Quick wear: The villain made the male protagonist cry again

Chapter 261 The Virgin of the Entertainment Circle 18

The circle is so big, how could they not know, it was just the last funeral, and Zhou Yibai made them make a fool of themselves.

So pretend not to know.

After hearing this, Zhou Yibai just sneered.

But that bleak figure still showed a touch of loneliness and sadness.

Shen Chen didn't come to be Xie Yuhua to comfort him, he said some soft words like a knife and left after piercing his heart.

After that day, the boy did not add Shen Chen's contact information.

The next day, when Shen Chen went to the hospital again, he found that the paper airplane was crumpled up and thrown in the trash can.

During this month, Shen Chen often went to the hospital to visit Zhou Yibai, brushing up some scattered plots.

But he never saw the boy again, instead he got a little familiar with the boy's younger brother.

That cute little corned egg will give Shen Chen an origami airplane.

However, he never told Shen Chen the names of him and his brother.

The little guy listened to his brother very much, and after getting acquainted with Shen Chen.

Like a chirping little sparrow.

Because a person lives in the hospital, his brother's friend has come to take care of him these days.

Shy little ones are too shy to talk to them.

On the contrary, I got to know Shen Chen a little better.

Except for the name that his brother forbade to say, he gave everything else up to the sky.

He and his elder brother's father went abroad, abandoned them and their mother, and the mother died of grief, and only he and his elder brother who had just grown up depended on each other.

My brother is still in college.

He proudly leaned on Shen Chen's ear and whispered that his brother is still an actor.

But he didn't have a mobile phone, so he could only point to the flashing figure on the TV screen and speak proudly at two o'clock in the afternoon.

"That soldier in armor is my brother."

Shen Chen followed his fingers to look over, and couldn't help laughing.

A little bit of a dead body.

The little boy was a little lonely.

He said that he was sick and had to be hospitalized, so his brother had to sell the house and had to work part-time to treat him.

His brother is a very nice man.

It's all his fault for dragging down his brother.

Shen Chen rubbed his bald cerebellum: "It's not your fault that you're sick, and your brother doesn't feel dragged down by you. With such a lovely brother like you, your brother must feel very lucky. You are also his spiritual support. "


Shen Chen pinched his thin but baby-fat face again: "Of course."

"So you must obey the doctor obediently, get well soon, and then you can protect your brother like your brother protects you."

After hearing this, the little boy firmly shook his fist.

"Okay, sister." He approached quietly, his face flushed.

Like a boiled egg with a fever: "My name is Gu Beiyao~"

"You can call me Xiaoyao."

Shen Chen smiled and said hello.

My sister is so familiar with him, so she is no longer a stranger.

Knowing that Shen Chen's family members were discharged from the hospital, and that Shen Chen would never come to the hospital again, Gu Beiyao was sad for a long time.

In the end, Shen Chen promised him that he would come to see him when he had time.

Gu Beiyao reluctantly gave Shen Chen the best paper airplane he made.

After Shen Chen left, he hid in the quilt and secretly wiped his tears.

Shen Chen was his first friend.

He has been in the hospital since he was a child, because he lost all his hair due to illness, and other children called him a monster.

No one wants to play with him.

He can only talk to his brother, but his brother is very busy and cannot stay with him all the time.

Shen Chen was the first person willing to take the initiative to make friends with him.

I just don't know if she will come again in the future.

Gu Beiyao leaned on the window and looked down.

Seeing Shen Chen pushing a wheelchair, the one on the wheelchair must be her family.

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