214 Chapter 26 The Lord God [-]
After sending the photo to Shen Nanning.

She took Lord Shenming to apply for an ID card, and the entire Tianxuan City was from the Shen family.

In fact, as long as these subordinates can do it.

It's just that Shen Chen may not have come out for a long time, and he is bored.

When filling in his identity information.

She suddenly remembered that she hadn't heard the name of Lord Shenming until now.

She looked at him with clear eyes: "what's your name?"

Lord Shenming froze for a moment.

It had been a long time since anyone had asked his name.

They just knelt down and called him, God.

What is his name, he himself will forget.

"Why do you want my name?"

Shen Chen knocked on the table and pointed to the watch on it.

"Everyone in modern times will have a card to prove their identity."

"You are addicted to your mobile phone these days, haven't you swiped it?"

Lord Shenming said, "Prove your identity?"

"I don't need to prove my identity, I am a status symbol."

Shen Chen gave him a disgusted look, and signed the electronic form: Shen Xiaoming.

From the corner of her eye, she noticed that he was tugging at his clothes uncomfortably.

She sent someone to buy it casually, and it was a little small.

But because he looked good in his clothes, she didn't pay much attention to it.

Soon, the person in charge personally handed over the ID card to Shen Chen.

He performed a standard etiquette in the world of cultivating immortals to Shen Chen.

"Meet the patriarch."

Shen Chen took the ID card.

He nodded to the person in charge.

After they left, the person in charge wiped the sweat off his brow. It was a supreme honor to meet the Patriarch in person today.

She should have made the trip herself for the man next to her.

He didn't dare to look up to see what the man looked like.

That man was really lucky, he even climbed up to the patriarch of his Shen family.

It seems that we will send someone to investigate in the future, to see if we can make a relationship and climb up.

A side branch like him is not even qualified to enter the ancestral house.

Not to mention meeting the patriarch in person.

Lord Shenming sat in the car, looking over and over at the small card in his hand.

The image above does not reflect a ten-millionth of his own beauty.

Name: Shen Xiaoming?

Who said his name was Shen Xiaoming.

What's the name? He looked at Shen Chen with accusing eyes.

"My name is not Shen Xiaoming."

This name sounds like Wang Ergou and Zhu Xiaoli, it sounds vulgar.

How can he be worthy of his identity.

Shen Chen drove the car and gave him a cold look.

"I asked you what your name was and you didn't say it."

Lord Shenming threw the ID card on the ground, and said in a cold voice full of arrogance, "My name is actually worthy of being known by ordinary people."

Shen Chen looked away and stopped talking to him.

Instead, he started chattering.

He lay on the lathe, looking at the tall buildings outside the car.

Even though he pretended to be calm, he still looked like a little dog who had never seen the world.

Shen Chen stopped the car.

Take him into a building of the Shen family.

Lord Shenming followed behind her: "Where is this?"

Shen Chen returned lightly: "Mall."

Lord Shenming followed Shen Chen every step of the way, and almost stuck to her.

Sensing his uneasiness, Shen Chen deliberately slowed down.

When getting on the elevator, he curiously followed her up.

He saw Shen Chen press a button, and saw them ascending rapidly through the transparent elevator wall.

He was eager to try, but Shen Chen grabbed his wrist and pulled him down the elevator.

On the third floor, Shen Chen pulled him into a shop full of strange modern clothes.

 My dears, happy Mid-Autumn Festival, I wish you all your wishes come true, happy every day.

(End of this chapter)

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