Quick wear: The villain made the male protagonist cry again

Chapter 177 Delayed affection is cheaper than grass 30

Chapter 177 Delayed affection is cheaper than grass 30
Since then, he has been weak and sickly, often coughing and catching cold.

Shen Chen suddenly thought of Gu Yuan who was thrown in the hospital by her.

He liked to be quiet since he was a child, and his body was not very strong. He had a fever and fell into a coma that day when the wind blew all afternoon.

Again frail and sickly.

No wonder he died within a few years in the plot.She checked her phone and it was great, it was mid-October.

She was still considering whether to go and see Gu Yuan.

She posted a message about recruiting aunts online, and someone responded.

Her requirements are not high, as long as she can cook.

Looking at the name of the dish that my aunt sent her on the recruitment software.

She is quite satisfied.

There will be quite a lot.

The pictures sent by my aunt also look delicious and delicious, just like those made by a chef in a five-star restaurant.

She felt that compared to Gu Yuan's life and death.

Or is it more important for her to eat in the future.

She made an appointment with her aunt to meet at her home that day.

I want to try whether my aunt's craftsmanship is as good as he said.

But what Shen Chen didn't expect was that.

She opens the door.

But he saw the expressionless Gu Yuan standing outside the door, carrying a black suitcase and a pile of vegetables in his hand.

Shen Chen took a look at him: "What are you doing here?"

Gu Yuan raised his eyes and smiled at Shen Chen, the cold eyes melted, shining like the sparkling lake surface under the sunlight.

"I heard that you are recruiting aunts who cook."

Shen Chen:?
So what does it have to do with you.

Gu Yuan took a step forward and said very seriously, "I'm here to apply for the job."

Shen Chen just felt very speechless.

Are you okay, the sole heir of the dignified Gu family came to her house to apply for the job of cooking aunt.

"My craft is very good. I studied it when I was abroad."

He walked in on his own.

Shen Chen's home is not small, but there is very little furniture. The whole room is empty, and everything is only black and white.

Monotonous, dull.

Gu Yuan looked at Shen Chen: "Where is the kitchen?"

Shen Chen leaned on the door, crossed his hands in front of his chest, and looked at Gu Yuan with a half-smile.

Her chin slightly indicated the location of the kitchen.

Gu Yuan walked in.

After a while, the sound of cooking was heard from the kitchen.

It wasn't long before she moved into this house, and it was the first time the kitchen was being used.

Shen Chen didn't expect it.

The young master who was coaxed by dignitaries back then can really cook now.

Seeing the delicious dishes on the table, she glanced at Gu Yuan who was wearing a pink piggy apron.

I forgot what I bought this apron for.

I don't know where he got it from.

Gu Yuan brought the last dish to the table and stood aside cautiously.

"You try it?"

Shen Chen realized that after four years of not seeing each other, Gu Yuan talked too much.

Not so taciturn and reticent.

She sat on the chair he pulled out for her, picked up the chopsticks and took a sip.

The taste is not bad.

Gu Yuan really did this?

Gu Yuan saw the calm expression on Shen Chen's face.

Some nervously picked up the chopsticks, picked up another dish and put it into her bowl.

"Try this."

Following Gu Yuan's movements, Shen Chen caught a glimpse of oil droplets splashing on the back of his cold white hands at some point, the red and white complement each other, like red plums falling on the pure white snow, it is particularly obvious.

Shen Chen chuckled lightly.

He served her vegetables very slowly.

As soon as Shen Chen raised his head, he could see his flawless profile, and the tip of his nose seemed to smell the clear cedar breath on his body.

Seeing Shen Chen looking at him, Gu Yuan smiled shyly at Shen Chen.

He did it on purpose.

Shen Chen lowered his eyes and stuffed the dish he picked up into his mouth.

"is acceptable."

Gu Yuan stood beside her, wearing an ill-fitting pink apron, which made him look a bit funny.

(End of this chapter)

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