232 Chapter 44 The Lord God [-]
Lord Shenming didn't know what he did wrong again.

He just didn't want to be too far away from her.

So he didn't get close, but watched her talking with that demon standing on the roof from a distance.

He came after she came down.

He used to think about lifting the seal.

Then play the world as usual.

Watching the fire burn, watching the mountains and rivers shatter, watching the screams of the creatures.

But after meeting her, I suddenly felt that it was a good feeling to live with her in this charming world.

All he wanted was to be like an ordinary couple in the world.

Just being together every day.

Why is she suddenly so indifferent to herself today.

The Shen family's helicopter was located at the Shen family's private airport, and Shen Chen left City A with Lord Shen Ming on the second day.

When the plane is in the air.

Lord Shenming was no longer the same as usual, looking out of the window curiously, he lowered his eyes, flipped through the book in his hand with his slender fingers.

But from City A to Tianxuan City, the book only turned three pages.

His eyes fell on Shen Chen countless times, but she frowned, typing something on the computer.

I didn't even glance at him all the way.

Before leaving, compare with the state of mind after returning now.

Completely changed.

He didn't know why he became so sensitive and humble, and he didn't look like him anymore.

The ancestral house has been repaired during this time, and Lord Shenming has not been imprisoned again.

He still lives in the courtyard next to Shen Chen.

Perhaps it was Shen Chen who found out that he prefers modern houses.

Therefore, his current house is full of artificial intelligence and modern technology.

His yard is also good.

Ever since Shen Chen came back, she seemed to be very busy.

He doesn't see her once a week.

Lord Shenming wandered bored in Shen's ancestral house.

No one can see him.

The Shen family's ancestral house is still relatively forbidding and depressing.

Everyone here is cautious and cautious in words and deeds.

During this period of time, Shen Chen promoted another servant named Shen Taizhu.

Now, everyone knows that the former servant Qingtang betrayed the Shen family.

And the forces under her and all the people who had an affair with her were exiled, exiled, and dealt with.

Her lineage.

The glory of the past few years is like a flash in the pan, but it is gorgeous for a while.

It quickly vanishes into nothingness.

What Shen Chen had to deal with in City A was never the demon, but the forces of other families.

Like what happened to Ding Miaomiao.

Never in the minority.

Animals with inferior genes can't manage their lower body well, so don't do it.

Tianxuanzhou began to implement Ge Yiyongzhi.

this society.

The need was never to tell girls not to go out at night, not to wear sexy clothes, not to put on fancy makeup.

Instead, tell men to take care of their lower body.

There was an uproar on the Internet.

Those who opposed were all men.

Men seem to have an innate ability to empathize with men.

Even after the incident in City A broke out, there were still some men who excused those scumbags.

If I had money, I would do the same.

It must be that Ding Miaomiao is not a good thing in itself.

It must have been deliberate seduction.

They send slut-shaming to their victims just to prove their ridiculous innocence.

They just made mistakes that men all over the world make.

It's just a little bit of fun, so you won't be torn to pieces, it's too cruel.

It's all Ding Miaomiao's fault. If it wasn't for her, so many people wouldn't have died.

(End of this chapter)

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