusted her even more was that the man actually said that he was in love with her.

But he obviously already has a wife.

She has seen that woman.

It is said that she was with him when she was in college, and he had nothing at that time, and Qin Mingyue, who was a rich lady, disregarded her family's opposition and married him after graduating from college.

How could he be sorry for his wife.

She doesn't want to be a mistress.

She knelt on the ground and begged Gu Shili to let her go, but he said with red eyes that she had no heart.

Her heart was already riddled with holes.

Later, his wife finally found her.

The domineering young lady ran to the villa and hysterically insulted and beat her.

But Shen Chen only felt guilty in his heart.

She doesn't fight back.

But this scene happened to be seen by Gu Shili. He held her in his arms and said that he would divorce Qin Mingyue for her sake.

Later, he treated her better and better, but she felt more and more disgusted.

A few of them tangled into a mess.

In the end, Gu Shili and Qin Mingyue divorced.

That proud young lady jumped down from the Gu's building.

It was only then that Gu Shili realized that the one he loved was actually Qin Mingyue.

He began to loathe her, and tortured her in different ways. He thought that everything was because of her seduction, that's why he betrayed Qin Mingyue.

He broke her legs and locked her like a dog in the backyard.

She won't let her see her son.

Shen Chen was completely insane.

She really became a dog, barking like a dog with disheveled hair every day, eating leftovers, occasionally sober, and looking for death with broken glass and porcelain every day.

But Gu Shili didn't want her to die.

He wanted to take revenge on Qin Mingyue for her.

Later, Gu Shili still fell from power, and Gu Yuan, a useless man who he thought could not make waves, suddenly made an effort to announce the dirty things he had done for so many years to the public.

He was sent to prison with his ruined reputation.

In the end, Gu Yuan, who was in a wheelchair, led Shen Chen and Gu Shili's son to visit her in the mental hospital.

And Shen Chen was sitting in the sun wearing a hospital gown, looking at Gu Yuan from a distance, smiling softly, as if meeting him for the first time.

Shocked by this memory, Shen Chen lay on the steering wheel, feeling sick for a while.

After a long time of relaxation, she raised her head.

"what is this?"

The system said: [The memory of the original owner. 】

【Master, although you were misinformed into this small world, it is a coincidence that the body you possess is the original heroine of the small world. 】

 Family members, this book will be available on September 9.3rd.

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(End of this chapter)

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