Quick wear: The villain made the male protagonist cry again

Chapter 266 The Virgin of the Entertainment Circle 23

The public opinion on the Internet has changed slightly.

After all, Yan Sisi had a lot of fans, and Shen Chen was just a starlet at the [-]th line at the time, and passers-by didn't have a good sense of Shen Chen.

Yan Sisi's fans seized on the rumor that Shen Chen was a third party and spread it wildly. It is reasonable to want Yan Sisi to frame Shen Chen.

There were also waves of sailors coming off the stage, making the water even more muddy.

There is a lot of noise on the internet right now.

【What Yan Sisi did was wrong, but what Shen Chen did is obviously more disgusting】

[I heard that Shen Chen already had a financial backer. She seduced someone else's boyfriend. Does Shen Chen's financial backer know? 】

[It's really disgusting, Yan Sisi's fans, can you stop washing it, I'm going to throw up when I see your Shengshi Bailian]

[Damn it, Xiaosan is really disgusting]

[Yan Sisi and Zhou Yibai didn't make any official announcements, so why should Shen Chen be the mistress?]

[Is the 2G network still upstairs? Zhou Yibai and Yan Sisi were both photographed holding hands when they attended the event. You can't be Shen Chen's trumpet, right?]

【If I were Yan Sisi, I could do more than her. It would be good if I didn't hit her personally】

[Am I the only one who thinks it's weird? Is there any evidence that Shen Chen was taken care of by someone and is a mistress?Isn't everything said by Yan Sisi's fans? 】

[Both are not good things, don't dominate the hot search, get out]

Yan Sisi watched the reversal of public opinion and sighed softly.

She is also a dangerous move.

As long as Zhou Yibai doesn't come out and announce that he and Shen Chen are married.

Shen Chen is now a simple-minded eldest lady, and she can't make any splashes.

She looks so arrogant during the day, I'm afraid she is hiding in bed and crying now.

In the early hours of the morning, the video recorded by Yan Sisi's assistant was forwarded by a big V.

Yan Sisi knelt on the ground and apologized to Shen Chen, but Shen Chen left without looking back.

As soon as the video comes out.

The netizens were all furious, there is no reason for a real girlfriend to admit her mistake to Xiaosan.

It's also disgusting.

Xiaosan still looked aloof, and left with all the stars.

A large group of people blasted Shen Chen's account together. A few days ago, there were scattered apologies, but now it is all kinds of insults.

People on the Internet are expressing their distress for Yan Sisi.

Yan Sisi is the most humble original partner.

There is also @周易白, calling him a scumbag, blaming him for half-heartedness, attracting rotten peach blossoms, and bullying his girlfriend into such a state.

Just now.

Shen Chen finally updated a piece of news, but it was a statement about quitting the circle.

Everyone is more firm in their inner views.

Shen Chen must have a guilty conscience, otherwise why didn't he come out to explain and quit the entertainment circle.

Yan Sisi looked rather complacent.

Shen Chen doesn't have any opinions, she's afraid she won't dare to come out because of being scolded.

Zhou Yibai would not help her at all.

But right now.

Tianxing Company suddenly announced the termination of the contract with Yan Sisi.


Is it wrong? It should be to terminate the contract with Shen Chen.

Why did you terminate the contract with Yan Sisi?

Fans of Yan Sisi ran to Tianxing Company to question her.

Things seem to be going awry.

At this time, Tianxing Company forwarded a notice from Shen.

The Shen Group changed its CEO, and the eldest lady of the Shen Group, Shen Chen, took over the company. Not only Tianxing, but also the subsidiaries under the Shen Group also forwarded it.

Shen, Missy, Shen Chen.

They know every word, but they don't understand how to put it together.

Web surfers are numb.

Shen Chen is the eldest lady of the Shen family?
This is really the most twists and turns melon I have eaten this year.

Shen Chen, surnamed Shen, belongs to the Shen Group.

Ah this.

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