Quick wear: The villain made the male protagonist cry again

Chapter 264 The Virgin of the Entertainment Circle 21

Yan Sisi's assistant pushed the door open in a panic and walked in.

"It's not good, sister Sisi!"

Yan Sisi frowned, feeling that she was making a fuss, didn't she ask why Zhou Yibai didn't come to work recently?

How could she look so panicked.

Could it be that something happened to Zhou Yibai?
Yan Sisi looked at the little assistant nervously.

The little assistant's face was pale, and he stumbled when he spoke: "Sister Sisi, that video has been exposed."

"Right now, everyone on the Internet is scolding you."

The makeup brush in Yan Sisi's hand was a little unsteady, and fell to the ground with a snap, her complexion suddenly turned pale.

With trembling hands, he took out his phone.

Seeing the most vicious comments on the Internet.

When these guns were aimed at Shen Chen, she only felt happy, but now that the guns are being pointed at her body, Yan Sisi also feels the pain.

The color on her face became less and less.

In the end, he screamed and smashed the phone to the ground.

Due to excessive mood swings, her stomach ached slightly.

Yan Sisi held her stomach.

Eyes flustered.

How can she save herself.

Zhou Yibai, will Zhou Yibai believe her?

No wonder he didn't answer her call, did he already know about it.

So he is going to abandon her.

Before they met, she knew Zhou Yibai was a prodigal son.

He is well-known in the circle, handsome and rich, and he is very generous with his girlfriends.

She deliberately designed it for a long time before appearing in front of him with the most innocent and kind image.

She knows the bad nature of men very well.

If Zhou Yibai knew about this, he would definitely know that she was not a pure and flawless piece of paper.

Trembling, she squatted down and picked up the phone.

Called Zhou Yibai again.

But there was still a notification that the phone was turned off.

What she didn't know was that Zhou Yibai had no time to pay attention to him now.

His whole body was immersed in decadence, and his mind was full of suspicion and pain.

The proud son of heaven was reduced to a useless person.

Zhou Yibai still can't accept it.

And Zhou Yibai's cell phone was lost by Shen Chen a long time ago.

Yan Sisi called over and over again, but couldn't get through.

She slipped to the ground, two lines of clear tears flowed down her face, and she grabbed her hair indiscriminately.

As for the company, why didn't the company refute her rumors.

Is the company giving up on her too?
Many advertisements on the Internet have announced that they will terminate their contract with her.

Even the TV series that will be broadcast recently have been suspended.

Yan Sisi fell into an ice cave.

There was a strong sense of despair in her heart, she had to go see Zhou Yibai.

Only he can save her.

She suddenly looked up.

Touched his stomach.

She still has a child, even if Zhou Yibai doesn't want her
Nor would he care about his own blood.

Shen Chen's parents are dead, Zhou Yibai must have taken over the Shen family now, she can't let go, she doesn't think much of that young lady Shen Chen at all.

Flowers grown in a greenhouse.

Zhou Yibai didn't like her at all.

I made up my mind.Yan Sisi put on a mask and sunglasses, disguised herself and went out.

But I found that the company's entrance was densely packed with reporters.

There was no way she could get out through the front door.

Yan Sisi bypassed the back door of the company.

She wanted to go to Shen's to find Zhou Yibai.

But without an appointment, she couldn't go up at all.

She sat downstairs and waited, no matter what, she must see her.

But she didn't see Zhou Yibai.

But met unexpected people.

Shen Chen actually appeared in the company, and she was accompanied by several people, who surrounded her like stars.

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