234 Chapter 46 The Lord God [-]
He washed all the strawberries on his own, and put them on the plate one by one.

Putting it in front of Shen Chen, he straightened the things Shen Chen had messed up, and sat beside her.

Shen Chen reached out and took one, stuffed it into his mouth, it wasn't very big, but it was very sweet.

Fresh as if just picked.

Shen Chen looked at him: "Where did you pick it?"

Lord Shenming also picked up one and stuffed it into his mouth: "In a yard to the north of Shen's old house."

Shen Chen thought for a while, in a courtyard to the north.

It can't be the old man who is about to die.

She sent someone to look at it.

Sure enough, the old man was leaning against the wall and scolding full of anger, he didn't look like someone who was going to die next year at all.

He finally retired and was no longer that miserable head of the family.

Raise an old man to grow some melons and fruits, and attract thieves every three days.

Even his little watermelon, which had just grown into a fist, had its head twisted off.

And his freshly bloomed melons and fruits were all bald.

He wanted to catch the thief.

I deliberately moved out the small strawberries that were covered with pesticides.

Sure enough, he took a nap time and disappeared again.

Poison that little bastard.

After Shen Chen knew that the strawberry he ate just now was drugged, he looked at the calm-faced Master Shenming: "Do you know this is poisonous?"

Lord Shenming nodded.

"Then you still serve it to me?"

Lord Shenming looked at her: "It's not for you to eat."

She took it herself.

After Shen Chen finished eating for a long time, there was nothing unusual about his body.

She knew that the poison must have been removed by him.

Lord Shenming is a little bit weird today.

At this time, he had already sat at the desk and turned on the computer.

Shen Chen walked over, but he frowned at her: "Don't disturb my work."

She didn't make a sound.

Lord Shenming put on gold-rimmed glasses, and his unsmiling appearance seemed to be full of abstinence.

Holding the pen in his slender hand, he looked very good-looking, and he was drawing something seriously.

Shen Chen looked at him quietly.

Talk to the system in your mind: "Why is he so strange today."

The system rolled its eyes: "Didn't you say to let him find something to do by himself?"

"Don't you think he's too clingy? He's just living a good life, arranging flowers, practicing calligraphy, cleaning the room and looking for a job."

Shen Chen suddenly remembered that he had indeed said this.

Shen Chen has nothing to do these days.

She sat quietly next to Lord Shenming, watching him draw carefully stroke by stroke.

He will update on time very seriously every day, and then turn off the computer.Go to the yard of the old owner of the ancestral house, pick up some things and come back, then write illustrations, clean up, and keep myself very busy.

Finally, he couldn't bear it anymore, and asked Shen Chen with a slight frown.

"Don't you have something to do yourself? Why do you always stay with me?"

Shen Chen rested his chin on one hand and looked at him with a smile: "You are the most important thing to me now."

Lord Shenming snorted coldly.

He would never believe a word she said.

She is what the internet calls a scumbag.

Kissed him, held his hand, but did not establish a relationship with him.

He just followed her anonymously.

No matter how nice you say it, what's the use?

But she was really annoying, sending all kinds of precious flowers to his yard every day, as well as Lingshi treasures and the like.

Even the bright moon silk that he had asked for from her for a long time but never got was sent a lot by her as if she didn't want money.

His yard looks like a mess.

She also specially built a spiritual pool for him to bathe in.

It took a lot of manpower and material resources.

(End of this chapter)

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