230 Chapter 42 The Lord God [-]
But that little fool was ruined because he didn't protect her well.

The school grass with a short cut covered his face and cried out sadly.

As for why he wanted to kill Ding Miaomiao's father.

Because Ding Miaomiao's father caught him killing someone.

And he came to the school to warn him before, telling him to stay away from Ding Miaomiao.

He didn't have any feelings for him at all, so he just kept going and killed him.

Bai Manniang also saw it, but she was kind and chose to help him, who was also a monster, to hide it for him.

The arrival of Shen Chen and the sudden strictness of City A aroused their vigilance.

Bai Manniang knew that sooner or later he would be found.

That's why she designed the scene of the school celebration.

Want to help him take the blame.

She also wanted to kill the culprit herself.

All the lizard monsters were recruited after rigorous interrogation.

Not only did he kill these people, but he also had a criminal record. The original owner of the skin he wore was a rich second generation, and he had already killed and skinned him.

that's it.

The case in City A has finally come to an end.

Both Bai Mannia and Lizard Demon were put on trial.

The students who were in the auditorium that day were also cleared of their memories. It was like they had a big dream. The injured students recovered quickly because of the elixir.

When surfing the Internet.

Suddenly, it was discovered that the murderer in City A had been caught.

It turned out to be the grassroots of their school.

It turned out that he was out to avenge Ding Miaomiao.

Everyone is sobbing.

Before Shen Chen left City A, he ordered people to completely eliminate the forces infiltrated by other families.

Because the methods were too tough, he even made enemies with several families.

before going back.

She went to Lingsan Middle School alone.

She went to the rooftop, and an extremely beautiful girl turned her head and gave her a brilliant look.

She was sitting on the edge of the roof, not caring about the danger below, bathing in the sun with her bare feet.

Shen Chen stood beside her, lying on the railing and looking down.

Many people are taking classes now.

The campus was empty.

Shen Chen smiled: "Be careful, it will be bad if you fall."

The girl opened her arms and spoke cheerfully.

"I can fly, I won't fall to my death."

She put down her hand suddenly, and the smile on her face gradually faded.

Lin Kefei said, "Why didn't you catch me?"

The breeze blew through Shen Chen's hair at the temples, and her clear eyes looked at her gently.

"Why did I arrest you?"

The girl smiled again: "That's right, what's wrong with me, the one who killed was Cong Xibo."

The bell rang for the end of get out of class, and someone slowly came out of the teaching building.

The girl raised her head, her hair flying.

"I knew you would come to me."

Shen Chen pursed his lips, but did not speak.

"Ding Miaomiao is a very cute girl." Lin Kefei shook her feet.

"It's a pity she doesn't like me."

"She likes Cong Xibo, but Cong Xibo likes me."

"I've known that ugly lizard for 2000 years, and he's followed me like a follower for 2000 years. It's really annoying."

"Thank you for helping me get rid of him."

"Will he die?"

Shen Chen nodded.

According to the demon law, if he kills people and steals people's identities for many years, he will be executed.

But I didn't want the girl to curl her lips indifferently: "That's great."

"Will Aunt Bai die?"

Shen Chen looked at her: "No."

Lin Kefei thanked Shen Chen for the second time.

"You're such a nice guy."

Shen Chen smiled, this was the first time someone said she was a good person.

The girl lowered her head so that people could not see the expression on her face clearly.

"Where is the difference between me and Cong Xibo? Why does Miao Miao prefer to like him who is hypocritical than to look at me."

(End of this chapter)

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