Quick wear: The villain made the male protagonist cry again

Chapter 255 The Virgin of the Entertainment Circle 12

The hostess and hostess of the Shen family have always been generous, and it is much easier to work in the Shen family than in other families.

It's a pity that people's hearts are fickle, and greed is not enough to swallow elephants.

Shen's father and Shen's mother were so kind to them, but they still chose to betray.

Shen Chen didn't bother to pay attention to them, and quickly replaced Shen's house with the power of thunder, replacing all of them with her own people.

If one room is dead, why should the family and the country in the world do it?

After dealing with the Shen family well, Shen Chen began to deal with the Shen family company.

Because of her parents' accident, the Shen family's stock dropped a lot during this period.

When Shen Chen showed up at Shen's head office, he found that the whole company was full of emotions and laziness.

She went straight to her father's office, and Nuo Da's office had already seen many things that did not belong to her father, and someone had taken over the magpie's nest.

Shen Chen looked at the pretending man on the seat.


"I don't know what uncle is doing in my father's office."

The man raised his head and saw Shen Chen, his smile faltered, but he didn't intend to get up.

"Xiao Chen is here, Secretary Wang, pour water."

A woman with an enchanting appearance came in wriggling her water snake waist, poured Shen Chen a glass of water, and spilled most of it outside.

If Shen Chen hadn't dodged in time, all the water would have splashed on Shen Chen's body.

The woman covered her mouth with a coquettish smile, her exaggerated red lips parted slightly: "Oh, I didn't mean to."

The man whom Shen Chen called his uncle smiled and said, "How can you be so messy, why don't you hurry up and get a tissue for my niece."

Shen Chen also had a slight smile on her face, and she looked at the two of them lightly.

He slowly picked up the cup with one hand, and splashed the tea on the woman's face.

Her makeup was washed off with the tea, and there were dark marks under her eyes, and the water droplets left were not light green, but yellowish white.

Shen Chen slowly put the cup back on the table.

The woman screamed when she was stimulated by the cold tea.

After reacting, he didn't show his teeth and claws at Shen Chen, but cried and looked at Gao Chao: "Mr. Gao, look at her, she even poured tea on me."

Gao Chao angrily slapped the table and stood up: "Shen Chen, what are you doing!"

"This is not the place for you to mess around."

"Come on, come on!"

The door was pushed open, but it was Secretary Lu who was chased away by Gao Chao who came in.

She was wearing a black professional suit, her hair was combed meticulously, and beside her was a lawyer in his 40s in a suit and leather shoes and many security guards.

Shen Chen slowly sat down on the seat where Gao Chao sat just now, and crossed his hands on the table.

"Uncle is not young anymore, it's time to take a good rest."

"I can't even remember where my office is, so how can I manage my subordinates well?"

Gao Chao saw that she was a little girl sitting on the chairman's seat, frowning so much that a fly could be crushed to death.

What does she mean, a girl who wants to be the chairman of Shen's?

Still want to drive him away.

What can a woman do.

Gao Chao looked at Shen Chen with a cold expression.

"Little niece, you are a girl. You are not at home to help your husband and teach your children. If you run out to show your face, don't be ashamed. Go home quickly."

Shen Chen smiled.

"In the past, the feet were all bound. Uncle must have bound the brain."

"Uncle is a big man. After all these years, he has achieved nothing. He can only survive by sucking blood from my mother."

Shen Chen covered his mouth in shock, as if he had just realized: "Uncle is sitting in my father's place, maybe he wants to take my father's place."

Gao Chao's last fig leaf was removed by Shen Chen, and he no longer pretended, but her extremely harsh words still made him furious: "What do you mean by sucking your mother's blood? I am her younger brother, and what is hers is mine."

"You are a girl, what do you know about managing a company?"

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