Quick wear: The villain made the male protagonist cry again

Chapter 257 The Virgin of the Entertainment Circle 14

Gao Chao held back his anger and did not tear himself apart in front of many shareholders.

"I just don't want the shareholders' money to go to waste."

"I don't agree to develop this project, if you insist on taking the company's decision-making as a play, and abandoning the interests of many shareholders."

"Then I can only resign from this position of manager."

Gao Chao took this step as a retreat, and directly raised Shen Chen aloofly, accusing her of being ignorant and not knowing how to manage the company for willful and reckless behavior.

Unfaithful and unfilial, when he first came to the company, he wanted to attack the old man, who was still her own uncle.

She treats her own uncle like this. If she takes over the company, how can she treat other old shareholders of the company kindly?

Many people also stood up, blocking Gao Ming who was about to leave.

"Mr. Gao, don't care about your children."

"Mr. Gao, if you want to leave, I will go with you."

"Me too."

Many people stood up one after another.

Shen Chen looked at a group of old foxes who were pretending. It's really useless for these people not to make movies. Such good acting skills.

Her expression didn't change at all.

Instead, he turned his head slightly and said to Secretary Lu: "Write down those who are about to resign, and help them complete the resignation procedures within a week as soon as possible."

The few people who formed a group to leave were stunned, they never thought that Shen Chen would actually fire so many of them.

Seeing that Shen Chen didn't buy it, Gao Chao stopped in his tracks, with a heartbroken expression on his face: "Your mother is still alive, so you want to drive your uncle away?"

Shen Chen smiled: "Uncle has wronged me. It is obvious that Uncle knew that he was old and his brain is not good, so he left voluntarily. Why should I be chased away?"

"Shen Chen!" Gao Chao called Shen Chen's name angrily.

It's boring for Shen Chen to watch him tugging back and forth.

It was obvious that he didn't want to leave.

"Uncle, don't leave if you don't want to leave."

"There is a better place for uncle." Shen Chen tilted his head and motioned for Secretary Lu to project things on the big screen.

It was all evidence that he bribed Shen's servants to attack Shen Chen's car.

Shen Chen's eyes turned cold: "You are really my good uncle. You also know that my parents are still alive, so you can't wait to take action against me in order to occupy my Shen family's property. You have never thought about the blood relationship between us."

"It's just a pity that it's not me who drives, but my husband Zhou Yibai."

Shen Chen stood up, looking at Gao Chao with eyes as deep as a cold pool: "My husband lost two legs because of you, my good uncle, and he is still unconscious in the hospital."

Looking at the pictures and recordings above, Gao Chao's face became paler and paler.

"No, not me."

Damn it, how did Shen Chen find out.

Shen Chen sneered, she shook her mobile phone: "Before the meeting started, I already called the police."

Shen Chen looked at the watch on his wrist: "Calculate the time, the police should have arrived by now."

In front of the entire conference room, Gao Chao was taken away by the police amidst disbelief and fear on his face.

The old foxes who hadn't tried yet stopped talking.

This Shen Tao's daughter is not a good stubble either.

Originally, I wanted to let Gao Chao come out to take the lead, to find out the truth, but I didn't expect that he couldn't get past this little girl with a single move.

Since Shen Chen dared to summon all of them for this meeting today, he must have been fully prepared.

They are all human beings.

And why don't they know that this little girl is also giving them a blow.

As for the rest of the people who claimed to leave with Gao Chao, Shen Chen did not intend to let them go.

She smiled and threw the documents on the table.

It is full of evidence that they embezzled Shen's money and accepted bribes.

Secretary Lu looked at them with a serious face: "Everyone is an old man of the Shen family. After so many years, there has been hard work without credit, and Mr. Shen is unwilling to kill them all."

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